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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Twelfth Session |
Rome, 16 November - 5 December 1963 |
I. FAO MEMBER NATIONS - as at 5 December 1963
VI. McDougall memorial lecture
VIII. Fifteenth anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights
A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, general committee and credentials committee
B. Agenda of the session
C. Arrangements for the session
D. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions
E. Verification of credentials
F. Admission of observers
X. Major trends and policy questions in food and agriculture
A. World situation and outlook
a) Agricultural production
b) Food supplies and population
c) Stocks of agricultural products
d) International trade in agricultural products
e) Planned agricultural development
f) Institutional and related factors
g) Investment resources
h) Training
i) United nations conference on trade and developmenta) Lowering of barriers to trade
b) Harmonization of national agricultural policies
c) International commodity agreements
d) Other measures in the commodity field
e) Trade in semiprocessed and processed goods of agricultural origin
f) Committee on commodity problems
g) Utilization of surpluses as food aid
h) International rice yearB. Agriculture in economic development
C. World food program
D. Freedom from hunger campaign and world food congressWorld seed campaign
Freedom from hunger and the universal declaration of human rights
XI. Activities and programs of the organization
a) Animal production and health
b) Fisheries
c) Fisheries biology
d) Fisheries technology
e) Fisheries economics and statistics
f) Regional and other activities of the divisiona) Publications
b) Studies of wood resources and requirements
c) Forest policy and management
d) Man-made forests
e) Forestry and the freedom from hunger campaign
f) Forest inventories
g) Forestry and forest products statistics
h) Forest industries and utilization
i) Forestry education
j) Interagency co-operation
k) Agricultural and forestry interests
l) Regional forestry commissions
m) Sixth world forestry congress
n) Future programs and program trendsa) Food consumption and planning
b) Applied nutrition
c) Food science and technology
d) Home economicsa) Introduction
b) Field food crops
c) Fruit and vegetable crops
d) Industrial crops
e) Pasture and fodder crops
f) Crop protectionB. Department of economic and social affairs
United nations conference on trade and development
Director for special studies
Commoditiesa) Commodity trade and development
b) Intergovernmental consultationsa) Co-operatives, credit and rural sociology
b) Agricultural education and extension
c) Organization of agricultural services
d) Land tenure and settlementa) Regional activities
b) Freedom from hunger campaign
c) Statistics advisory committee
d) Publications
e) Crop responses to fertilizers
f) Agricultural sector accounts and productivity statistics
g) 1970 world census
h) Food consumption statistics
i) Methodology
j) TrainingC. Department of public relations and legal affairs
D. Regional activities
E. Implementation of Africa survey
F. Special program for agricultural education and training in Africa
G. Mediterranean development
H. Technical assistance in the regular program
I. Survey and appraisal of world agriculture, fisheries and forestry resources in relation to needs - report on the Lower Ganges-Brahmaputra basin
J. André Mayer research fellowships
K. Measures to develop rural youth activities in the world especially with a view to improving agricultural production and social conditions in developing countries
L. Codex alimentarius program
Method of financing
M. Global locust research and control
N. Emergency fund for the control of Livestock disease
O. Interagency relations and consultations on matters of common interestMatters arising out of the administrative committee on coordination and the economic and social council discussions
FAO/UNICEF relationsP. Technical co-operation programs
Q. Impact of field programs on the regular program
R. ConclusionsDocumentation on the program of work and budget
Technical committees of the conference
XIII. Constitutional and legal matters
A. Amendments to the constitution and general rules of the organization
Exclusion from membership in the organization
Establishment of joint commissions with other intergovernmental organizations - Proposed amendment to article VI of the FAO constitution
Clarification of article X.1 of the FAO constitution
Technical committees of the conferenceB. Report by the director-general on the second FAO regional conference for Africa
C. Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments theretoConstitution of the European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease
Agreement for the establishment of a general fisheries council for the Mediterranean (GFCM)D. Statutes and rules of procedure of article VI bodies
Advisory committee on marine resources research (adoption of rules of procedure)
European commission on agriculture (amendments to rules of procedure)
Codex alimentarius commission (amendment to statutes and adoption of rules of procedure)
Near east plant protection commission
Asia and the far east commission on agricultural statistics
Advisory committee on forestry education
Committee on horticultural production in the near east and north African areaE. Relations with international organizations
F. Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the desert locust in the eastern region of its distribution area in southwest Asia
G. Increase in the number of council seats
H. Relationship agreement with the desert locust control organization for eastern Africa (DLCO for EA)
I. Establishment of the desert locust control organization for eastern Africa within the framework of FAO
XIV. Administrative and financial matters
A. Audited accounts for 1960-61
Regular program and freedom from hunger campaign, 1960-61
European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease, 1961B. Audited accounts for 1962 - European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease, 1962
C. Audited accounts for 1961 - Expanded program of technical assistance
D. Audited accounts for 1962 - Expanded program of technical assistance
E. Audited accounts for 1961 - United nations special fund
F. Audited accounts for 1962 - United nations special fund
G. Audited accounts for 1962 - World food program
H. Financial position of the organization
I. Scale of contributions 1964-65
J. Amendment to financial regulationsRepayment of loan from the working capital fund
Level of the working capital fund
Application of cash surpluses of 1958-59 and 1960-61
Withholding distribution of excess creditsL. Publications revolving fund
M. Contributions and advances by new members and associate membersN. Distribution of FAO publications to governments
O. Headquarters accommodation
XV. Membership, elections and appointments
A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Election of council members
C. Appointment of the independent Chairman of the council
D. Appointment of the director-general
E. Appointment of FAO staff pension committee
XVI. Date and place of thirteenth session of the conference
A. Agenda
B. List of participants
C. List of documents
D. Scale of contributions 1964-65
E. Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the desert locust in the eastern region of its distribution area in southwest Asia
F. Agreement between the food and agriculture organization of the united nations and the desert locust control organization for eastern Africa
G. Amendments to article VI of the constitution
H. Report of commission III on exclusion from membership in the organization
I. Reports of the technical committees