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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Twenty-fourth Session |
Rome, 7-27 November 1987 |
I. COUNCIL (until 31 December 1988)
II. COUNCIL (as from 1 January 1989)
A. Fifteenth McDougall memorial lecture
B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards for 1986 and 1987
C. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award 1986-1987
D. Tribute to president Seyni Kountché of Niger
E. Retirement of Mr Declan J. Walton
F. Retirement of Mr Paul Savary
G. In memoriam
A. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the conference
B. Appointment of the general committee and the credentials committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Arrangements for the session and allocation of agenda itemsEstablishment of commissions and appointment of their Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Resolutions committee of the conference
Right of reply
Verbatim records
Verification of credentials
Voting rights
Informal meeting of observers from international non-governmental organizations (NGOs)Observer from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Liberation movements
Intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations
V. Major trends and policies in food and agriculture
A. Statements by heads of delegations in the general discussion
B. World food and agricultural situationThe state of food and agriculture (SOFA)
Progress of the campaign against locusts and grasshoppers
World food dayC. Feasibility study on expanding the provision of agricultural inputs as aid-in-kind
D. Progress report on international agricultural adjustment
E. Second progress report on WCARRD programme of action, including the role of women in agricultural development
F. Agriculture: Toward 2000 (an updated and revised version of the FAO study of prospects for world agriculture up to the end of the century submited to the conference in 1979)
G. Progress report on the implementation of the international code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides.
VI. Activities and programmes of the organization
A. Consideration of review of certain aspects of FAO's goals and operations, including the need for reform in the programme budget process
B. Programme of work and budget 1988-89 and medium-term objectivesContext
Strategies, priorities and objectives
Financial framework
Level of the budget
Programme activities
Budgetary appropriations 1988-89C. Review of the regular programme, including evaluation of special action programmes
Review of the regular programme 1986-87
External evaluations of three special action programmesD. Impact of financial problems on regular programme activities in 1986-87
E. Review of field programmes 1986-87
F. Implementation of the strategy and programmes of action approved by the 1984 FAO world conference on fisheries management and developmentThe strategy
The programmes of action
Other follow-up actions to the 1984 world fisheries conferenceG. Follow-up to tropical forestry action plan and international conference on trees and forests SILVA 1986
H. United nations/FAO world food programme (WFP)I. Relations and consultations with international organizations
Preparation and follow-up of the special session of the United Nations general assembly on Africa
Other recent developments in the UN system of interest to FAO
Relations with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations
VII. Constitutional and administrative matters
A. Constitutional and legal matters
Statutory report on status of conventions and agreements, and amendments thereto
Procedure for election of Chairmen and members of the programme and finance committees
Immunity of the organization from legal processB. Administrative and financial matters
Audited accounts
Scale of contributions
Status of contributions
Payment of contributions
Status of cash flow and other information on the financial position
Summary of budget appropriation and expenditure by programme
Replenishment and level of the working capital fund
Replenishment of the special reserve account
Measures to deal with problems of delayed payment of assessed contributions
Amendment of procedures for applications of cash surplus
Execution of the approved programme for 1988-89
Italian government contribution in support of the technical cooperation programme
Headquarters accommodation
Personnel matters
VIII. Appointments and elections
A. Election of council members
B. AppointmentsAppointment of the director-general
Appointment of the independent Chairman of the council
Appointment of member governments' representatives to the staff pension committee
Date and place of the twenty-fifth session of the conference
A. Agenda for the twenty-fourth session of the conference
Introduction - Procedure of the session
Part I - Major trends and policies in food and agriculture
Part II - Activities and programmes of the organization
Part III - Constitutional and administrative matters
Part IV - Appointments and elections
Part V - Other mattersB. List of delegates and observers
C. List of documents
D. Statement by the director-general
E. Statement of the computation of contributions for 1988 and 1989
F. Scale of contributions 1988-89
G. Assessed contributions of member nations