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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Ninth Session |
Rome, 2-23 November 1957 |
A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, and general committee credentials committee
B. Arrangements for the session
C. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions
D. Agenda of the session
E. Verification of credentials
F. Admission of observers
G. Message of congratulation to the New Zealand prime minister
H. Message of sympathy to the Spanish government
I. Message of sympathy on the death of the minister of agriculture of Ireland
II. Review of the world situation and outlook in respect of food and agriculture
A. World food and agriculture situation
B. Commodity problemsSurplus disposal
Machinery for commodity consultations
Food reservesC. National programs and policies
The place of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in national development programs
National programs and policies of agricultural development and their co-ordination
Agricultural support policies
Productivity in agriculture forestry and fisheries
National measures for the improvement of marketing structure and organization for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products
Nutrition and food policy including education in nutrition and home economics
III. Activities and programs of the organization
A. Introduction
B. AgricultureWork in the field of agriculture in 1956 and 1957
Program of work for 1958 and 1959
Future program trends
Proposal for a campaign on the use of better seeds
Establishment of definitions and standards for milk and milk products
The regional approach to the control of diseases and pests of plants and animals
Desert locust control
Sunn pest
Weaver birdsC. Agriculture and forest land uses in watershed management
D. EconomicsFood consumption and planning
Food processing and preparation
Nutrition services
Home economics
Program and budget for 1958-59
Future development of program
Collaboration with UNICEF - FAO/UNICEF policy committeeEditorial branch
Audio-visual branch
Documents Branch
Library service
Legislative serviceStrengthening of the regional structure of the organization
Provision for increased inter-agency co-operation and other unprogramed activities
Mediterranean development project
Atomic energy in food and agriculture
Welfare and community developmentJ. Expanded technical assistance program
K. Selected problems and longer-range proposalsRegional conferences
Survey and appraisal of world agriculture fishery and forestry resources in relation to needs
V. Constitutional and legal questions
A. Organizational structure of FAO
B. Method of election of council members
C. Co-operation with international organizations
D. Granting of observer status
E. Report on status of conventions and agreements and amendments thereto in accordance with rule XXI paragraph 6 of the rules of procedure
F. Principles and procedures which should govern conventions and agreements concluded under articles XIV and XV of the constitution and commissions and committees established under article VI of the constitution
G. FAO policy regarding assistance in establishing regional research and training institutes
H. Agreements between the government of Syria and the organization for the establishment of a near east research center and a forest ranger's school
I. Agreement between the government of Venezuela and the organization for the establishment of a Latin-American forest research and training institute
J. Increase in the membership of the council
VI. Administrative and financial questions
A. Financial position of the organization
B. Replenishment of the working capital fund
C. Increase of level of the working capital fund
D. Audited accounts for 1955 and 1956
E. Scale of contributions
F. Biennial budgeting
G. Staff matters
H. Staff compensation plan
I. Conference facilities
J. Office accommodation at headquarters
K. Report of the UN advisory committee on administrative and budgetary questions on its visit to FAO
VII. Membership, elections and appointments
A. Admission of new members
B. Appointment of independent Chairman of the council
C. Election of council members
D. Retirement of sir Herbert Broadley
E. Appointment of FAO staff pension committee
F. Appointment of external auditor
A. Agenda
B. Liaison status
C. Statement of principles relating to the granting of observer status to nations
D. Principles and procedures which should govern conventions and agreements concluded under articles XIV and XV of the constitution and commissions and committees established under article VI of the constitution
E. Draft agreement between the government of Syria and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations for the establishment of a near east forest research center
F. Draft agreement between the government of Syria and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations for the establishment of a near east forest rangers' school
G. Scale of contributions for 1958 and 1959
H. Delegates and observers attending the ninth session of the conference
I. Amendments to the constitution, rules adopted by the conference and financial regulationsCONSTITUTION