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E. Relations with international organizations

512. The Conference had before it the report which the Director-General is required to submit biennially as laid down in the policy governing relations with international organizations adopted at the Seventh Session of the Conference in 1953 (c 63/44 and c 63/44 Corr. 1).

513. It was gratified to note that program cooperation with international organizations, both intergovernmental and nongovernmental, had developed in a satisfactory manner during 1962-63. Much progress had been made not only in establishing a mutual exchange of information and experience, but also in expanding practical cooperation in technical and other activities. FAO was thus obtaining much valuable support from specialized organizations in carrying out its program and could likewise help those organizations in attaining their objectives.

514. With regard to the methods applied in establishing and maintaining links with nongovernmental organizations, three points were raised:

(i) The Director-General was reminded of the provision appearing in paragraph 31 of the policy governing relations with international organizations that "the Conference shall review at each session the list of organizations approved for consultative status."

He replied that such a review has been most carefully carried out before the opening of the Twelfth Session of the Conference by an internal committee which had not found any reason for altering the list as it now stands. The Conference agreed with this conclusion and recommended that such reviews continue to be carried out regularly every two years, the results being reported to the Conference for action.

(ii) On the second point, the Conference was informed that the policy statements adopted in 1953 (to which reference is made above) had stood the test of experience and that the Director-General saw no reason to propose any amendment, at least for the time being.

(iii) The third point concerned the organizations which participate in various ways in the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. The Director-General stated that, while many of them already had a regular status of working relations with FAO, they did not necessarily become eligible for formal status on the grounds of their participation in the Campaign. Any application for formal status had to be carefully studied on the basis of the criteria set out in the policy statement. Active participation in the Campaign, however, was a most positive element in support of a favorable decision.

515. The Conference took note of the report of the Director-General.

F. Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the desert locust in the eastern region of its distribution area in southwest Asia

516. A special FAO meeting of Member Nations directly affected by the desert locust in the eastern region of its distribution area in Southwest Asia was held in Tehran (1-4 October 1962). This meeting unanimously recommended that a regional commission for the control of the desert locust should be established for the region. This recommendation was confirmed by a second meeting of the Member Nations directly concerned (Rome, 23 May 1963) and by the Eighth Session of the FAO Desert Locust Committee (Rome, 6-9 May 1963).

517. The Fortieth Session of the FAO Council (Rome, 24 June to 3 July 1963) referred the consideration of a draft convention to the Tenth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) and, in view of the time factor involved, decided that the report of CCLM should be circulated direct to all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization as a Conference document for consideration by the Twelfth Session of the FAO Conference. This report was circulated as document c 63/50.

518. The Forty-First Session of the FAO Council suggested that the title of the convention be changed and that some modifications be made to the preamble.


Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust In the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in Southwest Asia


Considering the recommendations of the two meetings of the Member Nations directly affected by the desert locust in the eastern region of its distribution area in Southwest Asia (Tehran, October 1962 and Rome, May 1963) and of the Eighth Session of the FAO Desert Locust Committee (Rome, May 1963) regarding the desirability of establishing a regional commission for the control of the desert locust within the framework of FAO for the region,

Having examined the Report of the Tenth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters on the draft agreement for the establishment of such a commission as well as the suggestions formulated by the Forty-First Session of the Council,

Approves, for submission to Member Nations with a view to its acceptance, in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution of the Organization, the text of an agreement for the establishment, within the framework of FAO under Article XIV of the Constitution of the Organization, of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in Southwest Asia which text appears as Appendix E to this Report.

(Adopted 3/12/63)

G. Increase in the number of council seats

519. The Conference at its Eleventh Session (1961) referred to the Council for its consideration and recommendation the question of increasing the number of Council seats above its present figure of twenty seven subject to a ceiling of not more than one third of the total membership of the Organization.

520. The Council considered the question at its Thirty-Ninth Session (October 1962) and recommended that no change be made in the number of Council seats by the Conference at its Twelfth Session.

521. The Conference took note of the recommendation of the Council, which was supported by a number of delegations. These delegations did not favor any increase in the Council membership at this time, as they considered that too large a membership would be detrimental to the Council's work.

522. However, the majority of the delegates were of the opinion that the recent increase in membership of the Organization justified a moderate increase in the number of seats in the Council, which, in their view, would not impair the operation of that body.

523. Some of these delegates proposed increasing the number of seats by three so that the total membership of the Council would be thirty; others felt that an increase of four seats, bringing the Council membership to thirty-one, would be preferable.

524. In this connection, a number of delegates recommended that these seats be allocated between the regions of Africa, Asia and the Far East, and Latin America, and a number of other delegates emphasized that a seat should be allocated to the Near East region.

525. Certain delegations proposed reserving two of the additional seats for the African region in which several new Members has been admitted to the Organization.

526. The delegate of Romania expressed the view that one out of the total seats on the Council should be reserved for eastern Europe.

527. The delegate of Ireland drew attention to the proposal made by this delegation at the Eleventh Session of the Conference and again at the Thirty-Ninth Session of the Council that, if the number of Council seats were to be increased, one of the additional seats should be reserved for allocation among those countries which had been Members of FAO for at least ten years and had not so far served on the Council. The Irish delegation considered that this proposal would assist in implementing Rule XXII.3 (c) regarding rotation of membership. This proposal had not been accepted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session and was again opposed by a number of delegates during the discussion at the Twelfth Conference Session.

528. The delegate of Jamaica drew attention to the possibility that the regional distribution of countries for the purpose of Council elections might be subject to change and referred to the possibility of the establishment of a separate Caribbean region.

529. The Conference emphasized once again the importance of the principle of rotation of Council seats laid doron in Rule XXII.3 (c) of the General Rules of the Organization.

530. The Conference accordingly decided to increase the number of Council seats to a total of thirty or thirty-one, and requested that, before the Thirteenth Session of the Conference, the Council in the light of all the foregoing considerations, take measures:

(a) to draft the necessary amendment to the Constitution and to instruct the Director-General to circulate it to Member Governments at least 120 days before the opening of the Conference session, and also to draft the consequential amendments to the General Rules of the Organization so that the increase in the number of Council seats could be effected at that session;

(b) to recommend to the Conference whether the increase in the number of seats should be three or four;

(c) to study and recommend to the Conference the allocation of the additional seats to the various regions of the Organization;

(d) to study and recommend to the Conference the means by which in each region stricter application of the principle of rotation of Council seats laid down in Rule XXII.3 (c) could be ensured in the future.

H. Relationship agreement with the desert locust control organization for eastern Africa (DLCO for EA)

531. The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO for EA) was established by a Convention which came into force on 20 August 1962.

532. Article IV.11 of the Convention provides that the Council of DLCO for EA is to enter into a Relationship Agreement with FAO in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII.1 of the FAO Constitution. The text of a Relationship Agreement between FAO and DLCO for EA was approved by the Council of DLCO for EA at its second regular session held in Arusha (Tanganyika) 24 to 28 April 1963.

533. In accordance with the provisions of Rule XXIV.4 (c) of the General Rules of the Organization the Council may "subject to confirmation by the Conference, enter into agreements with other international organizations, pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article XIII of the Constitution."

534. Article IX of the Relationship Agreement provides that it " shall come into force on approval by the Council of DLCO for EA and the Council of FAO, subject to confirmation by the Conference of FAO. The FAO Council at its Fortieth Session approved the terms of the Agreement which therefore came into force on 28 June 1963, date of the approval by the Council.

535. The Conference, having considered the terms of the Relationship Agreement between FAO and DLCO for EA, confirmed the Agreement entered into by the Council on 28 June 1963, the text of which is appended to this Report as Appendix F (see Appendix I to Document CL 40/17 - Sup. 1). (Confirmed 3-12-63.)

I. Establishment of the desert locust control organization for eastern Africa within the framework of FAO

536. The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO for EA) was established outside the framework of FAO by a Convention which came into force on 20 August 1962.

537. Article IV.1 of the Convention provides that the Council of DLCO for EA was to enter into a relationship agreement with FAO in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII.1 of the FAO Constitution.

538. Under Article XI.3 of the Convention "The Convention may be amended by agreement between all Contracting Governments to conform with the establishment of closer links with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations."

539. The Council of DLCO for EA approved, at its second regular session held in Arusha, Tanganyika, 24-28 April 1963, the text of a Relationship Agreement with FAO, which Agreement was subsequently approved by the Fortieth Session of the FAO Council and came into force on 28 June 1963, date of approval by the Council. The Agreement was submitted to the Twelfth Session of the FAO Conference for confirmation in accordance with the provisions of Rule XXIV.4 (c) of the General Rules of the Organization and was confirmed by the Conference. Article VI of the Relationship Agreement provides as follows:


"1. FAO and the Council of DLCO for EA shall give due consideration to the possibility of bringing, at an early rate, the DLCO for EA within the framework of FAO under the relevant provisions of the FAO Constitution so as to secure the control of the desert locust and research in this field on a wider international basis.

"2. Any recommendation or resolution formulated on this subject by the Council of DLCO for EA should be transmitted to the Director-General of FAO for consideration and possible action by the Director-General, the Council or the Conference of FAO, as may be appropriate."

540. The second regular session of the Council of DLCO for EA decided, in order to secure fuller cooperation of the Member Nations of that Organization and the participation of nations in the region which were not yet members of that Organization, " that the policy of the Council [of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa] be directed toward the formation of DLCO as soon as possible into a Commission for Desert Locust Control established within the framework of FAO under the relevant provisions of the FAO Constitution, and that the Director of DLCO communicates to the Director-General of FAO the wish of the Council that the Director-General, the Council and/or the Conference of FAO give due consideration to this matter with a view to taking appropriate action. "

541. The Fortieth Session of the FAO Council decided to refer the matter to the FAO Conference for a policy decision.

542. This matter was discussed at length by the Conference. During the discussions the possibility of establishing DLCO for EA within the framework of FAO by an agreement concluded either under Article XIV or XV of the FAO Constitution was thoroughly examined. Initially, the majority of the Member Nations of DLCO for EA favored the establishment of that Organization under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution.

543. As the result of discussions in the Conference, the latter pronounced itself in favor of the establishment of DLCO for EA within the framework of FAO by an agreement to be concluded under Article XV of the FAO Constitution. At this juncture, four of the six Member Nations of DLCO for EA concurred with the opinion of the Conference.

544. The Conference adopted the following resolution:


Establishment of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa within the framework of FAO


Considering the wish expressed by the Member Nations of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO for EA) that the Organization be brought within the framework of FAO by the conclusion of an agreement under Article XV of the FAO Constitution in order to secure fuller cooperation of the Member Nations of that Organization and the participation of nations in the region that are not yet members of the Organization,

Considering the desirability of facilitating the satisfactory functioning of the DLCO for EA in order to ensure effective desert locust control in the region,

Decides that a broader interpretation is to be given to the term "institutions" as used in Article XV of the FAO Constitution, in that the term was intended to include the establishment of organizations, associations, institutes of public utility, and that it would consequently be appropriate to bring the DLCO for EA within the framework of FAO by an agreement concluded under that Article of the FAO Constitution;

Agrees in principle to the establishment of the DLCO for EA within the framework of FAO by an agreement concluded under Article XV of the FAO Constitution; and

Authorizes the Director-General to negotiate through the Council of the DLCO for EA, with Member Nations of that Organization and other interested nations, in consultation with the Finance Committee and the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, an agreement under Article XV of the FAO Constitution for the purpose of establishing the DLCO for EA within the framework of FAO with the closest possible links with FAO bearing in mind the principles governing agreements concluded under that Article; and

Acting in accordance with the provisions of Article XV.3 of the FAO Constitution:

Delegates powers to the FAO Council to approve such an agreement once the Member Nations of the DLCO for EA have indicated their concurrence with the terms thereof; and

Authorizes the Director-General to sign such an agreement after the approval by the FAO Council.

(Adopted 4/12/63)

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