World almond production has been estimated to be about 334.000 tons (average from 1992 to 1996) of shelled product. The main producing country is the United States, which accounts for 68% of the world production. The other producing countries are Spain (16%), Italy (4%), Greece (3.7%), Iran (1.8%), Tunisia (1.8%), Morocco (1.7%), Portugal (1.1%), followed by Turkey and others countries with a lower production.
The 1960's witnessed an increase in Californian production, which passed from 21% of the world production in the period 1957-61, with a total of 24.000 tons of shelled product, to the current 68%, with a production of 245.000 tons. In the same period (1957-61), the Mediterranean countries provided 63% of the world production with about 75.000 tons of shelled almonds; today (1991-95), the percentage is down to about 28%, with the same production as in the years 1957-61: 75.000 tons of shelled product. This means that the production in the Mediterranean countries has largely remained unchanged over the past 40 years, thanks to the increase in the Spanish production, which has offset the Italian drop in production although the comparative percentage has significantly decreased.
United States
During recent years the American production of shelled almond has exceeded 250.000 tons and is approaching over 300.000.
In 1969 the area covered with almond trees was about 61.794 hectares which has nearly tripled in area since that time. The large expansion during the past thirty has been due to expansion into the middle and southern San Joaquin valley with the new production of high quality irrigation water.
Other reason include expansion into more marginal soils of the Sacramento valley and Sacramento due to increased land modification use of adapted rootstocks.
Almond cultivation is mainly in the counties of Kern, Merced, Fresno, Madera, Stanislaus and San Joaquin in the San Joaquin valley and in Butte and Colusa countries in the Sacramento Valley. The most widely grown almond variety is Nonpareil which accounts for 45 of the entire production.
Other important varieties include "Carmel" (18%), "Mission" (7%), "Price" (5%), "Butte" (5%), "Ne Plus Ultra", "Merced" and "Peerless" (about 3% each) and about 40 others.
The average per hectare yield exceeds 1.3 to 1.5 of shelled product.
Some production problems include rain during bloom affecting adequate cross-pollination and disease control, moninfectious bud-failure ("Nonpareil", "Carmel", "Merced"), Navelorange worm control. Nonpareil which is the standard for the industry is papershelled and susceptible to injury.
Control is being achieved by methods of IPM, harvest management, timely application of insecticides and shift to more resistant varieties as "Carmel", "Mission", "Padre" and "Butte".
All harvesting is mechanized. Aflatoxina is a potential problem but is kept under control by effective screening of now affected kernels during processing. Recent studies carried out at the University of California showed that Aflatoxina B1 does not cause cancer in man. Nevertheless Aflatoxina as related to dried fruits and nuts is a concern in marketing.
In 1966 the almond growing area was about 220.000 ha; in 1970, it increased to about 280.000 ha; in 1975 it was about 440.000 ha and today it is 620.000 ha. The Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food in making this estimation also took into account about 10 million isolated trees regular, which account for 60.000 ha. In 1992 production reached 80.000 tons of shelled product and the average related to the last few years (1991-1995) was 53.000 tons.
The most important areas where almond is produced are the provinces of the Balearic Islands, Zaragoza, Tarragona, Lleida, Granada, Almeria, Málaga, Alicante, Castellon de la Plana, Valencia, Murcia and Albacete.
The most widely cultivated varieties are 'Marcona' and 'Desmayo Largueta', which, account for 40% of the spanish current production. Other cultivated varieties are 'Desmayo Rojo', 'Garrigues', 'Ramillete' and 'Atocha'. In the Balearic Islands cultivars like 'Jordi' and 'Vivot' are grown. In most modern orchards, 'Ferragnes', 'Cristomorto' and 'Ferraduel' have also been planted. Recently Spanish bred cultivars like 'Guara', 'Moncayo', 'Masbovera', 'Glorieta' and 'Francolí' are being planted.
At the moment the Spanish production is only correlated to the large almond planted areas, while the production per hectare is very low. However, in new irrigated orchards, production is very high and competitive with American cropping (1.0-1.2 tons/ha of shelled almond).
Various problems affect Spanish almond: non-homogeneous production, low production in dry areas and small farm size. Also, in the new orchards the pollination problem is a strong constraint.
Although Spain is today the second producer of almond in the world, it is also an important importer (16.000 tons).
Almond cultivation in Tunisia dates back to the Punic-Roman period. The Tunisian production in the last 10 years has been estimated to be about 6.000 tons of shelled product, most of which exported. The almond is mostly cultivated in the region of Sfax, around Bon Cape, in the north of the county and also in the pre-desertic area (Kairuan, Kasserine, Feriana, etc.).
Each growing area presents particular characteristics. The area of Sfax is characterised by mild winters and low rainfall (200 mm); plant spacing is 12-13 per 12-13 m. The most important varieties are 'Achaak' and 'Ksontin', as wellas 'Mazzetto' (probably 'Tuono') in the new orchards. In the area of Cape Bon, with a rainfall of 500 mm, planting is more intensive (200 trees/ha). The varieties present are the local 'Heuch Ben Smail', 'Blanco Khooukhi' and 'Abiol de Ras Djebel'. In the flat area and in the hills of the northern part of the country, where the rainfall is about 400-600 mm, the winters cold and summers hot, the best varieties are 'Tuono', 'Ferragnes', 'Monaco', 'Peerless', 'Fournat de Brezenaud' and 'Desmayo Largueta'. The plant density is about 150 trees/ha. In the north-west area, with a rainfall of about 350-550 mm, 'Ferragnes', 'Ferraduel' and 'Tuono' are cultivated.
Most of the Tunisian production is locally marketed. Unfortunately, almond cultivation in Tunisia is a low-cash product because of the very low production per hectare due to the unfavourable climatic conditions. However, Tunisian production could be attractive to the European market, because of the early ripening of the fruit.
The commercial production of Morocco is about 6.000 tons in kernels, marketed only locally. It is impossible to quantify the area cultivated in Morocco. The species is also present in the Atlantic forest area. Hence, the production is not homogeneous; it is mixed with bitter almond, and utilised only for processing.
Recently an important new plantation rationale is been operated by SODEA, with varieties such as 'Marcona', 'Ne Plus Ultra', 'Ferragnes' and 'Ferraduel'.
Portuguese production is about 3.600 tons (3.000-5.000 tons), concentrated in two areas, Algarve in the south, and Trasos Montes and Alto Douro in the north-east.
The production is not very qualified because it is represented by mixed local and traditional cultivars and seedlings.
Turkish production is about 2.500 tons (2.000-3.000); it is not possible to quantify but is very important for the local market. The most important producing areas are located in Izmir and in the south-east, near the Sirian border.
Almond cultivation in this country dates back a long time and is traditional; it has only recently been developed. In the new areas, the most important varieties are 'Texas', 'Troito' (probably 'Tuono') and 'Retsou'. Lately, the cultivar 'Ferragnes' has also been introduced. The most important area is Crete; new orchards have been planted in Tessalia, also with irrigation.
Production in Greece has increased in the last few years and at present is around 12.000 tons.
Italian production has decreased down the years. It is presently about 14.000 tons (1991-1995) and represents only 4.2% of the world almond crops. The orchards are very old. Recently, a few new orchards have been planted with selected varieties such as Tuono', 'Ferragnes', 'Filippo Ceo' and 'Falsa Barese'.
The Iranian commercial production varies around 6.000 tons of shelled product, obtained from both orchards and scattered trees.
The producing area is practically located in the North-West of Iran, in the Azerbaijan (Tabriz) region, where it covers an important role in the agricultural economy of the region.
Nearly all the cultivated almond trees have been obtained from seed and thus show serious problems regarding quality and normalization of the production particular for what concerns the exports requirements.
Almond marketable world production in the last fifty years - tons