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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Nineteenth Session |
Rome, 12 November - 1 December 1977 |
I. Council (until 31 December 1978)
II. Council (as from 1 January 1979)
A. Tenth McDougall Memorial Lecture
B. Presentation of the B R. Sen Awards for 1976 and 1977
C. Tribute to Mr. Gonzalo Bula Hoyos as Independent chairman of the council
D. Retirement of Roy I. Jackson
E. In memoriam
A. Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference
B. Appointment of the General Committee and the Credentials Committee
C. Adoption of the Agenda
D. Arrangements for the Session and Allocation of Agenda ItemsEstablishment of Commissions and Appointment of their Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen.
Resolutions Committee of the Conference
Right of Reply
Verbatim Records
Verification of Credentials
Voting Rights
Informal Meeting of International Non-Governmental OrganizationsApplicants for Membership
Liberation Movements
Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations
V. Major trends and policies in food and agriculture
A. World Food and Agriculture Situation
B. Prevention of Food Losses
C. Progress in International Agricultural Adjustment
D. Developments in the regime of the sea and their implications for fisheries
VI. Activities and programmes of the organization
A. Programme of work and Budget 1978-79
Overall policy issues
Presentation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1978-79
Chapter 1: General Policy and Direction
Chapter 2: Technical and economic programmes
Chapter 3: Development support programmes
Chapter 4: Technical cooperation programme
Chapter 5 : Support services
Regional activities
Level of the BudgetB. Review of Field Programmes
C. Medium-term objectives
D. Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries in the Field of Agriculture and Food
E. United Nations/FAO world food programme
F. Relations and consultations with International organizationsWorld Food Council (WFC)
Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment (CGFPI)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
United Nations Development Programme
Joint Inspection Unit
Relations with Other UN Bodies
Relations with Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations including International Trade UnionsG. Review of Arrangements for the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
VII. Constitutional and legal matters
A. Composition and Terms of Reference of the Council, Programme Committee, Finance Committee and CCLM
B. Amendments to the FAO Constitution and General Rules of the OrganizationIncrease of Council seats
Term of Office of the Director-General
Authentic Chinese Text of the Constitution (Article XXII)
Status and Use of Languages in FAO
Granting of Immunities to Participants Attending FAO Meetings
Personnel MattersC. Statutory Report on Status of Conventions and Agreements and on Amendments thereto
D. Agreement concerning Relations with the World Food Council
E. Agreement concerning relations with the International Fund for Agricultural Development
F. Granting of Official Status to International Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations
G. Amendments to the Financial Regulations
H. Amendments to Conventions concluded Under Article XIV of the FAO ConstitutionInternational Plant Protection Convention
International Poplar Convention
VIII. Administrative and financial matters
A. Audited accounts
B. Scale of Contributions 1978-79
C. Working Capital Fund: Reimbursement of Withdrawals in 1974-75
D. Allocation of Cash Surplus: Establishment of Special Reserve Account
E. Emoluments of the Director-General
F. Status of Contributions
G. Assessment of New Member Nations
IX. Appointments and elections
A. Applications for Membership in the Organization
B. Election of Council Members
C. Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council
D. Appointment of Member Governments' Representatives to the Staff Pension Committee
A. A.H. Boerma activity
B. International food corps
C. Date and Place of the Twentieth Conference Session
A. Agenda
B. List of delegates and observers
C. List of documents
D. Statement showing the computation of contributions for 1978 and 1979
E. Amendments to the general rules of the organization -The programme committee
F. Amendments to the convention placing the international poplar commission within the framework of FAO
G. Scale of contributions 1978-79