Country | Mid-1994 Population (thousand)1 | Population growth rate1 | Surface (km2)1 | EEZ (km2)2 | Per caput GDP (US$)1 | Per caputODA (US$)3 | Trade Balance (projec-tion)4 | Debt service% of export5 |
Cook Islands | 19 | 1.1% | 240 | 1 830 | 3 416 | 723.1 | .. | |
Fiji | 769 | 2.0% | 18,272 | 1 135 | 1 991 | 78.7 | -216 | 11.7 |
Kiribati | 78 | 1.9% | 690 | 3 550 | 461 | 200.6 | .. | 5.6 |
Marshall Islands | 54 | 4.2% | 181 | .. | 1 576 | 639.9 | .. | .. |
Micronesia (Fed. States of) | 107 | 3.4% | 701 | .. | 1 474 | 558.0 | .. | .. |
Nauru | 10 | 1.2% | 21 | 431 | .. | 19.0 1991 | .. | .. |
Palau | 16 | 1.8% | 494 | .. | 3 289 | .. | .. | .. |
Papua New Guinea | 4,246 | 2.3% | 462,243 | .. | 999 | 52.2 1991 | 76 | 31.3 |
Samoa | 163 | 0.3% | 3,935 | 96 | 722 | 261.5 | -63 | 11.7 |
Solomon Islands | 368 | 3.5% | 27,556 | 1 116 | 529 | 177.8 | -11 | 12.4 |
Tonga | 99 | 0.5% | 699 | 596 | 1 396 | 290.9 | -56 | 3.9 |
Tuvalu | 10 | 2.3% | 86 | 857 | 1 068 | 421.3 | .. | .. |
Vanuatu | 165 | 2.5% | 11,880 | 857 | 1 020 | 183.3 | -55 | 45.7 |
1. Estimates based on ESCAP Population Data Sheet (1994) and South Pacific
Commission (1993)
2. Economic Exclusion Zone. Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and
3. Per caput official development assistance (ODA). Source: Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development (1995) and Waysata World Fact Book (1993)
4. Source: ADB, Asian Development Outlook (1991)
5. Debt service (for goods and services). Sources: World Bank and UNCTAD (1990)