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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Seventh Session |
Rome, 23 November - 11 December 1953 |
A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, General Committee and Credentials Committee
B. Verification of credentials
C. Admission of new membersD. Agenda of the Session
E. Establishment of commissions and allocation of agenda items
F. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions
G. Admission of observers
III. World situation, trends and policies in respect of food and agriculture
A. Current situation, outlook and longer term possibilitiesThe current world food and agricultural situation
Outlook for 1953/54 and 1954/55
Longer term possibilitiesB. Policies in regard to food and agriculture
Selective expansion of production
Criteria for selective expansion of production
Raising per caput consumption levels
How FAO and other International Organizations can help in problems of selection
How Governments and International Organizations Can Help to Give Effect to policies on selective expansion
Financing economic development in agriculture
Adequacy of government services to agriculture
General commodity problems
Price stabilizationC. International effects of national agricultural policies
Obstacles to trade in agricultural products
Surplus disposalsD. Structure, organization and future work of the CCP
E. Special commodity problemsRice
European timber trends and prospects
Pulp and paper
IV. Activities and programs of The Organization
A. Activities and programs in the technical fieldsAnimal production
Plant production
Land and water use
Rural welfare
Agricultural institutions and services
Program analysis and appraisal
Technical assistanceStatistics
Economic analysis
Technical assistanceForest policy and conservation
Research and technology
Forest economics
Technical assistance
Fourth World Forestry Congress
Near East Forestry Commission
Joint Sub-Commission on Mediterranean Forestry Problems
Oxford system of decimal classification for forestry
General conclusionsNutrition problems of vulnerable groups
Dietary requirements
Food technology
Home economics
Nutrition appraisals and targets
Food composition
Technical co-operation with other organizations
Program of work for 1954 and 1955Library service
Legislative service
Documents service
Information serviceH. Expanded technical assistance program
I. Selected special problemsReform of agrarian structures
Establishment of European Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission
Desert locust control
Measures to combat protein malnutrition of mothers and children
Pre-conference regional meetings
Technical co-operation with International Organization
Work in the social field
Coordinating committee
V. The budget for 1954 and 1955
Amendments to the budget proposed by the Director-GeneralAppropriations according to chapters
Regional meetings
Desert locust control
Carry-over of funds from 1954 to 1955
Distribution of costs between the expanded technical assistance program and the regular program
Salary increments and allowances; vacancies
Management survey
VI. Constitutional and legal questions
A. The CouncilComposition of the Council
Nomination and voting procedures
Traveling expenses of members
Rotation of seatsB. Associate Membership in FAO for non-self-governing territories
C. Membership of the Coordinating Committee
D. Composition of the Committee on financial control
E. National FAO Committees
F. Conventions and agreements of interest to member nations of a given geographical area
G. Nomination of the Chairman of the Conference and the Chairmen of the Commissions of the Conference
H. Resident Representatives to FAO
I. Interim agreement between the International Office of Epizootics and FAO
J. Amendments to the Constitution of the International Rice CommissionCorrection of the spanish authentic text of the International Plant Protection Convention
K. Admission of Monaco and Tunisia to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
A. Scale of contributionsB. Foreseeable receipts
C. Expenses of members of the Coordinating Committee and of experts on panels
D. Financing of home leave costs
E. Repatriation grant
F. Publications Revolving Fund
G. Cost of living differentialStaff commissary
Appreciation of work of the committee on financial control
VIII. Administrative and personnel matters
A. Permanent site of regional office for Asia and the Far East
B. Use of Conference Facilities
C. Administrative Tribunal
D. Dependency allowances
E. Education grant
IX. Appointments and elections
A. Appointment of Director-General
B. Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council
C. Election of Members of the CouncilGeographical distribution
Terms of office and procedure for electing the six additional members
Results of the elections to the councilD. Appointment of Staff Pension Committee
E. Appointment of External Auditor
A. Granting of Consultative Status to Non-Governmental Organizations
B. Date and Place of the Eighth Session of the Conference
A. Agenda
B. Constitution of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
C. Agreement between FAO and OIE
D. FAO policy concerning relations with International Non-Governmental Organizations
E. Scale of contributions for 1954 and 1955
F. List of countries according to regions
G. Composition of FAO Council since its formation in 1948
H. List of conference documents
I. Delegates and observers attending The Seventh Session of the Conference