These guidelines have been produced to support the
implementation of Article 7 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries,
with some reference to Article 12. They are addressed primarily to
decision-makers within fisheries management authorities and other interest
groups, including fishing companies, fishers' organizations and concerned
non-governmental organizations. The guidelines provide background regarding the
need for fisheries management and an introduction to the activities it
encompasses. The publication introduces the major constraints - biological,
environmental, technological, socio-cultural and economic - experienced in
fisheries management. Information is fundamental to responsible fisheries
management. The guidelines emphasize the range of data required for informed
decision-making and examine aspects of the collection and interpretation of the
data. Three suggested scales in fisheries management are discussed: fisheries
policy and development planning, formulation of management plans and
implementation of management action. The range of possible management actions is
outlined, including technical measures such as gear restriction and more direct
approaches such as direct catch or effort limitation. The problems associated
with open-access fisheries are explained along with means of limiting access and
obstacles that may be encountered. The final section examines the management
process, covering the process of agreeing on a management plan for a fishery,
the need for consultation and, where appropriate, cooperative decision-making.
The need for periodic review of management plans and the importance of an
effective legal framework, institutional and administrative structures and
monitoring, control and surveillance are stressed.