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Antoine, J., van Waveren, E., de la Rosa, D., Mayol, F. et Moreno, J.A. 1994. FAO-ISRIC-CSIC Soil Database, Multilingual Version. FAO, Rome.
Beek, K.J., Burrough, P.A. et McCormack, D.E. (eds.). 1987. Quantitative land evaluation procedures. ITC Publication 6. Enschede, The Netherlands, ITC.
Brammer, H., Antoine, J., Kassam, A.H., et van Velthuizen, H.T. 1988. Land resources appraisal of Bangladesh for agricul-tural development. Technical Reports Nos. 1-7. FAO/UNDP Project BGD/81/035, "Agricultural Development Advice". Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Brinkman, R. 1987. Agroecological characterization, classification and mapping. Different approaches by the International Agricultural Research Centres. In: Agricultural environments: characterisation, classification and mapping. A.H. Bunting (ed.), pp. 31-42. Wallingford, UK, CAB International.
Burrough, P.A. 1986. Principles of geographical information Systems for land resources assessment. Monographs on Soil and Resources Survey N° 12. Oxford, UK, Clarendon. 193 p.
De Baveye, J. 1988. CYPPAC: A climatic yield potential prediction model for annual crops. RUG, Ghent.
de Bie, C.A., van Leeuwen, J.A. et Zuidema, P.A. 1995. The Land Use Database. Version 1.03 for MS-DOS. ITC/-FAO/WAU. Enschede/Rome/Wageningen.
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De Pauw, E. 1987. Potential evapotranspiration map of Ethiopia. 1:2000000 scale. FAO/Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa.
De Wit, P.V. et Nachtergaele, F.O. 1990. Explanatory Note on the Soil Map of the Republic of Botswana. Project FAO: AG BOT/85/011. Field Document 30. Ministry of Agriculture, Gaborone.
Dumanski, J. et Onofrei, C. 1989. Techniques of crop yield assessment for agricultural land evaluation. Soil Use and Management 5(1):9-16.
Elwell, H.A. et Stocking, M.A. 1982. Developing a simple yet practical method of soil-loss estimation. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) 59:43-48.
FAO. 1974. FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World. Vol 1. Legend. Paris, UNESCO.
FAO. 1976. A framework for land evaluation. FAO Soils Bulletin 32, Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1977. Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1978. Report on the Agro-Ecological Zones Project. Vol. 1. Methodology and Results for Africa. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1979. Yield response to water. J. Doorenbos and A.H. Kassam. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 33. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1980. Report on the Second FAO/UNFPA Expert Consultation on Land Resources for Populations of the Future. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1981 Informe del Proyecto de Zonas Agro-Ecologicas. Vol 3, Metodología y resultados para América del Sur y Central. Roma, Italia.
FAO. 1983. Guidelines: land evaluation for rainfed agriculture. FAO Soils Bulletin 52. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1984a. Land evaluation for forestry. FAO Forestry Paper 48. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1984b. Agroclimatological data for Africa, Vols. 1 and 2. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series 22. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1985. Guidelines: land evaluation for irrigated agriculture. FAO Soils Bulletin 55. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1987. Agroclimatological data for Asia, Vols. 1 and 2. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series 23. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1988. Geographic Information Systems in FAO. Rome, Italy.
FAO. 1990a. APT User Guide. Agricultural Planning Toolkit. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1990b. Revised Legend for the Soil Map of the World. World Soil Resources Report 60. Rome.
FAO. 1991. Guidelines: land evaluation for extensive grazing. FAO Soils Bulletin 58. Rome, FAO.
FAO. 1993a. Agro-ecological assessment for national planning: the example of Kenya. FAO Soils Bulletin N° 67. Rome, Italy. Also nine technical annexes issued as World Soil Resources Reports 71/1-71/9.
FAO. 1993b. Guidelines for Land-Use Planning. FAO Development Series 1. Rome, Italy.
FAO. 1993e. Computerized Systems of Land Resources Appraisal for Agricultural Development. World Soil Resources Report 72. Rome, Italy.
FAO. 1994a. AEZ in Asia. Proceedings of the regional workshop on Agro-Ecological Zones Methodology and Applications. Bangkok, Thailand, 17-23 November 1991. World Soil Resources Report 75. Rome, FAO.
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Fischer, G.W. et Antoine, J. 1994. Agro-Ecological Land Resources Assessment for Agricultural Development Planning. A case study of Kenya. Making Land Use choices for district planning. User Manual. FAO and IIASA. Rome.
Fischer, G.W., Makonski, H. et Antoine, J. 1996. Multiple Criteria Land Use Analysis. IIASA Working Paper WP-96-006. Laxenburg, Austria.
Higgins, G.M. et Kassam, A.H. 1981. Relating potential productivity to soil base. [FAO] Land and Water Development Division Technical Newsletter, 9 (July 1981).
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Higgins, G.M., Kassam, A.H., van Velthuizen, H.T. et Purnell, M.F. 1987. Methods used by FAO to estimate environ-mental resources, potential outputs of crops and population-supporting capacities in the developing nations. In A.H. Bunding, ed. Agricultural Environments: characteriwtion, classification and mapping, p. 171-184. Wallingford, UK, CAB International.
IIASA. 1980. Beware of pitfalls. A short guide to avoiding common errors in system analysis. Executive Report 2. Laxenburg, Austria, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. 23 pp.
Karim, Z. 1994. Cropping system based fertilizer recommendations by agro-ecological zones in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Agro-Ecological Zones Methodology and Applications. Bangkok, Thailand, 17-23 November 1991. World Soil Resources Report 75. Rome, FAO, pp. 53-75.
Kassam, A.H. 1977. Net biomass production and yield of crops. Present and Potential Land Use by Agro-ecological Zones Project. AGLS, Rome, FAO.
Kassam, A.H. 1980. Multiple cropping and rainfed crop productivity in Africa, pp. 123-195 In: FAO 1980, q.v.
Kassam, A.H., Kowal, J.M. et Sarraf, S. 1977. Climatic adaptability of crops. Consultants' Report. Agro-ecological zones project. FAO-AGL, Rome.
Kassam, A.H., van Velthuizen, H.T., Higgins, G.M., Christoforides, A., Voortman, R.L. et Spiers, B. 1982. Assessment of land resources for rainfed crop production in Mozambique. Field Documents Nos 32-37, FAO/UNDP Project MOZ/75/-011, 'Land and Water Use Planning'. Maputo, Mozambique.
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Radcliffe, D.J. 1989. Manual on reconnaissance physical land evaluation in Ethiopia. Field Document 35. Project ETH/87/006. FAO/Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa.
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1 |
Soils of thy arid zones of Chile, 1965 (A *) |
2 |
A survey of soils laboratories in sixty-four FAO member countries, 1965 (A *) |
3 |
Guide on general and specialized equipment for soils laboratories, 1966 (A *) |
4 |
Guide to sixty soil and water conservation practices, 1966 (A *) |
5 |
Le choix des sols à cacao, 1966 (A* E * F *) |
6 |
L'interprétation des photographies aériennes dans les études pédologiques, 1967 (A * C * E * F) |
7 |
A practical manual of soil microbiology laboratory methods, 1967 (A *) |
8 |
Soil survey interpretation and its use, 1967 (A *) |
9 |
La préparation des rapports de prospection pédologique, 1970 (A * E * F *) |
10 |
Méthodes d'analyse physique et chimique des sols et des eaux, 1970 (A E F) |
11 |
Manuel pour les enquêtes de fertilité des sols effectuées dans les champs des agriculteurs, 1970 (A E F) |
12 |
The response of wheat to fertilizers, 1971 (A) |
13 |
Land degradation, 1971 (A * C *) |
14 |
Amélioration de la fertilité des sols en Afrique, 1971 (A * F*) |
15 |
Legislative principles of soil conservation, 1971 (A) |
16 |
Effects of intensive fertilizer use on the human environment, 1972 (A) |
17 |
Les éléments-traces dans les sols et en agriculture, 1972 (A E * F) |
18 |
Le calibrage des essais de sols pour les recommandations en matière d'engrais, 1973 (A E *) |
19 |
Interprétation des prospections pédologiques à l'usage de l'ingénieur, 1974 (A E * F *) |
20 |
Fertilizer legislation, 1973 (A * E) |
21 |
Sols calcaires, 1973 (A * F *) |
22 |
Approaches to land classification, 1974 (A *) |
23 |
Management properties of ferralsols, 1974 (A) |
24 |
L'agriculture itinérante et la conservation des sols en Afrique, 1974 (A* E F) |
25 |
Sandy soils, 1975 (A) |
26 |
Planning and organization of fertilizer development in Africa, 1975 (A *) |
27 |
Emploi des matières organiques comme engrais, 1975 (A E * F*) |
28 |
S.l. Units and nomenclature in soil science, 1975 (A) |
29 |
Land evaluation in Europe, 1975 (A*) |
30 |
La conservation des sols dans les pays en développement, 1976 (A Ar C * E * F *) |
31 |
Prognosis of salinity and alkalinity, 1976 (A) |
32 |
Cadre pour l'évaluation des sols, 1976 (A* C* E* F) |
33 |
La conservation et l'aménagement des sols dans les pays en développement, 1986 (A F) |
34 |
Assessing soil degradation, 1977 (A") |
35 |
Organic materials and soil productivity, 1977(A C*) |
36 |
Organic recycling in Asia, 1978 (A* C*) |
37 |
Improved use of plant nutrients, 1978 (A C*) |
38/1 |
Soil and plant testing and analysis, 1980 (A) |
38/2 |
Soil and plant testing as a basis of fertilizer recommendations, 1980 (A* E*) |
39 |
Salt-affected soils and their management, 1988 (A Ar) |
40 |
Chine: recyclage des matières organiques en agriculture, 1977 (A E F) |
41 |
Chine; multiplication de l'azolla et technologie de la production artisanale de biogaz, 1981 (A E F) |
42 |
Etudes et prospections pédologiques en vue de l'irrigation, 1990 (A C* F) |
43 |
Organic recycling in Africa, 1980 (A) |
44 |
Aménagement des bassins versants, 1986 (A C* E F) |
45 |
Organic materials and soil productivity in the Near East, 1982 (A avec sommaire en Ar) |
46 |
Blue-green algae for rice production - a manual for its promotion, 1981 (A) |
47 |
Le recyclage des résidus agricoles organiques en Afrique, 1982 (F) |
48 |
Micronutrients and the nutrient status of soils: a global study, 1982 (A) |
49 |
Application des systèmes fixateurs d'azote dans l'amélioration et l'aménagement des sols, 1986 (A C* E F) |
50 |
Garder la terre en vie: l'érosion des sols - ses causes et ses remèdes, 1983 (A E F) |
51 |
El reciclaje de materias orgánicas en la agricultura de América Latina, 1983 (E) |
52 |
Directives: évaluation des terres pour l'agriculture pluviale, 1988 (A C** E F) |
53 |
Systèmes de production améliorés susceptibles de remplacer l'agriculture itinérante, 1987 (A E F) |
54 |
Conservation des sols et des eaux: façons culturales appropriées, 1989 (A C E F) |
55 |
Evaluation des terres pour l'agriculture irriguée: directives, 1989 (A C E F) |
56 |
Aménagement du sol: production et usage du compost en milieu tropical et subtropical, 1988 (A E F) |
57 |
Conservation des sols et des eaux dans les zones semi-arides, 1990 (A C F) |
58 |
Guidelines: land evaluation for extensive grazing, 1991 (A) |
59 |
Nature and management of tropical peat soils, 1989 (A) |
60 |
Soil conservation for small farmers in the humid tropics, 1989 (A E) |
61 |
Les retombées radioactives dans les sols, les cultures et les aliments, 1991 (A F) |
62 |
Management of gypsiferous soils, 1990 (A Ar* *) |
63 |
Micronutrient assessment at the country level: an international study, 1990 (A) |
64 |
Les raisons du succès ou de l'échec des projets de conservation des sols, 1993 (A F) |
65 |
Status of cadmium, lead, cobalt and selenium in soils and plants of third countries, 1992 (A) |
66 |
Manual de sistemas de labranza para América Latina, 1992 (S) |
67 |
Evaluations agro-écologiques aux fins de planification nationale: l'exemple du Kenya, 1994 (A F) |
68 |
Mesures de terrain de l'érosion et de l'écoulement des eaux de surface, 1993 (A E F) |
69 |
Soil tillage in Africa: needs and challenges, 1993 (A) |
70 |
Introduction à la gestion conservatoire de l'eau, de la biomasse et de la fertilité des sols (GCES), 1994 |
71 |
Tillage Systems in the tropics: Management options and sustainability implications, 1995 (A) |
72 |
Sustainable dryland cropping in relation to soil productivity, 1995 (E) |
73 |
Zonage agro-écologique, 1997 (A F E) |
Disponibilité: novembre 1997
A - Anglais |
Multil. - Multilingue |
Ar - Arabe |
* Epuisé |
C - Chinois |
** En préparation |
E - Espagnol |
F - Français |
P - Portugais |
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Ce Bulletin pédologique contient un ensemble de directives pour l'utilisation de la méthodologie du zonage agro-écologique de la FAO (ZAE). Les directives sont conçues pour aider les spécialistes des ressources en terres, les planificateurs, les gestionnaires, ou toute autre personne, intéressés à l'utilisation des terres, et qui souhaitent entreprendre des études ZAE aux niveaux régional, national ou subnational. Ce bulletin décrit les concepts et méthodes ZAE, les séquences d'activités ainsi que les outils nécessaires aux études ZAE. Il fournit un guide permettant de mener par étapes une étude ZAE, et inclut des applications simples et de pointe, de même que des exemples tirés de l'expérience acquise par la FAO dans divers pays.
ISBN 92-5-203890-6
ISSN 1020-0649