add value 141
adding value 23
administered pricing 174
adoption process 86
early adopters 86
early majority 86
Innovators 86
laggards 87
late majority 86
advertising 7, 56, 210, 211, 249
cost-per-thousand method (CPM) 229
hierarchy of effects model 216
African Distillers 211
agricultural equipment 51, 184
agricultural light engineering programme 103
agrochemicals 88
fungicides 89
aid 40
Algeria 141
allocational efficiency 27
animal fats, 163
animal feed 122, 240
animal feed systems 240
animal health and hygiene 178
asparagus 186
attitudes 99
upward bidding and the Dutch method 184
auctions 123
augmented product 56, 137
augmented product, 166
Australia 94
average fixed cost 165
average variable cost 165
banana 55
bananas 248
bar code 199
basic price 166
beef 130, 163
black markets 16
Boston Matrix 140
Botswana 125, 213
Botswana 6 217
brainstorming 75
brand extension 144
brand loyalty 11
branding 136, 141, 142, 143, 153
brand choice 145
brand image 140
brand loyalty 141, 145
heterogeneity assumption 146
homogeneity assumption 146
Markov chain 146
second-order models 149
stationarity assumption 146
stationary probabilities 147
steady state 148
time-variant assumption 146
transitional probabilities 145
brand management 143
brand manager 66
brand name 137, 141, 143, 144
brand proliferation 142
branding strategy 141
connotative meaning 144
dealer's brand 143
denotative meaning 144
distributor's brand 143
manufacturer brand 143
multibrand 144
own-label 143
premier brands 150
premium brands 143
private brand 143
Brazil 166
breakeven point 169
broilers 127
Brooke Bond Liebig 11
Bulog 258
business analysis 78
business policy 46
buyer-of-last-resort 116, 132
buying decision models 100
Cadbury's 84
Campbell Soup Company 247
Canada 185
cannibalising 84, 144
Cape 141
Cargill 11
Carmel 141
common carriers 198
contract carriers 198
private carriers 198
cassava 8, 237
cassava grater 237
caterpillar 138
change agents 226
channel management 177
channels of distribution 138
chickens 127
China 55, 95, 110
Chiquita 141
Ciba 151, 178
co-operatives 15, 18
Coca Cola 184
Coca Cola bottle 151
cocoa 14
coconut 179
coffee 14, 126, 141, 236
coffee beans 8, 166
cognitive dissonance 98
Cognitive consistency theories 98
Cold Storage Commission 32
Coles and Beharrell 149, 150
Colombia 141
combine harvester
Axial Flow Combine Harvester 88
commissioning agents 123
commodities 113
commodity 114
competitive edge 137
concentrated marketing 105
concept test 77
concept testing 76, 249
conformation 124
containerization 199
copy research 230
core benefit 137, 142
core product 56, 166
core strategy 56
corporate objectives 158
corporate planning 46
corporate strategy 46, 158, 211
corporate strategy. 158
cost-plus approach to pricing 168
cotton 14, 117, 186
Cotton Lint & Seed Marketing Board 174
Cotton Marketing Board 32
cross price elasticity of demand 164
cross-price elasticity 165
custom millers 35
customer service levels 189
Dairiboard 131
Dairy Marketing Board 32
decision making unit 106
decision-making unit (DMU) 100
Del Monte 11, 109
delphi forecasting 75
demographic 104
depth interviews 245
deregulated markets 34
derived demand 107
descriptive research 240
diary panels 249
differential advantage 56
differentiated marketing 105
differentiated product 181
direct product profitability 193
diseconomies of scale 165
distribution channel 178
distribution requirement planning (DRP) 195
distribution strategies
exclusive distribution 181
extensive distribution 181
selective distribution 181
Du Pont12 152
dustbin audits 247
Dutch method
clock auction 184
early adopters 240
economic efficiency 27
economic order quantity 197
economic structural adjustment in many developing countries. 23
economic structural adjustment programme (ESAP) 26, 27
economic structural adjustment programmes 2
economic structural adjustment programmes (ESAP) 130
economies of scale 165
eggs 126, 128, 262
electronic scanners 199
endogenous factors 93
entrepreneurs 41
entrepreneurship 34
EPOS 199
Ethiopia 8, 126
European Union 124
evoked set 102, 103
exchange rate 39
exogenous factors 93
exploratory research 240
export boards 16
extended family 95
extensive distribution 181
FAO 244
fertilisers 125
fertilizer 40
field experiments 248
financial institutions 39
fish 163
fixed costs 165
Foba Engineering 51
focus groups 77, 245, 246
food security 16
foreign exchange 38, 40, 41
fruit juice 150
full-cost pricing 168
gari 8, 237
Geest 109, 141
Ghana 38
goat 163
government markets
negotiated contracts 109
open bids 109
grades 117
grain 9, 36
Grain Market Board 34
Grain Marketing Board 32
Grain Marketing Board (GMB) 37
Gross Michel 248
Gross 166
gross margin 264
groundnut 126
groundnuts 14,16
gur 8
hammer mill 166
hammer mills 185
herbicides 95, 219
hides 125
hierarchy of effects 213
hodzeko 159
Hoechst 151
horizontal marketing systems 184
hypotheses 255
null hypothesis 239
ICI 75, 151
ILO 244
IMF 174
in-depth interviews 245
income elasticity of demand 125, 133
incremental-cost pricing 168
India 141, 185, 219
Indonesia 121, 122, 258
industrial buyers 16
industrial roller mills 118
informal markets 40
idea generation 75
new product ideas 71
intensity of distribution 181
International Coffee Organisation 236
international harvester 88
International Monetary Fund 26
interpersonal influence 211
inventory management
bulk discounts 198
economic order quantity (EOQ) 196
fixed order quantities 197
fixed order times 197
inventory carrying costs 192, 196
order processing costs 196
safety stock 198
Iran 126
irrigation systems 51
Israel 144
ITC 244
Ivory Coast 55
Jaffa Sweetie 141, 144
Japan 121
Japanese materials requirement
Kanban 195
joint venture 10
Just-In-Time (JIT) 193
Kenya 130, 141, 174
Kenya Cooperative Creameries 131
Kotler 137
laboratory experiments 248
lamb 163, 165
lard 125
learning 98
cues 98
drive 98
Lesotho 186
levels of measurement 252
interval 252
nominal 252
ordinal 252
ratio 252
Levitt 137
liberalised markets 184
licensed buying agents 15
livestock feed 8, 219
livestock products 262
load planning 200
local buying agents 14, 115
lorenz curves 61, 66, 139, 140
the 80/20 principle 65
loss leaders 159, 173
maize 14, 34, 37, 118, 159
Malawi 36, 37
Malawi, 119
Mali 36
management information system 193, 206
Manilay 137
manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 195
marginal analysis 166
marginal analysis, 157
mark-on 168
mark-up 165, 168
market intelligence 10
market liberalisation 116, 174, 210
market penetration 181
market planning 46
market positioning tests 76
market research 151
market segmentation 104, 142
market share 158
market share analysis 60
marketing boards
Export Marketing Boards 16
Food Marketing Boards 16
marketing communications 7
marketing concept 3
marketing costs 74, 264
marketing efficiency 257
marketing expense to sales ratio 60
marketing mix 2, 7, 47, 104, 156,
158, 210, 225, 237, 248
marketing plan 212
marketing plans
brand plans 50
divisional plans 50
functional plans 50
product line plans 50
product plans 50
product/market plans 50
marketing profitability analysis 61
marketing strategy 85, 211, 212, 225
Markov Models 146
mass market 177, 181
mass marketing 158, 181
mass media 211
materials requirement planning (MRP) 195
materials requirement planning system (MRP) 195
McCarthy 149
meat 126
media panels 249
Mercat Group of Companies 119
merchandising 7
middlemen 180
milk 89, 126, 130, 138, 150, 185
butterfat 132
fermented milk 132
millers 34, 260
millet 14, 185
milling equipment 51
milling machine 137
mission statement 51
Mitsubishi 152
modified starches 163
monopsony 34
Monsanto 141, 151
morphological analysis 75
multibrand 144
Murphy 141
Narmibia 94
National Milling Corporation 119
naturalistic inquiries 247
Nepal 8, 117, 259
niche market 75
niche market 8
Nigeria 2, 51, 94, 99, 126, 185
nuclear family 95
oat 75
observational methods 247
offal 125
oilseeds 117
olive oil 163
operational efficiency 27, 258, 259
operational marketing plans 50
operational planning 46
orange juice 74
order buyers 122
organisational buying 106
organisational markets 107
government markets 107
industrial markets 107
reseller markets 107
ostrich 94
own-label 143
Oxfam 106
packaging 137, 149, 150, 153
Active packaging 152
aseptic packaging 152
Oxygen scavenger 152
Packaging design 150
polyethylene terephalate 151
sous-vide vacuum packaging system 152
paddy 260
Pakistan 103, 213
palletisation 199
palm oil 8, 14, 16, 163
pantry audits 247
parallel market 16
parallel markets 174
parastatal 36, 174
parastatals 3, 114, 132, 160
payback period 78
pelts 125
penicillin 75
personal interviews 77
personal selling 210
Peru 88
Philippines 137
physical distribution 177
marketing logistics 188
materials management 188
plantations 179
point of equilibrium, 160
polyethylene terephalate 152
polystyrene 75
portfolio analysis 52, 72
Boston Consulting Group growth-share matrix 72
cash absorbers 73
cash generators 73
growth-share matrix 72
potatoes 262
poultry 163
power in a channel 186
premium price differential 166
pressure groups 222
price band 168
price elasticity of demand 162, 163
price spread 259
administered, pricing 174
Product-form pricing 171
Segmentation pricing 171
Time pricing 171
FOB pricing 172
freight absorption pricing 173
Uniform delivered pricing 173
Zone pricing 173
pan-territorial pricing 173
premium-priced 186
price lining 171
promotional pricing 173
customary pricing 171, 172
Odd pricing 172
odd-pricing 171
Product line pricing 172
Quality pricing 171
psychological pricing 171
Skimming strategies 171
pricing decisions 56
pricing efficiency 261
pricing objectives 157
primary research 244
processing 8
augmented product 142, 153
core product 153
generic products 141, 153
product differentiation 142
product features 142, 153
product line 67, 138, 139, 140, 144
product line extension 82
product map 140, 153
product mix 138, 139
product portfolio 138, 142, 153
tangible product 137, 153
product life cycle 52, 138, 158, 214
product life cycle (PLC) 72
product line pricing 172
product testing 76
product's life cycle 178
production millers 35
project SAPPHO 80
projective techniques 245, 246
promotion 7, 56
promotional strategy 178
public enterprise 12
public relations 56, 211
publicity 210
pull strategy 178
push strategy 179
qualitative research 245
quality 143, 151
queleatox 218
reference groups 95
reference product 264
relationship marketing 159
research brief 235
research design 238
return on investment 157
return-on-investment 78
revenue pooling 174
rice 14, 137, 258, 260, 262
Rio Tinto 51
risk bearing 10
roller milling technology 34
rubber 14
sale-on-commission 23
sales agents 183
sales analysis 59
sales brokers 183
sales force 223
sales promotion 210
bonus purchases 221
cash incentives 221
competitions 221
cooperative advertising/promotions 221
discount coupons or money-off packs 220
lotteries, games or competitions 220
point-of-sale merchandising 220
premiums 220
samples 220
trade allowances 221
trade shows and exhibitions 221
trading stamps 220
sampling methods 254
scenario writing 75
scheduled crops 14
Schering 151
Scherings 151
secondary data 242
secondary processing 12
seed 88
self-image 100
selling 56
Senegal 36, 37
sensitivity analysis 63
simulated test markets 249
skimming the market 181
social marketing 2
soft drinks 236
Somalia 40
sorghum 14, 185, 213, 217,
soured cream 159
South Africa 94
SPAR 184
Sri Lanka 141, 179, 213
stakeholders 159
stockout 198
stockouts 196
storage 7, 39
storage costs 191
strategic alliances 184
strategic business unit 48, 68
strategic business units 31, 157
strategic grain reserve 38, 40
strategic marketing plans 50
strategic planning 46
strategic plans 211
straw 240
structural adjustment programmes 116
Sudan 128
sugarcane 8
sunflower seed oil 16
supply chain 150
surveys 245
Swaziland 94
Swiss 151
syndicated research 249
synectics 75
tangible product 56
Tanzania 37, 39, 119
target market 3
target marketing 142
tea 8, 14, 150
tea harvesting equipment 179
test market 81, 85
Simulated test market 83
Standard test market 83
test marketing 78
test markets 248
Tetra Pak 150
tied-agreements 182
time series forecasting 241
tobacco 14
tomato 99
total cost approach 191
total distribution concept 191
total fixed costs 165
total transport costs 201
four wheeled tractors 213
trade associations 222
transport 7
transportation costs 191
Typhoo 150
Uganda 36, 37, 39
undifferentiated marketing 105
UNDP 244
unique selling proposition 56,142, 228
unique selling proposition (USP) 218
United Fruit 109
United Fruits 141, 248
United Kingdom 94
upward bidding 184
USA 94
USP 228
Valery 248
value added 264
variable costs 165
vegetable oil 163
vehicle routing 201
vehicle scheduling 201
computer-based routing 203
computerised models for vehicle scheduling 205
fixed routes 202
the savings method 203
the simplified delivery service model 203
TRANSIT model 203
variable routes 202
Wakomet 185
warehouses 191, 195, 196, 197
weights and measures 9
wheat 262
wholesale markets 110
wholesalers 260
full-service 182
wine 97
World Bank 26, 27, 35, 174, 244
yoghurt 105
yoghurts 138
Zambia 36
Zimbabwe 32, 34, 36, 37, 94,131, 159, 211
Zimbabwe Cotton Marketing Board 137, 186