Vol. 49
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Editor: S.A. Dembner
Editing, design, graphics and desktop publishing: Publishing Management Group, FAO Information Division
Editorial Advisory Board Forestry Department: J. Anderson, J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, S. Braatz, J. Clément, S.A. Dembner, M. Morell, C. Palmberg-Lerche, O. Serrano, K. Warner
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M.F. Price
globally important ecosystems
E.A. Byers
Mountain Forum: networking for mountain conservation and development
K. Pradhan
Asia Pacific Mountain Network: sharing information for sustainable mountain
O. Bennett
Mountain voices
D.J. Pratt and L. Preston
economics of mountain resource flows
H. Liniger and R. Weingartner
and freshwater supply
A. Chaverri-Polini
biodiversity and conservation
P.-C. Zingari
forest communes and sustainable development in mountain areas
J.D. Ives
research and development: past, present and future