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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Eighth Session |
Rome, 4-25 November 1955 |
III. Program of the tenth anniversary celebrations
IV. Report of the eighth session of the Conference
A. Procedural questions
Appointment of chairman, vice-chairmen, general committee and credentials committee
Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions
Verifications of credentials
Agenda and arrangements for the session
Admission of observersB. Review of the world situation and outlook in respect of Food and Agriculture
Current world Food and Agricultural situation
General problems of production and consumptiona) Regional consultations
b) The expansion of consumption
c) Distribution and marketing
d) Greater flexibility of production
e) Farm incomes
f) Agricultural credit and investmenta) Disposal of agricultural surpluses
b) Methods of surplus disposal
c) Commodity trends and policies
d) Inter-Governmental commodity machinery and consultations
e) Activities and membership of the CCPC. Activities of the organization
Survey and appraisal of world agricultural, fishery and forestry resources in relation to needs
The peaceful uses of atomic energy in agriculture and food production
Joint activities in association with other international bodiesa) Fundamental education in association with UNESCO
b) Land reform in association with the United Nations and the specialized agencies and other international bodies.
c) Survey missions with the International Bank
d) Co-ordination on commodity problems
e) Activities in the social field
f) The rational utilization of the living resources of the Sea
g) Animal disease reporting in association with OIEFellowships for research
More milk and better child nutrition
Regional programs and organizationsa) Work in the field of agriculture in 1954 and 1955
b) Program of work for 1956 and 1957
c) Land and water utilization and conservation
d) Plant production and protection
e) Animal production and protection
f) Agricultural institutions arid services
g) Rural welfare
h) Future program trendsAgriculture and forest land uses in watershed management
Economiesa) Fisheries biology
b) Fisheries technology
c) Fisheries economics and statistics
d) Regional activities
e) Technical assistance activities
f) Publicationsa) Regional activities
b) Technical activities
c) World forestry congresses
d) Program trendsa) Nutrition programs in 1954 and 1955
b) Program for 1956 and 1957
c) Dietary requirements
d) Food consumption and management
e) Food technology
f) Education and training in nutrition
g) Home economics
h) Regional activities
i) Long range program
j) Association with nutrition research workersa) Library service
b) Legislative service
c) Documents and information servicesAppropriations
Budget levels for 1956 and 1957
Carry-over of funds from 1956 to 1957
Budget revisions approved by the conference
Basis for savings
Clerical cadets
Miscellaneous incomeE. Constitutional and legal questions
Geographical distribution of council seats
Principles for selection of council members
Admission of associate members
Authentic texts and certified copies of conventions
Establishment of commissions and committees and convening of conferences
Admission of the Spanish zone of Morocco to the general fisheries council for the Mediterranean
Granting of consultative status to non-governmental organizations
Granting of observer status
Report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto requiring conference action
Agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the organization for the establishment of a Latin-American forestry research and training institute
Agreement with the Council of Europe
Structure, functions and procedures of the council and of certain committeesF. Financial, administrative and personnel matters
Principle of biennial budgeting
Scale of contributions
Audited accounts
Financial position of the organization
Fellowships in the regular program
Financing of home leave costs
Amendments to financial regulations
Director-General's proposals for organization adjustments
Use of conference facilities
Compensation plan - reserve fund for service - incurred death and disability
Geographic distribution of staff
Appreciation of work of the committee on financial controlG. Membership, appointments and elections
Admission of new member - Tunisia
Appointment of independent chairman of the council
Election of council members
Appointment of external auditor
Appointment of staff pension committeeAssistance to the Republic of Korea
Verbatim records of the eighth session
Date and place of the ninth session of the conference
A. Agenda introductory - Procedure of the session
B. Admission of associate members amendments to the constitution and rules of procedure
C. Amendments to Article Vl of the constitution and to Rules XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXIX of the rules of procedure
D. Draft agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the establishment of the Latin-American forestry research and training institute
E. Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Council of Europe
F. Scale of contributions for 1956 and 1957
G. Amendments to the financial regulations
H. Composition of FAO council since its formation in 1948
I. List of conference documents
J. Delegates and observers attending the eighth session of the conference