This list is exclusive of the various documents (mainly SOPs and other parts of Quality Manuals) which were put at the compiler's disposal for consultation but of which the contents must be considered confidential. The suppliers are mentioned in the Acknowledgements.
Adams, M.J. 1995. Chemometrics in analytical spectroscopy. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Cambridge.
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1992. ASTM standards on precision and bias for various applications (4th ed.). ASTM, Philadelphia, PA.
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1993. Annual book of ASTM standards. Vol. 11.01: Water. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA.
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1972. Sampling, standards, and homogeneity. Symp. Ann. Meeting ASTM, Los Angeles, 25-30 June 1972. ASTM Spec. Techn. Publ. 540. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA.
American Public Health Association et al. 1989. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. Am. Public Health Assoc., Washington DC.
Bauer, E.L. 1971. A statistical manual for chemists. Academic Press, New York, London.
Bender, F.E., L.W. Douglass and A. Kramer. 1982. Statistical methods for food and agriculture. AVI Publ. Comp., Westport, CO.
Commission AQUAL. 1993. Guide pour la mise en place de l'assurance qualité dans un laboratoire d'hydrologie. Association des directeurs et des cadres scientifiques des laboratoires agréés pour le contrôle sanitaire des eaux. Technique et Documentation - Lavoisier. Paris.
Cottenie, A. 1980. Soil and plant testing as a basis of fertilizer recommendations. FAO Soils Bull. 38/2. FAO, Rome.
Csuros, M. 1994. Environmental sampling and analysis for technicians. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor.
Crosby, N.T. and I. Patel. 1995. General principles of good sampling practice. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Cambridge.
De Heer, A. and C.T.B. Ahaus. 1991. ISO 9000-serie en kwaliteitshandboek (lSO 9000-series and quality manual). Kluwer, Deventer, Antwerp (in Dutch).
Dewis, J. and F. Freitas. 1970. Physical and chemical methods of soil and water analysis. FAO Soils Bull. 10. FAO, Rome.
Dux, J.P. 1991. Handbook of quality assurance for the analytical chemistry laboratory (2nd ed.). Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York; Chapman and Hall, London; Thomas Nelson Australia, Melbourne.
Efiok, B.J.S. 1993. Basic calculations for chemical and biological analyses. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD.
Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. Laboratory operations and quality control manual. EPA, Environmental Services Division, Region IV, Athens, GA.
Funk, W., V. Dammann and G. Donnevert. 1995. Quality assurance in analytical chemistry. (Transl. by Ann Gray) VCH, Weinheim, New York.
Fuscaldo, A.A., B.J. Erlick and B. Hindman (eds.) 1980. Laboratory safety, theory and practice. Academic Press, New York.
Garfield, F.M. 1991. Quality assurance principles for analytical laboratories. AOAC International, Arlington, VA.
Garner, W.Y., M.S. Barge and J.P. Ussary (eds.). 1992. Good laboratory practice standards. Applications for field and laboratory studies. American Chem. Soc., Washington DC.
Guptill, S.C. and J.L. Morrison (eds.). 1995. Elements of spatial data quality. Elsevier Science, Oxford, New York.
Hartley, T.F. 1990. Computerized quality control: Programs for the analytical laboratory (2nd ed.). Ellis Horwood, New York, London.
Health, Safety and Environment Committee (HSEC) of the Royal Society of Chemistry. 1989. Safe practices in chemical laboratories. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, London.
Howanitz, P.J. and J.H. Howanitz. 1987. Laboratory quality assurance. McGraw-Hill, New York, London.
Hunt, D.T.E. and A.L. Wilson. 1990. The chemical analysis of water. General principles and techniques (2nd ed.). Royal Soc. Of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Hurst, W.J. 1995. Automation in the laboratory. VCH, Weinheim, New York.
International Organization for Standardization. 1981. Statistical methods. ISO Standards Handbook 3 (2nd ed.). ISO Central Seer., Genève.
Kalra, Y.P. and D.G. Meynard. 1991. Methods manual for forest soil and plant analysis. For. Can., Northwest Reg., Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta. Info. Rep. NOR-X-319.
Kalra, Y.P. (ed.) 1998. Handbook of reference methods for plant analysis. Soil and Plant Analysis Council, Inc., Athens, GA.
Kanare, H.M. 1985. Writing the laboratory notebook. American Chem. Soc., Washington, DC.
Kateman, G. and F.W. Pijpers. 1981. Quality control in analytical chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester.
Kivalo, P. 1989. Standardization within analytical chemistry. Akademia Kiado, Budapest.
Klaessens, J.W.A. and J.A. van Leeuwen. 1996. Praktische statistiek voor het laboratorium (Practical statistics for the laboratory). Ten Hagen & Stam, The Hague (in Dutch).
Luxon, S.G. (ed.). 1992. Hazards in the chemical laboratory (5th ed.). Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Massart, D.L., A. Dijkstra and L. Kaufman. 1978. Evaluation and optimization of laboratory methods and analytical procedures. A survey of statistical and mathematical techniques. Elsevier Sci. Publ. Comp., Amsterdam, Oxford.
Massart, D.L., B.G.M. Vandeginste, S.N. Deming, Y. Michotte and L. Kaufman. 1988. Chemometrics: a textbook. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oxford.
Mezei, L.M. 1992. Practical laboratory information management for scientists and engineers. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., London.
Miller, J.C. and J.N. Miller. 1988. Statistics for analytical chemistry (2nd ed.). Ellis Horwood, Chichester. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester.
National Research Council. 1981. Prudent practices for handling hazardous chemicals in laboratories. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
National Soil Survey Center, Laboratory Staff. 1996. Soil survey laboratory methods manual. Soil Survey Investigations Rep. 42, Version 3.0. USDA, Natural Resources Cons. Serv., National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, NE.
Parkany, M. (ed.). 1993. Quality assurance for analytical laboratories. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on the Harmonization of Internal Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories, Washington DC, 22-23 July, 1993. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Parkany, M. (ed.), 1995. Quality assurance and TQM for analytical laboratories. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on the Harmonization of the role of Laboratory Quality Assurance in relation to Total Quality Management (TQM), December 1995, Melbourne, Australia. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Poppiti, J.A. 1994. Practical techniques for laboratory analysis. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor.
Prichard, F.E., N.T. Crosby, J.A. Day, W.A. Hardcastle, D.G. Holcombe, R.D. Treble and E.J. Newman. 1995. Quality in the analytical chemistry laboratory. Analytical chemistry by open learning. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York.
D.G. Quevauviller, Ph. (ed.). 1995. Quality assurance in environmental monitoring. Sampling and sample pretreatment. VCH, Weinheim, New York.
Rump, H.H. and H. Krist. 1992. Laboratory manual for the examination of water, waste water, and soil (2nd ed.). VCH, Weinheim, New York.
Sargent, M. and G. MacKay (eds.). 1995. Guidelines for achieving quality in trace analysis. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Subramanian, G. (ed.). 1995. Quality assurance in environmental monitoring. Instrumental methods. VCH, Weinheim, New York.
Snedecor, G.W. and W.G. Cochran. 1980. Statistical methods (7th ed.). Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, 10.
Soil Resources, Management and Conservation Service, FAO. 1980. Soil and plant testing and analysis. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Soils Bull. 38/1. FAO, Rome.
Steere, N.V. (ed.) 1971. Handbook of laboratory safety (2nd ed.). Chemical Rubber Comp., Cleveland, Ohio.
Tan, K.H. 1996. Soil sampling, preparation, and analysis. Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel.
Taylor, J.K. 1987. Quality assurance of chemical measurements. Lewis Publishers, Michigan.
Van Reeuwijk. L.P. (ed.). 1995. Procedures for soil analysis (5th ed.). Techn. Paper 9. ISRIC, Wageningen.
Wernimont, G.T. (edited by W. Spendley). 1985. Use of statistics to develop and evaluate analytical methods. AOAC, Arlington, VA.
Wilson, N. 1995. Soil water and ground water sampling. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, London.
World Health Organization. 1992. Quality management for chemical safety testing. Environmental Health Criteria 141. WHO, Geneva.
Yerima, B.P.K. 1993. Manual for good laboratory practice. Land Use Planning and Regulatory Dept., Ministry of Natural Resources Development and Environmental Protection, National Soil Service Project ETH/87/010 (in cooperation with FAO, Rome), Field Document 52, Addis Ababa.
Youden, W.J. and E.H. Steiner. 1979. Statistical manual of the Association of Official Chemists (2nd ed.). AOAC, Arlington, VA.
Papers and other Documents
Brunt, J. and L.P. van Reeuwijk. 1997. SOILIMS Manual. Version 1.4. Laboratory information management system. Techn. Paper 24. ISRIC, Wageningen.
Houba, V.J.G. and J.J. van der Lee. 1995. Interlaboratory analytical studies. Dept. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Wageningen Agric. Univ. (internal ref. no. 06170203). Wageningen.
Houba, V.J.G., J. Uittenbogaard and P. Pellen. 1996. Wageningen Evaluating Programmes for Analytical Laboratories (WEPAL). Organization and purpose. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 27: 421-431.
Ihnat, M. 1993. Reference materials for data quality. In: M.R. Carter (ed.) Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Canadian Society of Soil Science. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor.
International Society of Quality Assurance. 1995. Programme, Notes and Handouts. Training Workshop for Conducting Field Studies under GLP. Compiled by C.R. Morris and J.J.T.W.A. Strik. European Symp., August 11, 1995. Wageningen. ISQA, Morrisville, NC.
Kempthorne, O. and R.R. Allmaras. 1986. Errors and variability of observations. In: A. Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis, Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods. Agronomy Monograph 9 (2nd ed.): 83-91. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
Klesta, E.J. and J.K. Bartz. 1996. Quality assurance and quality control. In: D.L. Sparks (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical methods. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Book Series no. 5: 19-49. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
Kwaliteit en Logistiek. 1993. Kwaliteit in het laboratorium. (Quality in the laboratory). Lecture notes. Quality and Logistics Programme, Post Tertiary Education Dept., Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht (in Dutch).
Limbek, B.E. and C.J. Rowe. 1986 Curve correction in atomic absorption. Varian Instruments at Work no. AA-58. Varian Techtron Pty, Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia.
Maas, C., J. Bravenboer, A. van der Putten and M. Salm. 1993. Validatie van methoden. (Validation of methods). De Ware(n)-chemicus 23: 90-106 (in Dutch).
Miller, J.N. 1991. Calibration methods in spectroscopy. I. Why are calibration methods useful in spectroscopy? Spectroscopy International 3(3): 42-44.
Miller, J.N. 1991. Calibration methods in spectroscopy. II. Is it a straight line? Spectroscopy International 3(4): 41-43.
Miller, J.N. 1991. Calibration methods in spectroscopy. III. Straight-line graphs Assumptions and equations. Spectroscopy International 3(5): 43-46.
Miller, J.N. 1991. Calibration methods in spectroscopy. IV. Errors in calibration graphs. Spectroscopy International 3(7): 45-47.
Miller, J.N. 1992. Calibration methods in spectroscopy. V. Further errors in calibration graphs. Spectroscopy International 4(1): 41-43.
Miller, J.N. 1992. Calibration methods. VI. The method of standard additions. Spectroscopy Europe 4(6): 26-27.
Miller, J.N. 1992. Calibration methods. VII. Weighted regression. Spectroscopy Europe 5(1): 22-24.
Petersen, R.G. and L.D. Calvin. 1986. Sampling. In: A. Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods. Agronomy Monograph 9 (2nd ed.): 33-51. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
Pleijsier, L.K. (ed.) 1986. Proceedings of an International Workshop on the Laboratory Methods and Data Exchange Programme (LABEX), 1986, Wageningen. Techn. Paper 13. ISRIC, Wageningen.
Taylor, J.K. 1983. Validation of analytical methods. Anal. Chem. 55: 600A-609A.
Thompson, M. and R. Wood. 1993. The international harmonized protocol for the proficiency testing of (chemical) analytical laboratories. Technical Report of the IUPAC/ISO/AOAC Symp. on Harmonization of Quality Assurance Systems in Chemical Analysis, Geneva, May 1991. Pure & Apple. Chem. 65: 2123-2144. (Also reprinted as ISO/REMAKE Doc. no. N 280).
Verbal, W., A. Boot, J. Bravenboer, F. de Gooey, M. Salm and A. van der Putten. 1993. Valideren van (fysisch-) chemische en (fysisch-) mechanische methoden op het nivo van de wettelijke eis. (Validation of-physicalchemical and -physicalmechanical methods at the level of legal regulation). De Ware(n)-Chemicus 23: 107-162 (in Dutch).
Vijverberg, F.A.J.M. and W.P. Cofino. 1987. Control procedures: Good laboratory practice and quality assurance. Techniques in marine environmental sciences no. 6. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen.
Wiel, H.J. van de, M.A.F.P. van Rooij and H. Janssens. 1994. Prestatiekenmerken voor meetmethoden. Termen, defmities en testprocedures ten behoeve van het Actieprogramma Normalisatie en Validatie van Milieumeetmethoden. (Performance characteristics of measuring methods. Terms, definitions and test procedures for the Action Programme Normalisation and Validation of environmental measuring methods). National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands (in Dutch).
Wolters, Th.C. and J. Harmsen. 1995. Validatie van analytisch-chemische meetmethoden. (Validation of methods for analytical chemical measurement). SC-Richtlijn 8, Version 1. Internal report. Winand Staring Centre, Wageningen (in Dutch).
Wrightson, I. 1995. Managing a safer lab. Analysis Europe, June 1995, 49-51.
Official (Draft) Standards and Guides
(Ordering these documents is commonly possible through the various national standardization organizations. Note that standards may be regularly updated and/or extended.)
EN 45001. General criteria for the operation of testing laboratories.
EURACHEM/WELAC. 1993. Accreditation for chemical laboratories. Guidance on the interpretation of the EN 45000 series of Standards and ISO/IEC Guide 25. EURACHEM Guidance Doc. No. 1. / WELAC Guidance Doc. No. WGD 2. Eurachem/WELAC Chemistry Working Group Secretariat. Laboratory of the Government Chemist, Teddington, Middlesex.
ISO 3554-1. Statistics, vocabulary, and symbols. Part. 1. Probability and general statistical terms.
ISO 3554-2. Statistics, vocabulary, and symbols. Part. 2. Statistical quality control.
ISO 3554-3. Statistics, vocabulary, and symbols. Part. 3. Design of experiments.
ISO 5725. Precision of test methods. Determination of repeatability and reproducibility for a standard test method by interlaboratory tests.
ISO 7870. Control Charts. General guide and introduction.
ISO 8466/1. Water quality. Calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of performance characteristics. Part 1. Statistical evaluation of linear calibration function.
ISO 8466/2. Water quality. Calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of performance characteristics. Part 2. Calibration strategy for non-linear second order calibration functions.
ISO 9000 Compendium. International standards for quality management.
ISO 9000 Quality management and quality assurance standards. Guidelines for selection and use.
ISO 9001. Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in design/development, production, installation and servicing.
ISO 9002. Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production and installation.
ISO 9003. Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test.
ISO 9004. Quality management and quality system elements.
Guidelines. ISO 10011-1. Guidelines for auditing quality systems. Part 1. Auditing.
ISO 10012-1. Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment. Part 1. Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment.
ISO/FDIS 11277. 1997. Soil quality Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material Method by sieving and sedimentation.
ISO Guide 25. General requirements for the technical competence of calibration and testing laboratories.
ISO Guide 38. General requirements for the acceptance of testing laboratories.
ISO Guide 45. Guidelines for the presentation of test results.
ISO Guide 49. Guidelines for the development of a quality manual for testing laboratories.
ISO-IEC Guide 51. Guidelines for the inclusion of safety aspects in standards.
ISO-REMAKE N 271. 1993. Quality control of analytical data produced in chemical laboratories.
ISO-REMAKE N 280. 1993. Proficiency testing of chemical analytical laboratories. (Reprint of Pure & Applied Chem. 65: 2132-2144; see Thompson and Wood).
NEN 3114. 1990. Nauwkeurigheid van metingen. Termen en definities. (Accuracy of measurements. Terms and definitions.) Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut, Delft (in Dutch).
NEN Norm 3101. 1990. Chemische analyse. Wegen, kalibreren van maatkolven, pipetten en buretten. (Chemical analysis. Weighing, adjustment of volumetric flasks, pipettes and burettes.) Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut, Delft (in Dutch).
NKO/STERIN/STERLAB. 1993. Gemeenschappelijke criteria. (Joint criteria. Including: Additional criteria documents). NKO/STERIN/STERLAB, Rotterdam (in Dutch).
OECD. 1992. The OECD principles of Good Laboratory Practice. Environment Monograph 45. OECD, Paris.
STERLAB. 1988. Sterlab criteria algemeen 88. Algemene criteria voor kwaliteitsborging van Laboratoria. (General criteria for quality assurance of laboratories). STERLAB, Delft (in Dutch).
1 |
Soils of the arid zones of Chile, 1965 |
(E*) |
2 |
A survey of soils laboratories in sixty-four FAO member countries, 1965 |
(E*) |
3 |
Guide on general and specialized equipment for soils laboratories, 1966 |
(E*) |
4 |
Guide to sixty soil and water conservation practices, 1966 |
(E*) |
5 |
Selection of soil for cocoa, 1966 |
(E* F* S*) |
6 |
Aerial photo interpretation in soil survey, 1967 |
(C* E* F* S*) |
7 |
A practical manual of soil microbiology laboratory methods, 1967 |
(E*) |
8 |
Soil survey interpretation and its use, 1967 |
(E*) |
9 |
The preparation of soil survey reports, 1970 |
(E* F* S*) |
10 |
Physical and chemical methods of soil and water analysis, 1970 |
(E F S) |
11 |
Soil fertility investigations on farmers' fields, 1970 |
(E F S) |
12 |
The response of weed to fertilizers, 1971 |
(E) |
13 |
Land degradation, 1971 |
(C* E*) |
14 |
Improving soil fertility in Africa, 1971 |
(E* F*) |
15 |
Legislative principles of soil conservation, 1971 |
(E) |
16 |
Effects of intensive fertilizer use on the human environment, 1972 |
(E) |
17 |
Trace elements in soils and agriculture, 1972 |
(E F S*) |
18 |
Guide to the calibration of soils test for fertilizer recommendations, 1973 |
(E S*) |
19 |
Soil survey interpretation for engineering purposes, 1973 |
(E F* S*) |
20 |
Fertilizer legislation, 1973 |
(E* S) |
21 |
Calcareous soils, 1973 |
(E* F*) |
22 |
Approaches to land classification, 1974 |
(E*) |
23 |
Management properties of ferralsols, 1974 |
(E) |
24 |
Shifting cultivation and soil conservation in Africa, 1974 |
(E* F S) |
25 |
Sandy soils, 1975 |
(E) |
26 |
Planning and organization of fertilizer development in Africa, 1975 |
(E*) |
27 |
Organic materials as fertilizers, 1975 |
(E F* S*) |
28 |
S.I. Units and nomenclature in soil science, 1975 |
(E) |
29 |
Land evaluation in Europe, 1975 |
(E*) |
30 |
Soil conservation for developing countries, 1976 |
(Ar C* E F* S*) |
31 |
Prognosis of salinity and alkalinity, 1976 |
(E) |
32 |
A framework for land evaluation, 1976 |
(C* E* F S*) |
33 |
Soil conservation and management in developing countries, 1977 |
(E F) |
34 |
Assessing soil degradation, 1977 |
(E*) |
35 |
Organic materials and soil productivity, 1977 |
(C* E) |
36 |
Organic recycling in Asia, 1978 |
(C* E*) |
37 |
Improved use of plant nutrients, 1978 |
(C* E) |
38/1 |
Soil and plant testing and analysis, 1980 |
(E) |
38/2 |
Soil and plant testing as a basis of fertilizer recommendations, 1980 |
(E* S*) |
39 |
Salt-affected soils and their management, 1988 |
(Ar E) |
40 |
China: recycling of organic wastes in agriculture, 1977 |
(E F S) |
41 |
China: azolla propagation and small-scale biogas technology, 1978 |
(E F S) |
42 |
Soil survey investigations for irrigation, 1979 |
(C* E F) |
43 |
Organic recycling in Africa, 1980 |
(E) |
44 |
Watershed development with special reference to soil and water conservation, 1979 |
(C* E F S) |
45 |
Organic materials and soil productivity in the Near East, 1982 |
(E with arabic summary) |
46 |
Blue-green algae for rice production a manual for its promotion, 1981 |
(E) |
47 |
Le recyclage des résidus agricoles organiques en Afrique, 1982 |
(F) |
48 |
Micronutrients and the nutrient status of soils: a global study, 1982 |
(E) |
49 |
Application of nitrogen-fixing systems in soil management, 1982 |
(C* E F S) |
50 |
Keeping the land alive: soil erosion its causes and cures, 1983 |
(E F S) |
51 |
El reciclaje de materias organicas en la agricultura de América Latina, 1983 |
(S) |
52 |
Guidelines: land evaluation for rainfed agriculture, 1983 |
(C** E F S) |
53 |
Improved production systems as an alternative to shifting cultivation, 1984 |
(E F S) |
54 |
Tillage systems for soil and water conservation, 1984 |
(C E F S) |
55 |
Guidelines: land evaluation for irrigated agriculture, 1985 |
(C E F S) |
56 |
Soil management: compost production and use in tropical and subtropical environments, 1987 |
(E F S) |
57 |
Soil and water conservation in semi-arid areas, 1987 |
(C E F) |
58 |
Guidelines: land evaluation for extensive grazing, 1991 |
(E) |
59 |
Nature and management of tropical peat soils, 1988 |
(E) |
60 |
Soil conservation for small farmers in the humid tropics, 1989 |
(E S) |
61 |
Radioactive fallout in soils, crops and food, 1989 |
(E F) |
62 |
Management of gypsiferous soils, 1990 |
(Ar** E) |
63 |
Micronutrient assessment at the country level: an international study, 1990 |
(E) |
64 |
A study of the reasons for success or failure of soil conservation projects, 1991 |
(E) |
65 |
Status of cadmium, lead, cobalt and selenium in soils and plants of thirty countries, 1 992 |
(E) |
66 |
Manual de sistemas de labranza para América Latina, 1992 |
(S) |
67 |
Agro-ecological assessments for national planning: the example of Kenya, 1993 |
(E) |
68 |
Field measurement of soil erosion and runoff, 1993 |
(E F S) |
69 |
Soil tillage in Africa: needs and challenges, 1993 |
(E) |
70 |
Land husbandry Components and strategy, 1996 |
(E F) |
71 |
Tillage systems in the tropics Management options and sustainability implications, 1995 |
(E) |
72 |
Sustainable dryland cropping in relation to soil productivity, 1995 |
(E) |
73 |
Agro-ecological zoning Guidelines, 1996 |
(E F S) |
74 |
Guidelines for quality management in soil and plant laboratories, 1998 |
(E) |
Availability: May 1998
Ar |
Arabic |
* |
Out of print |
C |
Chinese |
** |
In preparation |
E |
English |
F |
French |
S |
Spanish |
The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Sales and Marketing Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
This Soils Bulletin states out guidelines for quality management in soil and plant-laboratories for the use of heads and staff of laboratories aiming at improving laboratory performance. This Bulletin introduces a number of basic measures to be adopted in a laboratory regarding among others, standard operating procedures (protocols), organization and personnel, facilities and safety, equipment and working materials, analytical or testing systems and basic statistical tools, quality control and reporting and filling of results. It emphasizes the change in attitude and practices of all laboratory personnel for quality assurance and control without substantial additional cost. These guidelines are based on the principles of Good Laboratory Practice discussed in various relevant documents such as ISO, ISO/IEC Guides, ISO 9000 Series, OECD and CEN documents, national standards and a number of textbooks.
ISBN 92-5-104065-6
ISSN 0253-2050