Contents -

III. Program of the tenth anniversary celebrations

COMMEMORATING today the tenth anniversary of the Founding Conference at Quebec in October 1954, the speakers look forward as much as they recall the past, for this is a dynamic organization. The speakers are from widely separated parts of the world. They do not speak for countries or regions; rather from their personal experience of the cur rents of world affairs into which they helped to launch FAO. Many Member States have held suitable national observances and have sent congratulatory messages which the Director-General has the pleasure of acknowledging on behalf of the Conference and the staff.


4 November 1955

Chairman of the Conference

Address by: Hon. Emilio Colombo: Italian Minister of Agriculture



Vice-president and chairman, Philippine Sugar Association; member, International Sugar Council 1936-51. Member, National Economic Council 1937-41, 1952-53. Resident Commissioner, 1934-38, and then Philippine Ambassador to the United States, 1946-52. Leader, Philippine delegation to Hot Springs Conference 1943 and chairman of Committee III. Leader, Philippine delegations to FAO Conference sessions 1947 49-50. Leader, Philippine delegation to UNRRA conferences in 1943 and 1946, Member, Board of Governors, International Monetary Fund and International Bank 1946-50. Leader, Philippine delegation to UN General Assemblies in 1952 and 1953. Secretary of Foreign Affairs, 1952-53.


After service in First World War entered law practice in Garden City, Kansas, U.S.A. Member Kansas House of Representatives from 1920 to 1926 when he was elected to Federal Congress in which he has served ever since. Has been a member or chairman of a number of Congressional committees including the House Committee on Agriculture, on which he has served since 1926. A member of the U.S. delegation to the founding Conference Session of FAO as also to the Conference Sessions of 1946, 1949 and 1951. Has taken part in the formulation and enactment of all agricultural legislation passed during his term of service. In 1946 awarded the American Farm Bureau award for distinguished and meritorious service in the interest of organized agriculture.


Member, French delegation to Disarmament Conferences of Washington in 1921 and Geneva in 1922 and 1932. Member, Commission for Food and Health of the League of Nations in 1935. In 1943, French representative at the Hot Springs Conference and then a member of the Interim Commission. In 1943 also a member of the Preparatory Commission of UNRRA and of the French delegation to the Conference. In 1944, member, UNRRA Commission Public Health and Agriculture and president, Committee on Social Studies. In 1945, alternate to leader of the French delegation to FAO's founding Conference and elected president of Executive Committee in which role he later negotiated the Agreement between the United Nations and FAO. President, the FAO Conference in 1950. Member of the Institut and Professor of the Collège de France.

The International Political World

The Economic World


THIS is an historic. You have conferred a great honor upon me in asking me to speak. My appreciation is tempered by the knowledge that there are many here who are much better qualified for this assignment shall am I. However, I am sure there are none who feel the significance of this meeting more deeply than I do.

In my lifetime I have been associated with many organizations, but with none in which I have felt a more sincere interest or a greater appreciation of its activities than FAO. For in FAO we have an organization which deal.) with the very fundamentals of life and which concerns the interest and well-being of every human being. The very fact that 71 sovereign nations are now members and active participants in FAO locals this out.

We are here to review what has been done in the past ten years, to look upon the staggering tasks which lie ahead and to reconsecrate ourselves to electing the challenge of hunger and the problems of farmers wherever they may exist.

For FAO is now an organization with a record and a past on which it must be judged. Ten years ago we could say: here is a job to hi clone; this is how we propose to do it. Now we must account for what we have done and what we have failed to do. We must assess our mistakes as well as our successes and, most important of all, we must plan for the future and decide where and how fast we go from herd.

Although it may be an unusual procedure, I would like to state some conclusions before I even discuss the evidence on which they are based. First, FAO has been fortunate in its leadership. By this I mean not only the leadership furnished by the past and present Directors-General and their staffs, but that of those who conceived the organization in the first place, as well as of those who have determined the policies formulated in its general sessions from time to time. Second, that no international organization has done a more competent job in the field assigned to it. Third, that in no governmental field, national or international, is so much good being accomplished with the expenditure of so little money.

Before proceeding further, may I make it clear that I am of course speaking today for myself and not for my government or as representing any area or region.

That in using the terms " food " and " agriculture " I include non-food agricultural products as well as forestry and fishing.

That while I have been assigned the subject of " The Economic Aspects of FAO in a Changing World, " with other speakers discussing its political and social aspects, that in any discussion of food and agriculture from either a national or international standpoint it is impossible to absolutely separate the question into political, economic and social segments. They are bound to overlap. I shall of course confine myself to economic matters as far as possible.

My first connection with FAO was at the Quebec meeting where the organization was formally set up. I have attended most of the conferences since that time.

I have been somewhat familiar with proceedings at the Hot Springs meeting and with the work of the Interim Commission which did such a splendid job in laying the foundations for the Quebec meeting when FAO actually came into being. No one who knows anything about the work which preceded the Quebec meeting can help but be impressed by the thought and study as well as the high purpose which inspired this organization.

As Gove Hambidge well says in his most excellent book, The Story of FAO: " It would be hard to find an organization more carefully and painstakingly prepared for than FAO. "

Although the Hot Springs meeting was held in the midst of the war, and the work of the Interim Commission was carried out under all the stress and strain as well as the uncertainties of the period, it is quite apparent that the farsighted men who planned FAO had a pretty good idea of the economic conditions, with respect to food and agriculture, which might be expected to prevail during the years immediately after the war. They foresaw the problems and although some of these problems have proven greater, and some less, than might have been anticipated ten years ago, all of them were included within the scope of activities of the organization. Article I of the Constitution of FAO, which sets out the functions of the organization, succinctly states the recommendations embraced in the Fifth Report of the Interim Commission entitled The Work of FAO.

These functions are divided into three groups. The first relates to the collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information relating to nutrition, food and agriculture. The second function deals with the promotion and recommendation of national and international action with respect to research and education relating to nutrition, food and agriculture. the conservation of natural resources and the adoption of improved methods of agricultural production, the improvement of the processing, marketing, and distribution of food and agricultural products, the adoption of policies for adequate agricultural credit, national and international, and the adoption of international policies with respect to agricultural commodity arrangements. The third function relates to technical assistance and missions as might be requested by governments. Progress in these there fields has varied.

I shall not dwell long on the excellent statistical and information activities of FAO. Its steady expansion, its accuracy and timeliness must commend it to everyone who has need of this information. This applies not only to material collected and published by FAO itself, but equally to the improvement and expansion of statistical methods and services employed by governments. I am sure that the progress made in this field meets the expectations and hopes of those who planned this organization.

Nor shall I devote much time to the technical co-operation program. This does not mean that I do not think the subject is worthy of attention, rather it means that the program has been so outstandingly successful, and its merits are so well known, that it does not require a long discussion by me.

Technical co-operation did not begin with FAO nor does it end there. In one form or another many programs of technical assistance have been carried out not only as governmental enterprises but as private activities. My own country for several years has had its Point Four program of technical assistance and co-operation set up on a much larger scale than the modest activities of FAO. The Colombo Plan for co-operative economic development in south and southeast Asia is a gigantic program of technical and financial co-operation. Other nations than the United States are working along the lines of technical co-operation in other countries than their own, but technical cooperation as carried out by FAO has set the pattern for activities of this kind. In spite of the comparatively small amount of money involved, its activities cover more territory, have a wider and more varied scope and have aroused interest and enthusiasm far beyond the programs carried out by any individual government or other groups of governments. But whether the project is a veterinary program in Ethiopia, fish culture in Haiti, a hybrid corn program embracing 24 countries in Europe and the Middle East, sheep improvement in Ecuador, locust control in the Middle East or forestry in Brazil, it is a program marked everywhere by success.

The last figures I have indicate that there are now 58 countries included in this program. It is a program to which every Member Nation has made some contribution. The greater number of technicians have of course come from the countries most advanced in agriculture but almost every nation has something to contribute in the way of specialized knowledge. Furthermore it is a program of real co-operation because every recipient country must literally give more than it receives through the contributions which it makes to the program itself and in making the results available to its own people.

I suppose it is impossible to say how much the technical co-operation projects of FAO have contributed to the expansion of agricultural production during the past ten years, but when we consider that it is possible to double the production of some agricultural areas through the use of improved small tools, or the intelligent use of insecticides, or better land use, and when one considers that the effects of these activities are cumulative, we know that these projects will continue to make a tremendous contribution to improved world food supplies, particularly in the areas where they are most needed.

If FAO had clone absolutely nothing during the past ten years except to sponsor and carry out technical assistance programs, it would be justified from an economic standpoint many times over, to say nothing of the effect it has had on political and social conditions.

Once in a while I hear the statement made that with our surplus problem in agriculture we should reduce the technical co-operation programs. Nothing, it seems to me, would be more foolish. Whatever surpluses we may have are not because we are producing more food than the world needs' rather they are the results of mar-distribution. Furthermore most technical assistance programs are being carried out in non-surplus areas and do not contribute directly to surpluses and in most cases not even indirectly.

Even in my country with its large accumulation of agricultural surpluses we are spending more money than ever in government and private agricultural research and education. We are doing this because we believe that anything which brings about a more efficient agriculture is helpful to our nation and the world.

Certainly with a world population increase amounting to an estimated 100,000 per day this is no time to talk about slowing down world agricultural production.

What is being accomplished by research, education and technical co-operation however indicates that we have done much towards solving the problem of agricultural production. The great question which confronts FAO and the producers and the consumers of agricultural products is mal-distribution and under-consumption.

The decade covered by the life of FAO has witnessed a dramatic transformation from famine and threats of famine during the immediate postwar years to the current situation of agricultural surpluses in a number of countries. However, even with these surpluses countries millions of the world's people still remain inadequately fed, poorly clothed and ill-housed. It is this paradox of surpluses and shortages that offers the great challenge to FAO and its Member Governments today. In some countries we find agricultural surpluses and undernourished people existing side by side.

What is the answer to this problem? Well, first-think we must realize that there will probably he surpluses as long as there is under-consumption, by which I mean a lack of buying power on the part of consumers to purchase the world's full agricultural production. This means that expanded production alone will not solve the problem. There must be increased buying power brought about through industrialization and fair wages.

Industrialization is necessary also to absorb surplus labor from the farms in backward countries In many of these countries farms are so small that widespread rural unemployment is inevitable.

Our most serious problem, as I see it, is no longer the production, but the exchange and distribution of food. To state it in another way, the farmers of the world are capable now of producing more food than the world's population can buy at prices which are reasonably stable and remunerative to producers.

Thus while we must continue the very successful technical co-operation program which has been the outstanding feature of FAO in the past ten years, in the years immediately ahead the major emphasis should be on the fundamental economics involved in the distribution of food.

One principle which was enunciated by those who planned FAO was that the interests of producers and consumers were mutual. Sometimes this is realized and sometimes it is not. The proposition is well stated in the final report of the Interim Commission as follows:

"The exploitation of producers as a group will not ill the long run benefit consumers, nor, in the long run, will it benefit producers, if consumers as a group are put at a disadvantage. Wherever the contrary seems to be true, it is because all of the factors have not been taken into account, including the risk of social upheavals and wars. There is always a larger framework in which producer and consumer interests are seen to be the same. It will be the business of FAO to seek and to emphasize this larger framework this whole view, as a basis for the reconciliation of differences and for progress toward freedom from want and higher levels of living for all."

In my own country those of us who recall the depression of the early 1930's remember we had our longest breadlines during a time of agricultural surpluses when farmers' prices dropped to almost nothing.

In past years and particularly during the period when food shortages were acute in many parts of the world, FAO gave consideration to the idea of an international organization which would facilitate the distribution of agricultural commodities in the world market. Among these was the world Food Board proposed by Sir John Boyd Orr. Another was the International Commodity Clearing House proposed by Norris E. Dodd after he became Director-General. Both of these proposals, as well as others somewhat akin, were rejected by FAO, hut the matter of a better world distribution of food is not dead by any means; it will not die, and must continue to be the subject of consideration.

The earlier proposals, made at a time when shortages welt a greater problem than surpluses, were pushed by some of the deficit countries. Now with a considerably changed situation surplus producing countries are showing a greater interest. The question turns on whether these matters should be handled by an international organization or whether the interest of all would not be better promoted through unified action by individual nations under the leadership of FAO.

What I have been saying indicates that in the decade ahead the program of activities of FAO must give increased attention to:

(1) Programs which protect and improve the income of farmers at times when they succeed in producing more products than can be distributed through commercial channels at reasonably stable prices, and which encourage farmers in their technical progress in production while the nations search for means to deliver sufficient food to the millions who are now ill-fed.

(2) Programs directed toward cost reductions both in production and distribution to permit lower food prices to consumers. The need for improved food marketing services is worldwide. In many under-developed countries opportunities are tremendous. Recently I proposed that in our own country we should set up a new agency in the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of furnishing technical assistance in the field of better utilization and consumption of surplus food products. I believe there is a field for a concentrated effort along those lines in the United States? and certainly in many of the undeveloped countries there is an even greater need for assistance of this kind.

(3) Co-operation with other United Nations agencies in general economic development programs to increase the purchasing power of people now hungry. It is basic to our conception of the purpose of FAO and other United Nations agencies, that their programs help the Member Nations increase their opportunities to help themselves.

(4) Programs to improve the economic opportunities for those who art not needed on farms as labor-saving techniques are adopted.

It is obvious that most of the programs which I have just discussed are essentially domestic programs which will have to be carried out by governmental policy in the various countries. However it is equally obvious that these policies can be successful! only where there is international cooperation. Otherwise the programs of one nation might hamper or destroy what is being done in another.

That is where FAO comes in. Its mission must be very largely the role of a planner and coordinator lending helpful co-operation and encouragement to the efforts of the various Member Nations to work together in harmonizing their various food and agricultural programs.

The principles of surplus disposal recommended by FAO recently and adopted and accepted by the governments of 35 Member Nations is an example of what I have in mind.

And now to conclude. After ten years of FAO, much remains to be done. I doubt if the work of FAO will ever be finished. But we can say fairly and truthfully that because of FAO there is less hunger in the world, that world agriculture is more efficient and that there is a wider understanding of the problems involved in the distribution of agricultural commodities in international trade.

In spite of the cold war, and the threat of the atomic bomb and all of the other problems confronting US now, a child born anywhere in the world today faces an infinitely brighter future than one born ten years ago. The answer to the atomic bomb is more understanding, more co-operation, more tolerance between nations and their people. No other agency in the world today deals with subjects of greater interest to humanity than those which come within the scope of FAO, or has greater opportunities for bringing about a better understanding between the various nations of the world and their people.

Two thousand years ago this great city where we are meeting today was the governmental, military and commercial center of the civilized world. It was a world of peace but of a peace maintained by force. The legions of Rome were everywhere, from far-off Britain to the borders of India. The whole world paid tribute to the Roman state. Roman law was in force in every civilized area. The glory of Imperial Rome of those days has long been recited in song and story.

That glory is gone forever, but here in the Rome of today is an organization with a new glory, worldwide in scope and reaching into areas not even dreamed of by Caesar Augustus.

Through FAO Rome is again a world center. Here campaigns are being planned, not against nations and people, but against hunger and want and distress. Here ammunition in the way of statistical, economic and technical information is being prepared and accumulated for use wherever needed in these campaigns.

From FAO as from the Rome of old go emissaries to the farthest corners of the earth. These emissaries are not military legions or enforcers of the Roman law or tax collectors. They are bearers of light, missionaries of mercy, carrying a message of hope to the hungry and those in need everywhere. They are teachers who bring to the peoples of the underdeveloped countries the secrets and mysteries which have been revealed by agricultural research in every part of the world. They bring the practical know-how which makes possible the application of this knowledge to meet human wants and needs everywhere. This is FAO after its first decade.

What it will be during the decades ahead depends on how well we meet our responsibilities during this Session and in the future. But with ten years of such glorious history behind us who can doubt the certainty of an even more glorious future.


The Eighth Session of the Conference adopted by acclamation



On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the foundation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The Member Nations of the Organization, assembled at Rome for the Eighth Session of the Conference,

Considering that the Organization has effectively contributed towards a wider knowledge and the solution of the food and agriculture problems of the world;

that the experience of the past ten-year period has fully demonstrated the usefulness of international co-operation in the solution of those problems;

that it is desirable for such co-operation to be prolonged so that adequate levels of nutrition may be attained, and better standards of living may prevail, by means of increased production and consumption of agricultural products, through their better distribution and an increase in the purchasing power of peoples;

Ratify their accession to the purposes and principles laid down in the Constitution of the Organization.



On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of FAO I send you my congratulations on what has been achieved and my best wishes for the future.

At the time of its creation I felt FAO was the most imaginative concept for the maintenance of peace and the happiness and well-being of man that emerged from the war. I still hold that view. It is my earnest hope that it will go forward with ever increasing strength to the realization of its great ideals.



At its twenty-first Session the Council of FAO recalled that that on 16 October 1955 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations would have completed its first decade of growth and accomplishment.

It recommended to all Member States that they consider organizing in their countries, at the appropriate time during the anniversary year, observances which will mark this historic occasion and bring the work of the Organization to the widest public knowledge. Member States were invited to transmit brief messages suitable to the occasion to the Conference, to become a par of the record of that anniversary Session.

The Council requested the Director-General to bring these recommendations to the attention of Member States, together with such statements on accomplishments of FAO and suggestions for national observances as he might deem appropriate.

As a result of the Council's recommendation, the following messages from Member States were received.



Con motivo del décimo aniversario de la FAO identificado con los altos propósitos que persigue esa Organización complázcome en nombre del Gobierno argentino de transmitirle los más expresivos votos de éxito.

Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto



During the Third FAO Conference (1947) Austria was admitted by unanimous vote as a Member State of FAO. This decision was highly appreciated by the Austrian Government. The Austrian people gratefully noticed that our country-in spite of the status of occupation-was recognized as a sovereign nation and as a member of FAO enjoyed the same rights as other independent nations. In the period of economic distress inflicted upon Austria as an effect of the second world war Austria received from FAO considerable assistance which contributed to the success of our efforts to regain economic stability. Three instances of this help may be quoted as examples. During the period of severe famine which occurred after the war FAO was instrumental in securing the necessary food supplies. By granting technical assistance and FAO contributed greatly to the reconstruction of Austrian forestry and wood industry which is one of the main assets of Austrian economy and which at that period was very near to a complete breakdown. Another very important branch of Austrian agriculture, namely animal husbandry and the related dairy industry was aided by FAO through improvements of the Austrian veterinary service. Austria is convinced that the best way of returning thanks to FAO is declaring and proving her readiness and her goodwill to co-operate as effectively as possible with FAO in attaining the targets of the Organization which are fully endorsed in Austria.

In view of the Tenth Anniversary of FAO's foundation it is Austria's hope and sincere desire that FAO will he able to realize fully its high ideals and that all nations of the world will benefit from the motto: "With FAO towards Freedom from Want. "

Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry,
Austrian Delegate to the Eighth FAO Conference



A l'occasion de son dixième anniversaire la Belgique présente ses félicitations à l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture et forme des vœux pour le succès de son travail à venir.

Ministre de l'Agriculture



The Government of the Union of Burma offers its felicitations to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the successful completion of ten years of valuable work.

During the past decade of its life, the Organization has worked assiduously for the common good of mankind in the spheres of food and agriculture, including forestry and fisheries. By its guidance and by its technical assistance, the Organization has contributed, in no small measure, to improvement in the production of food and agricultural products in the world and thereby helped in overcoming the shortage which marked the years following the last world war. The Organization has also been able to pay due attention to areas where its activities are most needed.

The problems of the future, before the Organization, are no less difficult than those of the past ten years. While it has been possible to lay bases for improvement of production, the problems of improving distribution and consumption will, nevertheless, call for the utmost efforts on the part of the Organization and its Member Nations. Inasmuch as the achievement of the aim of the Organization to raise the levels of nutrition and standards of living of the peoples of the world will depend also on improvement in the distribution and consumption of food and agricultural products, a greater emphasis will no doubt have to be laid on these aspects of the work of the Organization.

The Union of Burma, as a Member Nation, recalls with satisfaction that she has been able to take an active part in the work of the Organization, in its deliberations as well as in the field, and looks forward with keen interest to further participation in the future.




Ten years ago the Food and Agriculture Organization came into being at Quebec City. It was the first of the United Nations Specialized Agencies to be formed. Recently at Quebec, representatives of Canada and the United States met jointly to recognize the Tenth Anniversary of that event and to unveil in the Chateau Frontenac, site of the 1945 meeting, a plaque commemorating the founding of FAO.

As host that first Conference and a firm supporter of the work of FAO during the intervening year, the Canadian Government is pleased to join with other nations now assembled in Rome in extending greetings to the Organization on the completion of its first ten year of service to mankind.

In this period great progress has been made in the production of agricultural, fishery and forestry products. Consumption has recovered from wartime levels and in many countries has been improved. To this improvement FAO has contributed in substantial measure. Its contribution has been made possible through the efforts of an able headquarters staff and a field force of well-qualified technical assistance experts who have brought their knowledge to the problems confronting many countries.

The Organization has provided a forum for 71 nations searching for satisfactory solutions to the economic, social and physical problems arising out of shortages and surpluses. Perhaps of greater importance, it has fostered an exchange of views among nations which has led to mutual understanding and good-will.

While we may take satisfaction from past achievements, it is much more important to look ahead to the next ten years. This Conference should be considered an occasion fat stocktaking and forward thinking by FAO and Member Nations.

It is the conviction of the Government of Canada that FAO, with the support of its many member countries, should continue its efforts on behalf of producers and consumers everywhere to the end that the ever-increasing requirements of a growing world population may be satisfactorily met.

Secretary of State for External Affairs



It gives me great pleasure to send a message of greeting and congratulation to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the completion of the first decade of its inauguration, growth and accomplishment. The avowed aims of the Organization, founded in Quebec, Canada in 1945, have been realized to a remarkable degree during the short period of its existence. The laudable objective for which FAO has been created, viz. to raise the living standards of the " needy people of the world by helping them to help themselves" has been to a large extent realized; and the world, which at the start of this Organization was in a desperate condition so far as its food resources were concerned, has now, thanks to the effort of the peoples of the world, their governments and of FAO, produced food in abundance even exceeding its pre-war output.

The world cannot, however, afford to slacken its efforts in this direction because of the spectre of an increasing population, particularly in the under-developed areas of the world. By co-ordinated and effective action, aided by the intelligence service, research units, and technical assistance which FAO has set out to furnish, the world can however continue to stage its victory over hunger and misery which threatened to wipe out masses of humanity in the immediate years subsequent to the war. I have no doubt that FAO with its well-organized service will be ready to meet any emergency in the future, if we are to judge by the benefits which the Expanded Technical Assistance Program has conferred on my own country. I would here acknowledge my gratitude to the Organization for its ready response to our requests for technical aid, in all fields of activity, which it has been called upon to supply, whether in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, engineering, forestry, nutrition, or fisheries. We look forward to an even greater measure of co-operation between this Government and FAO in respect of technical assistance in the future. We hope that in the years to come our Island will be of some assistance to other less developed countries in promoting their betterment and agricultural development in fields of activity where our nationals can make their contribution.

May FAO continue to flourish and to dedicate its services to mankind in the spirit of its past endeavours and achievements, and with increasing hope for the future.

Minister of Agriculture and Food



Con ocasión del X Aniversario de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, desea el suscrito, a nombre de los Miembros del Comité Nacional de Enlace de este Organismo, de los funcionarios de su dependencia y propio, expresarle sus felicitaciones y parabienes junto con sus votos por que esta Institución continúe su marcha ascendente y siga contriboyendo al progreso de la agricultura en el mundo entero

Los técnicos que en Chile tenemos que ver con la industria agropecuaria, apreciamos en cuanto vale a la FAO porque de ella hemos recibido colaboración técnica eficiente, funcionarios idóneos que nos han ayudado a resolver nuestros problemas y porque son muchos los profesionales que gracias a esa Institución han tenido oportunidad de perfeccionar sus conocimientos en el exterior o de recibir enseñanzas de sus técnicos en el país.

Si es encomiable la labor de la FAO en el mundo entero, en mi país lo es también gracias a la elección correcta de los funcionarios de ella que aquí han venido, a su versación técnica, a su capacidad, a la comprensión que han tenido por nuestros problemas y a su espíritu humano que los ha hecho convivir entre nosotros y apreciar a través de ellos a ese Organismo. Los Miembros de la Oficina Regional, encabezados por el Dr. Bibiano Osoriofafall, han sido nuestros colaboradores más directos e inmediatos, y en ellos hemos encontrado siempre interés y ayuda que agradecemos en todo cuanto vale.

Gracias a la ayuda de la FAO ha sido posible efectuar una reestructuración adecuada de este Ministerio preparar el Plan de Desarrollo Agrícola y de Transporte, hacer investigación forestal, aumentar los estudios sobre pesca y de muchos otros aspectos que han significado progreso y beneficio colectivos.

Comprendemos la trascendencia de la Misión de FAO en cuanto significa mayor bienestar en el mundo entero, mejor agricultura y mejor alimentación Nuestros postulados nos identifican con ella y deseamos seguir esta colaboración.

Acepte entonces, señor Director General, los agradecimientos y felicitaciones del suscrito, a la vez que sus deseos por su ventura personal, la de la FAO y la de los funcionarios y Organismos que la integran y muy principalmente de aquéllos que tan estrechamente elaboran con eficiencia e interés al lado de los nuestros en esta tierra

Director Nacional de Agricultura,
Ministerio de Agricultura



Avecinándose el día 14 de Octubre, de grata recordación en los anales de la economía mundial, por la fundación de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación que tan brillante cometido ha desarrollado frente a los diferentes problemas de sus 71 países miembros, deseo testimoniarles mis parabienes por la ayuda efectiva de cooperación y capacidad a la organización del trabajo, que en contraste con Entidades similares y soluciones apetecidas para el bienestar del mundo, ninguna ha podido emular con la FAO, ni lucir tal número de sabias decisiones a corto plazo.

Con ocasión de esta histórica fecha, que revive para los Colombianos el recuerdo de la Tercera Conferencia Técnica Internacional de PALMIRA-(Valle), de expertos para la América Latina en defensa y conservación de alimentos que vigorizó los canales de la producción estimulándolos en forma ordenada con el interés de los Ministerios de Agricultura y Relaciones Exteriores y la Secretaría de Agricultura y Fomento del Valle del Cauca, como testigo de tan laudable ejemplo, deseo acepte con todo el personal de la Organización las expresiones de mi reconocimiento por la forma bienhechora y de la más viva simpatía con que registro este hecho.

Visitador Nal. de Caza, Piscicultura y Pesquerías, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería


Con ocasión de celebrarse el próximo 16 de los corrientes el Décimo Aniversario de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), deseo expresarle mi más cordial saludo y los mejores votos por que las múltiples actividades de esa Organización continúen obteniendo los mejores éxitos para honra de las Naciones Unidas y en especial para que ellas redunden en un mayor beneficio para el progreso y bienestar de la República y del pueblo de Colombia.

Por el Ministro,

Jefe de la Sección de Agencias Especializadas de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas,
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores



The year of 1955 marks the Tenth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This affords me the welcome opportunity of expressing to you the Danish view of the progress so far achieved by the Organization.

Through the establishment of FAO, not only an organization was created for spreading knowledge of agricultural and nutritional conditions of all countries, but also a forum for considering the agricultural problems of economic, social and political character, the solution of which is of importance to international co-operation.

The marketing conditions of agricultural products on the world market are of decisive importance to Danish agriculture as well as to the Danish economy as a whole, and therefore, since the establishment of FAO, Denmark has expected great things from the work and achievements of that Organization.

These expectations have borne and still bear the stamp of the experience of the 1930's when Denmark and other countries - were hard hit by the international agricultural crisis.

The disparity between the actual marketing conditions and the great uncovered demand for foodstuffs added to the interest in international co-operation aiming at improving the state of nutrition, at creating more stable economic conditions and, consequently, better outlet possibilities for agricultural products.

It seems to us that the achievements of FAO for furthering the production of foodstuffs in technically under-developed countries have made good. The demand for continuing and expanding the work is still great, and Denmark follows with great interest the development within that field.

The more difficult outlet conditions and the problems of the surplus stocks of recent years, have resulted in active efforts on the part of FAO for contributing to better co-ordination of the agricultural policies of the countries. Denmark considers that extremely important and therefore has seconded it with interest.

The work of improving the agricultural production and the conditions of life may contribute towards levelling out the current social and economic disparities and in the long run may serve to strengthen peace.

The achievements of FAO depend on the active will and ability of the member countries to participate in the work of the Organization. The foundation has been laid through the activity of the first ten years, when not only it has been attempted to solve great and important tasks, but within a number of fields a solid pioneer work has been carried out, which work is of significance to the future achievements of the Organization.

I wish to assure you that also in the future Denmark will continue with lively interest to participate in and follow the far-reaching work commenced.

Minister of Agriculture



Jefe de la Misión FAO en el Ecuador,
Con oportunidad de celebrarse el día de hoy el X Aniversario de la fundación de la Organización Mundial que usted representa en el Ecuador, tengo el agrado de enviarle un cordial saludo a usted y a sus colaboradores, formulando votos por que la cooperación que la FAO presta a mi país en SUS programas que con la Organización tienen que ver, continúe adelante en beneficio nacional.

Ministro de Economía



On the Tenth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations the Finnish Government sends its sincere greetings and best wishes to the Organization. The valuable assistance FAO has given Finland during these years is deeply appreciated. May the work of the Organization continue to increase the friendly co-operation between the nations.

Prime Minister of Finland



On the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the foundation of FAO I wish to offer my v cry sincere congratulations.

In pursuing its aims, your Organization has made valuable contributions toward the development of agriculture and the improvement of living standards among the nations of the world, which will assure FAO in the future, as it has in the past, an important position among the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations. The Government of the German Federal Republic will continue to do its best in supporting the beneficial work of FAO.

Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry



Sírvanse aceptar mis efusivas felicitaciones con motivo décimo aniversario esa benemérita Organización mundial. Deséoles muchos éxitos para bien humanidad.

Ministro de Agricultura


En Décimo Aniversario FAO, nos complace felicitar efusivamente a funcionarios esa importante Organización de beneficio mundial augurándoles mayores éxitos en el futuro.

Ministerio de Agricultura
Presidente Comité Nacional FAO


Julio Lozano Díaz, Jefe de Estado,


Que el 16 de octubre de 1945 quedó oficialmente constituída la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, cuyas finalidades son:

l) Elevar los niveles de nutrición y las normas de vida de los pueblos,

2) Lograr una mayor eficiencia en la producción y distribución de todos los productos alimenticios y agrícolas, y

3) Mejorar las condiciones de la población rural.


Que desde su fundación hasta la fecha Honduras como Miembro de la FAO ha recibido constante y valiosa ayuda para solucionar SUS problemas;

Por tanto:


1) Patentizar a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas pala la Agricultura y la Alimentación, con asiento en Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Roma, Italia, en su décimo aniversario, el reconocimiento del Gobierno y del Pueblo de Honduras por la forma amplia y eficaz con que ha contribuido al bienestar de la nación hondureña; y

2) Transcribir por medio de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, el presente Decreto-Ley.

Dado en el Palacio Nacional en Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, a los trece días del mes de octubre de mil novecientos cincuenta y cinco.

El Jefe de Estado

El Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de Gobierno y Justicia

El Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Defensa

El Secretario de Estado en los Despachos di Economía v Hacienda

El Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de Sanidad v Beneficencia

El Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de Relaciones Exteriores

El Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de Educación Pública

El Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Fomento

El Secretario de Estado en los Despachos de Trabajo. Asistencia Social v Clase Media

El Secretario de Estado en el Despacho De Recursos Naturales


Al conmemorarse hoy el décimo año de labores en bien de la humanidad, el Gobierno de la República, por nuestro medio, expresa a ese Organismo su reconocimiento por los eficientes servicios a él prestados. Atentamente,

Ministro de Recursos Naturales


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