UGANDA (14 November)

Abnormally heavy rains in November in eastern parts, associated with El Nino phenomenon, resuted in floods and landslides causing loss of life, displacements of population and serious damage to property. Most affected area is the district of Mbale but also Tororo, Bugiri and Pallisa. An assessment of the agricultural losses is not yet available. Flooding have also been reported in some western areas.

Prospects for the 1997 second season food crops, to be harvested from next January, are uncertain. A delay of one month in the start of the rainy season resulted in plantings reductions, while the widespread heavy rains of November are likely to have resulted in localized crop losses due to floods. In northern areas, affected by civil conflict, agricultural activities continue to be disrupted. The outlook for the harvest could deteriorate if the abundant precipitation continues through December.

The food supply situation is tight following the reduced 1997 first season food crops, which was the second consecutive reduced harvest. Prices of food staples, maize and beans have stabilized in the past months but are at record levels. The situation is particularly serious in the Karamoja district, where food shortages are reported, but also in other eastern and north-eastern vulnerable areas affected by a succession of bad harvests. Serious food difficulties are also expericenced by over 200 000 displaced persons in the northern districts of Gulu and Kitgum and by some 80 000 in the western districts of Kasese and Bundibugyo, affected by civil disturbances.