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120. The Chairman of the ad hoc Working Group on Priorities, Dr J. Owusu (Australia), introduced the report[54] and recommendations of the group.

121. Ivermectin (MRLs in cattle milk), dicyclanil, lincomycin, and melengestrol acetate were added to the Priority List.

122. Of the substances on the previous priority list[55], only cyhalothrin, metrifonate, and temephos had not been evaluated or been placed on an agenda of JECFA. Based on information provided on the availability of data, these substances were tentatively placed on the agenda of the fifty-fourth meeting of JECFA in 2000. The availability of data on temephos was uncertain, and would be removed from the priority list at the next CCRVDF session if a firm indication of data availability was not provided by that time.

123. Deltamethrin and permethrin had been evaluated by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) and will be evaluated toxicologically by JMPR in 2000 and 1999, respectively, under the CCPR Periodic Review Programme. They remain on the agenda of the fifty-second meeting of JECFA in 1999 for residue evaluation.

124. As it was noted that few substances were added to the priority list for evaluation, questions were raised as to whether or not the convening of a JECFA meeting in 2001 would be justified, and that this may jeopardize the continuity of the process and the work of both JECFA and CCRVDF.

125. The question was raised as to why the natural hormones (estradiol-17b, progesterone, and testosterone) had been placed on the agenda of the JECFA for reevaluation. It was pointed out that they were placed on the agenda at the initiative of the JECFA Secretariat to ensure that all the latest information had been evaluated. On the evaluation of natural hormones, the European Commission pointed out that it had written to the JECFA Secretariat in order to make JECFA aware that a number of substantial studies were currently being prepared by the EU and had requested that the JECFA evaluation be deferred to a later JECFA meeting. The European Community therefore reiterated the request to defer the JECFA consideration.

126. Some delegations expressed reservations about the potential use of lincomycin and melengestrol acetate as growth promoters. The concern with lincomycin related to the use of antibiotics as growth promoters. The Committee decided to retain these substances on the list because they met the criteria for inclusion on the priority list.

127. The Committee endorsed the priority list proposed by the ad hoc Working Group, as contained in the attached Priority List of Veterinary Drugs Requiring Evaluation of Reevaluation (Appendix VIII).

128. The Committee thanked the Working Group and its Chairman for its work and agreed to convene the ad hoc Working Group at its next session under the chairmanship of Australia.

[53] CL 1998/3-RVDF and comments from Australia and the United States (CX/RVDF98/12).
[54] Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Priorities (Conference Room Document 2).
[55] ALINORM 97/31A, Appendix VII.

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