09:30 Opening Ceremony
- Opening prayer by Reverend Kerisiano Soti
- Welcome and opening address by the Honourable Misa Telefoni Retzlaff, Minister of
Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology, Samoa
- Opening remarks by FAO (Mr. Vili Fuavao, Sub-regional Representative, Sub-regional
Office for the Pacific)
- Opening remarks by SPREP (Mr. Don Stewart, Acting Director)
- Statement by Australia
- Chairperson brief on the background and objectives of the Consultation and general
guidance on the conduct of the meeting (Mr. Tuisugaletaua Sofara Aveau, Director of
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology, Samoa)
- Adoption of the Agenda
12:00 Presentation of Background Papers
- Regional Strategy: Regional Programming Process (Mr. Iosefa Maiava, South Pacific Forum
- Policies for Sustaining Food and Agriculture (Ms. Nadia Scialabba, FAO)
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Mr. Don Stewart, SPREP)
- Sustainable Primary Production (Mr. P. Sivan, USP)
14.30 Presentation of Agencies Programmes in the South Pacific
- AusAID (Mr. Dereck Rooken-Smith)
- UNDP (Mr. Anthony R. Patten)
- UNESCO (Mr. Trevor Sankey)
- ISNAR (Mr. Euan Fleming)
- FFA (Ms. Ngatia Barbara Hanchard)
- SOPAC (Mr. Russel Howorth)
- SPC (Mr. Malcolm Hazelman)
- SPREP (Mr. Don Stewart)
- IRETA (Mr. Mohammed Umar)
- USP (Mr. W. Pattie)
- Systems Caribbean (Mr. Basil Springer)
- WHO (Mr. Arthur Parkinson)
18.00 Closing of the first day's work
19:00 (Reception hosted by the Government of Samoa)
09:00 Presentation of the Draft Programme Outline and Working Groups Arrangements
Programme for the Sustainable Development of South Pacific Small Island Developing States
in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
10.00 Working Groups for the Elaboration of the Preamble and Basis for Action of the
- WG 1: Policy adjustments
- WG 2: Building-up production, processing, and marketing efficiency
- WG 3: Conserving natural resources
- WG 4: Increasing resilience
15:00 Reports of the Working Groups on the Preamble and Basis for Action of the
18:00 Closing of the second day's work
19:00 (Reception hosted by FAO)
09:00 Working Groups for the Elaboration of the Actions and Priority Areas of
Assistance of the Programme
- WG 1: Policy reforms and legislative framework
- WG 2: Human and institutional capacity-building
- WG 3: Research, information, technologies and infrastructure requirements
15:00 Reports of Working Groups and Discussion
18:00 Closure of the third day's work
08:30 (Scenic tour organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Meteorology)
14:30 Presentation and adoption of the Programme
17:30 Concluding Session
- Conclusions and follow-up action
- Closing remarks by the host country, Australia, SPREP and FAO
18.30 Closing of the Consultation