H. List of conference documents
C 53/ 1 |
Agenda |
C 53/2 |
Arrangements for the Seventh Session of the Conference (Recommendations of the Council of FAO) |
C 53/2 Suppl. 1 |
Arrangements for the Seventh Session of the Conference (Supplementary Recommendations of the Council of FAO) |
C 53/3 |
Admission of Observers to the Seventh Session of the Conference (Note by the Director-General |
C 53/4 |
Application for Consultative Status (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/4 Suppl 1 |
Application for Consultative Status |
C 53/4 Suppl. 2 |
Application for Consultative Status (Note from the General Committee) |
C 53/5 |
Current World Situation and Outlook in Respect of Food and Agriculture (General Conclusions) |
C 53/6 |
Relations with the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies (Report by the Director-General) |
C 53/7 |
Report of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Part I) |
C 53/8 |
Report of the Twenty-second Session (First Section) of the Committee on Commodity Problems |
C 53/9 |
Intergovernmental Policies and Arrangements for Agricultural Products |
C 53/10 |
Fifth Draft Directory of Delegates and Observers Attending the Seventh Session of the Conference of FAO (Fifth Draft) |
C 53/ 11 |
Dollar Trade in Agricultural Commodities |
C 53/11 |
Suppl. 1. The Dollar Problem with Special Reference to Agricultural Commodities (Statement by the International Monetary Fund) |
C 53 /12 |
Rice |
C 53/13 |
Preliminary Summary of the World's Pulp and Paper Resources and Prospects |
C 53/14 |
European Timber Trends and Prospects (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/15 |
Production, Marketing and Distribution of Fish |
C 53/16 |
International Investment and Agricultural Credit |
C 53/16 Corr. 1 |
International Investment and Agricultural Credit |
C 53/17 |
Adequacy of Government Services to Agriculture |
C 53/18 |
Food Shortages and Famine |
C 53/19 |
Report of Group of Experts on an Emergency Food Reserve |
C 53/20 |
Admission of Tunisia to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean |
C 53/21 |
Report of the Director-General on "Co-operation with Other Organizations to Promote FAO's Objectives |
C 53/21 Suppl. 1 |
Report of the Director-General on Co-operation with other Organizations to Promote FAO's Objectives |
C: 53/22 |
Report by the Director-General on the Work of FAO in Connection with the Improvement of Agrarian Structures |
C 53/22 Rev. 1 |
Report by the Director-General and the Work of FAO in Connection with the Improvement of Agrarian Structures |
C 53/23 |
Draft Constitution for the European Commission for the "Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease |
C 53/23 Corr. 1 |
Draft Constitution for the European Commission for the Control of Food-and-Mouth Disease |
C53/23 Corr. 2 |
Draft Constitution for the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease |
C 53/24 |
Measures to Combat Malnutrition (with Special Reference to Mothers and "Children) by Increasing the Supply and Consumption of Protein-rich Foods |
C 53/25 |
Increase in the Number of Council Seats and Tenure of Office of Council Members , Rotation of Seats, and Traveling Expenses of Representatives (Report of the Council of FAO. Sixteenth Session, Pages 52 to 54, and Page 59) |
C 53/26 |
Associate Membership in FAO for Non-self-governing Territories |
C 53/27 |
Membership of the Coordinating Committee |
C 53/28 |
National FAO Committees |
C 53/29 |
Powers and Procedure of the Organization with Regard to International Conventions and Agreements |
C 53/30 |
Agreement with the International Office of Epizootics |
C 53/31 |
Report on the Status of Conventions and Agreements and on Amendments Requiring Conference Action |
C 53/32 |
Note on the Election of Council Members to Fill Vacancies Occurring in 1953 and 1954 |
C 53/33 |
Relations Organizations of Producers and Consumers |
C 53/34 |
Admission of Monaco to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean |
C 53/35 |
Permanent Site of the Far East Regional Office |
C 53/36 |
Administrative Tribunal |
C 53/37 |
Budgetary Implications of the Establishment of an FAO Famine Unit |
C 53/38 |
Scale of Contributions |
C 53/39 |
Statement by the Director-General Norris E. Dodd, to Opening Plenary Meeting |
C 53/40 |
Expenses of Members of the Coordinating Committee and Expenses of Experts on Panels |
C 53/41 |
Use of FAO Conference Facilities |
C 53/42 |
Cost-of-Living Differentials |
C 53/43 |
Dependency Allowances |
C 53/44 |
Staff Commissary |
C 53/45 |
Financial Report and Statements for the Period Ended 31 December 1951 and Report of the External Auditor for the Seventh Session of the Conference |
C 53/46 |
Financial Report and Statements for the Period Ended 31 December 1952 and Report of the External Auditor for the Seventh Session of the Conference |
C 53/46 Corr. 1 |
Financial Report and Statements for the Period Ended 31 December 1952 and Report of the External Auditor for the Seventh Session of the Conference |
C 53 /46 Suppl. 1 |
Report of the External Auditor on the 1952 Accounts (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/47 |
Applications for Membership of the Organization (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/48 |
Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council |
C 53/49 |
Appointment of the Director-General |
C 53/50 |
FAO Staff Pension Committee |
C 53/51 |
Report of the Sixteenth Session of the Committee on Financial Control (Note by the Director-General |
C 53/52 |
Interpretation of Article XI (a) of he Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/53 |
Administrative Expenses United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund |
C 53/53 Amend. 1 |
Administrative Expenses - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund |
C 53/54 |
Education Grant |
C 53/55 |
Appointment of the External Auditor of FAO |
C 53/56 |
State of Food and Agriculture 1953- Part II - Longer Term Prospects |
C 53/57 |
Request from the Government of the Republic of Korea (Note by the Director-General) |
C: 53/58 |
Report of the Seventeenth Session of the Committee on Financial Control |
C 53/58 Suppl. 1 |
Report of the Seventeenth Session of the Committee on Financial Control (Comments of the Council of FAO) |
C 53/59 |
Supplementary Items for the Agenda of the Seventh Session of the Conference |
C 53/60 |
List of Conference Documents |
C 53/61 |
General Committee - Report of First Meeting |
C 53/62 |
First Report of the Credentials Committee-First and Second Meetings |
C 53/63 |
Second Report of the Credentials Committee - Third Meetings |
C 53/64 |
Report of Commission III: Part I Composition of the Council |
C 53/64 Rev. 1 |
Report of Commission III: Part I-Composition of the Council |
C 53/65 |
Note from the General Committee -Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council and of the Director-General |
C53/65 Add. 1 |
Note from the General Committee -Appointment of the Director-General |
C 53/65 Add, 2 |
Note from the General Committee -Appointment of the Director-General |
C 53/66 |
Report of the General Committee Third Meeting |
C 53/67 |
Meeting of Council Committee on Relations with International Organizations with Representatives of International Non-governmental Organizations Admitted as Observers to the Seventh Session of the Conference |
C 53/68 |
Note by Director-General Concerning Regional Meetings on Food and Agricultural Programs and Outlook; |
C 53/69 |
Application of the Government of Yemen for Membership in FAO -Note from the General Committee-Notice of Request for Suspension of Rules |
C 53/70 |
Nominations for Council Elections -Memorandum from the General Committee |
C 53/70 Add. 1 |
Nominations for Council Seats (Note from General Committee) |
C 53/71 |
Amendment to the Rules of Procedure Regarding the Nomination of the Chairman of the Conference and the Chairmen the Commission of the Conference |
C 53/72 |
Memorandum from the Secretary-General to Delegations - Currency of Contribution |
C 53/73 |
Third Report of the Credentials Committee - Fourth Meeting |
C 53/74 |
Inter-Governmental Conference on Olive Culture in the Mediterranean-Memorandum by the Secretary-General |
C 53/75 |
Report of Commission III - Part II -Budgets for 1954 and 1955 |
C 53/76 |
Report of Commission II |
C 53/77 |
Report of Commission III |
C 53/78 |
Report of Commission I |
C 53/79 |
Draft Resolution - Appointment of the Director-General |
C 53/80 |
Draft Resolution - Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council |
C 53/81 |
Constitution for the European Commission for the Control of Foot and-Mouth Disease (Modification of Article XIX, paragraph 3 of the Constitution) C 53/82 Revised Report of the Commission-of-the-Whole |
Verbatim Records |
C 53/PV-1 - C 53/PV-10 |
C 53/I/1 |
Draft Agenda |
C 53/I/1 Suppl. 1 |
Documentation for Agenda Items |
C 53/I/2 |
Statement by the Director-General, Norris E. Dodd, to Commission I Rome, 24 November 1953 |
C 53/I/3 |
List of Documents |
C 53/I/4 |
Statement by the United States Delegation on CCP 53/16 "Inter-Governmental Policies and Arrangements for Agricultural Products" . 53/11 and 53/11-Suppl. I Concerning "The Dollar Problem with Special Reference to Agricultural Commodities ". |
C 53/I/5 |
Analysis of Loans by International Bank |
C 53/I/6 |
Commission I - Committee A. Selected Expansion of Production (Suggested Considerations and Criteria as a Basis for Selective Expansion of Agriculture) (Note by Secretariat) |
C 53/I/7 |
Statement by Mr. Mansholt Concerning Surpluses of Agricultural Commodities |
C 53/I/8 |
Draft Resolution for Submission to Commission I. By the Delegation of India |
C 53/I/9 |
Draft Report of Commission I Part I - World Situation, Trends, Longer Term Prospects and Policies in Respect of Food and Agriculture |
C 53/I/10 |
Canadian Proposals for Organized International Action to Deal with Famine Emergencies |
C 53/I/11 |
Report of Drafting Committee on Emergency Food Reserve |
C 53/I/12 |
Draft Report of Commission I -Part II Policies in Regard to Food and Agriculture |
C 53/ I/ 13 |
Draft Report of Commission I Part III - Special Commodity Problems |
C 53/I/14 |
Draft Report of Commission I -Part IV |
C 53/I/15 |
Note from the Chairman of Commission I to the Chairman of the Commission-of-the-Whole |
C 53/I/16 |
Committee on Commodity Problems -Draft Resolution |
C 53/I/17 |
Alternative Draft to Paragraphs 1-4 of Part II of the Draft Report to Commission I Summary Records of Commission I |
C 53/I/SR 1- C 53/SR/ 16 |
Committee A of Commission I |
C 53 C /I/A /1 |
Adequacy of Government Services in Economic Fields (Observations by Director, Economics Division |
C 53/I/A/2 |
Draft Report of Committee A on the Selective Expansion of Production |
C 53/I/A/3 |
Draft Report of Committee A on the Selective Expansion of Production (Additional Section) - VII. Adequacy of Government Services to Agriculture |
C 53/I/A/4 |
Draft Report of Committee A on the Selective Expansion of Production Committee B of Commission I |
C 53 / I /B/ 1 |
Working Agenda |
C 53/I/B/2 |
Draft Resolution Presented by the Delegation for Argentina |
C 53/I/B/3 |
Statement by the New Zealand Delegate in Committee B |
C 53/I/B/4 |
Draft Resolution (Agenda item 1 (b)) |
C 53/I/B/5 |
Draft Report of Committee B of Commission I |
C 53/I/B/6 |
Draft Resolution Submitted by the Cuban Delegation |
C 53/II/1 |
Draft Agenda of Commission II |
C 53/II/2 |
Co-operation of FAO with the United Nations anti the Specialized Agencies in work in the Social Field |
C 53/II/3 |
Notes for Statement by Sir Herbert Broadley Deputy Director-General in Introducing Program of Work for 1954-1955 to Commission II of the Seventh Session of the Conference, November 1953 |
C 53/II/3 |
Proposed Timetable |
C 53/II/4 |
Notes for Statement by Sir Herbert Broadley, Deputy Director-General in Introducing Discussion on FAO's Technical Assistance Program in Commission II |
C 53/II/6 |
Suggested Rapporteurs |
C 53/II/7 |
Report of the Forestry Panel |
C 53/II/8 |
Report of the Nutrition Panel |
C 53/II/8 Corr. 1 |
Report of the Nutrition Panel |
C 53/II/9 |
Report of the Economics Panel |
C 53/II/10 |
Report of Informational and Educational Panel |
C 53/II/11 |
Report of the Agriculture Panel |
C 33/II/ 11 Add. 1 |
Desert Locust Control |
C 53/II/12 |
Resolution on FAO/UNKRA Mission Report |
C 53/II/13 |
Report of the Fisheries Panel |
C 53/II/14 |
Draft Resolution Addressed to Coordinating Committee |
C 53/II/15 |
Draft Resolution of the Delegation of Chile - Reform of Agrarian Structure |
C 53/II/15 Rev. 1 |
Draft Resolution of the Delegation of Chile - Reform of Agrarian Structure |
C 53/II/16 |
Draft Resolution Presented by the Belgian Delegation on Technical Assistance |
C 53/II/17 |
Draft Resolution Reform of Agrarian Structure |
C 53/II/18 |
General Resolution of Commission II on Program and Budget for Technical Activities of the Organization in 1954 and 1955 |
C 53/II/19 |
Recommendation of Commission II to the Commission-of-the-Whole Introduced by the Delegate from India. |
C 53/II/20 Revised |
Draft Report of Commission II -Part I |
C 53/II/20 Revised Add. 1 |
Draft Report of Commission II Part I - Addendum |
C 53/II/21 |
Draft Report of Commission II Part II - Expanded Technical Assistance Program |
C 53/II/22 |
Report of Commission II to the Commission-of the-Whole |
C 53/II/22 Add. 1 |
Appendix 1 - Recommendations on Program and Budget to the Commission-of-the-Whole |
C 53/II/23 |
Draft Resolution Proposed by the Delegation of Panama Panels of Commission II |
C 53/II - Ag/1 |
Work Program and Budget in the Field of Agriculture (Items 12, 13, and 14 of Conference Agenda) |
C 53/II Ag/2 |
Program and Budget of the Agriculture Division for 1954/1955 Introductory Statement in the Agriculture Panel by the Director of the Division |
C 53/II - Ag/3 |
Actual Professional Staff Establishment in the Agriculture Division and Plans for 1954 |
C 53/II - Ag/4 |
Part I - Draft Operational Plan C 53 /II - Ag/5 Draft Report of the Agriculture Panel |
C 53/II-Ag/5 Add. 1 |
Report of the Committee on Desert Locust Control to the Agricultural Panel of Commission II |
C 53/II - E/1 |
Work Program and Budget in the Field of Economics (Items 12, 13, and 14 of Conference Agenda) |
C 53/II - E/2 |
Draft Report of the Economic Panel C 53/II - Fi/1 Work, Program and Budget in the Field of Fisheries (Items 12, 13, and 14 of Conference Agenda) |
C 53/II - Fi/2 |
Fisheries Panel - Statement by the Director of the Fisheries Division |
C 53/II - Fi/3 |
Technical Assistance Program in Fisheries Development - Statement by the Chief Technical Assistance Officer, Fisheries Division |
C 53/II - Fi/4 |
Fisheries Panel - Draft Resolution by Delegate from Japan |
C 53/II - Fi/5 |
Draft Report of the Fisheries Panel Meetings |
C 53/II - Fi/5 Amend. 1 |
Draft Report of the Fisheries Panel Meetings |
C 53/II - Fo/1 |
Work, Program and Budget in the Field of Forestry (Items 12 13, and 14 of Conference Agenda) |
C 53/II - Fo/2 |
Forestry Panel - Statement by the Director of the Forestry Division C 53/II - Fo/3 Draft Report of the Forestry Panel |
C 53/II-In/1 |
Work, Program and Budget in the Field of Information and Educational(Items 12, 13, and 14 of Conference Agenda) |
C 52/II - In/2 |
Draft Report |
C 53/II - N/1 |
Work Program and Budget in the Field of Nutrition (Items 12, 13,- and 14 of Conference Agenda) |
C 53/II - N/2 |
List of Documents |
C 53/II - N/3 |
Statement to Nutrition Panel by the Director, Nutrition Division |
C 53/II - N/4 |
Draft Report of the Working Party on Agenda Item 5 - Nutrition Problems of Vulnerable Groups -Mothers and Young Children |
C 53/II - N/4 Revised |
Draft Report of the Working Party on Agenda Item 5 - Nutrition Problems of Vulnerable Groups -Mothers and Young Children |
C 53/II - N/5 |
Draft for Approval of Nutrition Panel - Nutrition Problems of Vulnerable Groups |
C 53/II - N/6 |
Draft for Approval of Nutrition Panel Home Economics Program |
C 53/II - N/7 |
Draft Report on Agenda Item 6 for Approval of Nutrition Panel - Food Technology |
C 53/II - N/8 |
Draft Report for Approval of Nutrition Panel - Food Composition |
C 53/II - N/9 |
Draft Report for Approval of Nutrition Panel - Dietary Requirements |
C 52/II-N/10 |
Draft Report of the Nutrition Panel |
Summary Records of Commission II |
C 53/II/SR 1 - C 53/II/SR II |
C 53/III/1 |
Suggested order of Items for Discussion |
C 53/III/2 |
Administrative Tribunal |
C 53/III/3 |
Amendment to 1954/55 Budget (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/III/3 Suppl .1 |
Amendment to 1954/55 Budget (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/III/3 Suppl. 2 |
Amendment to 1954/55 Budget (Note by the Director-General |
C 53/III/3 Suppl. 3 |
Amendment to 1954/55 Budget (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/III/3 Suppl. 4 |
Program of Work and Budget 1954 and 1955 - Revised Annex II -Summary of ETAP Estimates for 1952, 1953 and 1954 |
C 53/III/3 Suppl. 5 |
Amendment to 1954/55 Budget |
C 53/III/4 |
Associate Membership in FAO for Non-Self-governing Territories |
C 53/III/5 |
Level of the Working Capital Fund |
C 53/III/6 |
Draft Amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Procedure Resulting from Council Recommendations with Regard to the Increase in the Number of Council Seats, Nominations and Voting Procedure for Council Elections, and Traveling Expenses of Council Members |
C 53/III/6 Amend. 1 |
Draft Amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Procedure Resulting from Council Recommendations with Regard to the Increase in the Number of Council Seats, Nominations and Voting Procedure for Council Elections, and Traveling Expenses of Council Members |
C 53/III/7 |
Amendment Submitted by the Swiss Delegate to Rule XXIII-2 of the Rules of Procedure |
C 53/III/8 |
Amendment Submitted by the Swiss Delegation to Rule XXIII-5 of the Rules of Procedure |
C 53/III/9 |
Amendment Submitted by the Swiss Delegation to Rule XXIII-5 and 6 of the Rules of Procedure |
C 53/III/10 |
United States Proposal for New Members of the Council |
C 52/III/11 |
Comments of the United Nations on the Interpretation of Article XI(a) of the Agreement between the Italian Government and the FAO (Item 35 of the Conference Agenda ) |
C 53/III/12 |
Per Caput Scale of Contributions |
C 53/III/13 |
Comparison of Estimates for Official Travel - 1953 and 1954 |
C 53/III/14 |
Report of Working Party on Headquarters Agreement |
C 53/III/15 |
Report of Working Party on Composition of the Committee on Financial Control |
C 53/III/15 Add 1 |
(In French only) |
C 53/III/16 |
Report of the Working Party on Powers and Procedure of the Organization with Regard to International Conventions and Agreements |
C 53/III/17 |
Administrative Tribunal - Resolution by the Delegation of the United States of America |
C 53/III/18 |
Draft Report of Commission III -Part II - Budgets for 1954 and 1955 |
C 53/III/19 |
Text Proposed for Inclusion in the Report of Commission III to Clarify the Conference Intention Regarding the Words "Foreseeable Receipts" in Fin. Reg. 4.1(a) and 6.3(a) |
C 53/III/20 |
Draft Report of Commission III -Part III - Legal and Constitutional Questions |
C 53/III/21 |
Draft Resolutions on the Scales of Contributions |
Summary Records of Commission III C 53/III/SR-1 - C 53/III/SR-21 |
C 53/IV/1 |
Budgetary Matters Requiring Consideration by the Commission-of-the Whole (Note by the Director-General) |
C 53/IV/2 |
Draft Resolution Presented by the Netherlands and United States Delegations on the Distribution of Costs Between ETAP and the Regular Program |
Verbatim Records of Commission IV |
C 53/IV/PV-1 - C 53/IV/PV-4 |
Program of Work and Budget for 1954-55
Revised Budget for 1954 Expanded Technical Assistance Program Supplement to Program of Work and Budget for 1954-55
Revised Budget for 1954 Expanded Technical Assistance Program
Supplement to Program of Work and Budget for 1954-55 (Amendment 1)
The Work of FAO 1952/ 1953
The State of Food and Agriculture - 1953. Part I: Review and Outlook
The State of Food and Agriculture - 1953. Part II: Longer term Prospects; idem - Corrigenda
Activities of FAO under the Expanded Technical Assistance Program 1952/1953
Agriculture in the Near East - Development and Outlook
Agriculture in Asia and the Far East - Development and Outlook
Prospects for Agricultural Development in Latin America