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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Twentieth Session |
Rome, 10-28 November 1979 |
I. Council (until 31 december 1980)
A. Visit by his holiness Pope John-Paul II
B. Eleventh McDougall memorial lecture
C. Presentation of the B.R. Sen awards for 1978 and 1979
D. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma. award for 1978-79
E. In memoriam
A. Election of the chairman and vice-chairmen of the conference
B. Appointment of the general committee and the credentials committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Arrangements for the session and allocation of agenda itemsEstablishment commissions and appointment of their chairmen and vice-chairmen
Résolutions committee of the conference
Right of reply
Verbatim records
Verification of credentials
Voting rights
Informal meeting of international non-governmental organizationsApplicants for membership
Liberation movements
Intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations
V. Major trends and policies in food and agriculture
A. Statements by heads of delegations in the general discussion
B. World food and agriculture situationState of food and agriculture including commodity and trade problems
Fertilizers: action arising out of the fifth session of the commission on fertilizers
Forestry: the Jakarta declaration (eighth world forestry congress, October 1978)C. Plan of action to strengthen world food security
D. Preparations for the special session of the general assembly in 1980 and the new international development strategyAssessment of progress towards a new international economic order including progress in international agricultural adjustment
"Agriculture, toward 2000" (FAO's study of prospects for world agriculture to the end of the century)E. Comprehensive programme for the development and management of fisheries in exclusive economic zones.
F. Food standard matters and the work of the joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius commission
VI. Activities and programmes of the organization
A. Programme of work and budget 1980-81
Special action programmes
Extra-budgetary funds
Level of the budget
Chapter 1: general policy and direction
Chapter 2: technical and economic programmes
Chapter 3: development support programme
Chapter 4: technical cooperation programme (TCP)
Chapter 5: support services
Chapter 6: common services
Chapter 7: contingenciesB. Review of the regular programme 1978-79
C. Review of field programmes
D. Medium-term objectives
E. Technical and economic cooperation among developing countriesTechnical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC)
Economic cooperation among developing countries (ECDC):F. Action arising out of the world conference on agrarian reform and rural development (WCARRD)
G. Programme for the control of African animal trypanosomiasis and related development
H. Relations and consultations with international organizationsRelations with WFC and IFAD
Recent developments in the United Nations system of interest to FAO
Evaluation of services of the joint inspection unit to FAO
Relations with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations, including international trade unions.
VII. Constitutional and legal matters
Amendments to the constitution and to the French version of the general rules of the organization
Amendment of rules XXVI.9 and XXVII.9 of the general rules of the organization, (GRO)
Procedure for like establishment and abolition of statutory bodies
Amendments to rule XXXII of the general rules of the organizationB. Statutory report on status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto
C. Other constitutional and legal questionsRevision of the international plant protection convention
Change of title of the FAO regional office for Asia and the far east, and of the regional conference for Asia and the far east
VIII. Administrative and financial matters
A. Audited accounts
B. Other financial and administrative questionsWorking capital fund: reimbursement of withdrawals in 1978-79
Funding of special reserve account
Status of contributions
Payment of contributions: Nicaragua
Headquarters' accommodation
Examination of a comprehensive study prepared by the director-general on the activities and functioning of the FAO regional office for the near east, taking into account the views expressed during the seventy-fifth session of the council by some delegations, including the examination of its Location
IX. Appointments and elections
A. Applications for membership in the organization
B. AppointmentsAppointment of the independent chairman of the council
Appointment of member governments' representatives to the staff pension committee
A. Agenda
B. List of delegates and observers
C. List of documents
D. Statement by the director-general
H. FAO SCALE OF CONTRIBUTIONS 1980-81 (1978-79 Scale shown for comparative purposes)
XI. Programme committee (December 1979-November 1981)
XII. Finance committee (December 1979-November 1981)
XIII. Committee on constitutional and legal matters (December 1979-November 1981)