The idea for a meeting on land quality indicators originated with Jose Benites, Land and Water Development Division, who subsequently teamed up with Jeff Tschirley, Research, Extension and Training Division, to jointly sponsor and organize the workshop with the assistance of Alexia Baldascini. As with most efforts like this, many other persons were involved.
Wim Sombroek and Stein Bie were instrumental in providing direction, support and technical opinion. Robert Brinkman and a wide array of technical officers in FAO's Statistics, Fisheries Resources and Forest Resources Divisions, contributed much technical perspective on the subject. Many had been working directly or indirectly with indicators for some time but had not had the opportunity to meet. We regretted that, in the effort to cover much subject matter, there was not more time for in-depth discussion.
Also valuable was the perspective provided by Julian Dumanski, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada, who with Christian Pieri of the World Bank is promoting LQI programmes, Miriam Schomaker of the United Nations Environment Programme, Roel Oldeman of the International Soil Reference and Information Centre and Francis Shaxson, a consultant with wide field experience. Serge Garcia contributed a paper to this volume on Indicators for Sustainable Development in Fisheries, a subject that could not be covered during the workshop. Each has contributed particular experience as a user or producer of land resources information.
Special thanks are due to George Bokeloh for serving as the workshop facilitator and to Lynette Chalk-Contreras for her very capable and efficient preparation of the text and formatting of this document and Chrissi Redfern for the final copy editing.
Jeffrey B. Tschirley, Senior Officer,
Environment and Natural Resources Service,
Research, Extension and Training Division