
Report of the Conference of FAO
Twenty-third Session
Rome, 9-28 November 1985

Table of Contents

I. COUNCIL (until 31 December 1986)

II. COUNCIL (as from 1 January 1987)

III. Introduction

A. Fourteenth McDougall Memorial Lecture
B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards for 1984 and 1985
C. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award 1984-85
D. In Memoriam
E. Volcanic Eruption in Colombia
F. Tribute to Dr M.S. Swaminathan as Independent Chairman of the Council
G. Retirement of Mr Edward M. West
H. Tribute to the Memory of Mr Jean E. Carroz

IV. Procedure of the session

A. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference
B. Appointment of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee
C. Adoption of the Agenda
D. Arrangements for the Session and Allocation of Agenda Items

Establishment of Commissions and Appointment of their Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Resolutions Committee of the Conference
Right of Reply
Verbatim Records
Verification of Credentials
Voting Rights
Informal Meeting of Observers from International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

E. Admission of Observers

Applicants for Membership
Observer from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Liberation Movements
Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations
Fortieth Anniversary of FAO

V. Major trends and policies in food and agriculture

A. Statements by Heads of Delegations in the General Discussion
B. World Food and Agriculture Situation

State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA)
Critical Situation in Africa
Study of Agricultural Price Policies
Importance and Complexity of Price Policies
Key Domestic Issues in Pricing Policy
Agricultural Pricing Policies in Developed Countries
Follow-up to the Report
Forestry: The Manifesto of Mexico (Ninth World Forestry Congress, July 1985)

C. Progress Report on International Agricultural Adjustment including Agricultural Protectionism
D. Report of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development (June-July 1984)
E. Adoption of the World Food Security Compact
F. Programme for the 1990 Census of Agriculture

VI. Activities and programmes of the organization

A. Programme of Work and Budget 1986-87 and Medium-term Objectives

Format and Presentation
Strategies, Priorities and Objectives
Level of the Budget
General Policy and Direction
Major Programme 2.1: Agriculture
Programme 2.1.1: Natural Resources
Programme 2.1.2: Crops
Programme 2.1.3: Livestock
Programme 2.1.4: Research and Technology Development
Programme 2.1.5: Rural Development
Programme 2.1.6: Nutrition
Programme 2.1.7: Food and Agricultural Information and Analysis
Programme 2.1.8: Food and Agricultural Policy
Major programme 2.2: Fisheries
Major programme 2.3: Forestry
Development support programmes
Technical cooperation programme
Support and common services
Budgetary appropriations 1986-87

B. Review of the Regular Programme 1984-85
C. Review of Field Programmes 1984-85
D. Follow-up of Conference Resolutions 8/83 and 9/83 - Plant Genetic Resources
E. International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
F. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme

WFP pledging target

G. Relations and Consultations with International Organizations

Recent developments in the United Nations system of interest to FAO
Relations with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations

VII. Constitutional and administrative matters

A. Statutory Report on Status of Conventions and Agreements, and Amendments thereto
B. Amendments to the Spanish Text of Rule XII.9(a) and Rule XII.17 of the General Rules of the Organization
C. Amendment to Rule XXV.6 of the General Rules of the Organization
D. Review of the Rules Governing Voting Procedures of Conference and Council
E. Relations with the Host Government

Immunities of the organization
Headquarters Agreement
Headquarters accommodation

F. Emoluments of the Director-General
G. Audited Accounts
H. Scale of Contributions 1986-87
I. Status of Contributions
J. Problems with Late Payments and Arrears in Contributions

VIII. Appointments and elections

A. Applications for Membership in the Organization

Admission of Cook Islands
Admission of Solomon Islands

B. Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council
C. Appointment of Member Governments' Representatives to Staff Pension Committee
D. Election of Council Members

IX. Other matters

Conduct of debates in plenary and the commissions
Date and place of the twenty-fourth session of the conference

X. Appendix A - Agenda

XI. Appendix B - List of delegates and observers

XII. Appendix C - List of documents

XIII. Appendix D - Statement by the Director-General

XIV. Appendix E - Statement of the computation of contributions for 1986 and 1987

XV. Appendix F

XVI. Appendix G