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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Sixth Session |
Rome, 19 November - 6 December 1951 |
I. Officers of the sixth session of the conference
A. Verification of credentials
B. Appointment of general committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Distribution of work among the commissions
E. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions
F. Admission of observers
III. World situation, trends and policies in respect of food and agriculture
A. The current world food and agricultural situation
B. Trends and prospects
C. Improvement of conditions for increasing food and agricultural productionObjectives and programs for agricultural development
Extension services, education and demonstration
Reform of agrarian structures
Investment for agricultural development (including forestry and fisheries)
MigrationD. International commodity problems
E. Food shortages and famine
A. GeneralWork of FAO in 1950/51
Long-term objectives and associated problems
Program of work for 1952 and 1953
Expanded technical assistance program
Technical assistance fellowships and trainingCollection of information
Article XI reports
Advisory committees
Land and water utilization and conservation
Range management
Shifting cultivation
Principles of forest policy
Increased production of pulp and paperC. Specified activities and programs
Informational and educational services
V. Administrative and financial questions
A. Transfer and establishment of headquarters in Rome
B. Financial questionsFinancial implications of the interpretation of date of membership of certain governments
Scale of contributions
Amendments to constitution, rules of procedure and financial regulations concerning financial questions (C 51/7)a) Date on which membership becomes effective and assessment of new members
b) Conformity with UN financial regulations
c) Utilization of miscellaneous receipts
d) Currency of the working capital fund
e) Currency of contributionsLevels of income for 1952 and 1953
Budgets for 1952 and 1953
Financial position of the organizationa) Disposal of the 1951 surplus
b) Credits in working capital fund
c) Establishment of a special fund (CL 13/8)Use of the organization's headquarters conference facilities (C 51/III-3)
Liquidation of international institute of agriculture and the international forestry center
Audited accounts of fifth financial year
Staff commissary
Distribution of conference documentation (C 51/III-2)
Administrative and financial aspects of the expanded technical assistance programAdoption by FAO of the UN salary, allowance, and leave system (C 51/III-5)
Cost-of-living differential for Rome (C 51/27)
Shipment of household goods
Appointment of staff pension committee (C 51/36)D. Regional organization (C 51/14)
E. Relations with the United Nations and other specialized agencies
VI. Constitutional and legal questions
A. Admission of new members to the organization
B. Special request of the government of San Marino for permanent consultative status
C. Election of members of the council, terms of office, and council membership
D. Appointment of chairman of the council
E. Appointment of director-general
F. Authentic texts of the constitution
G. Amendments to the rules of procedureCo-ordination of activities with the United Nations and the specialized agencies
Co-ordinating committeeH. International plant protection convention
I. International office of epizootics
J. European committee on agricultural technology
K. Latin American fisheries council
L. Emergency action to assist the United Nations in the maintenance of peace and security
A. Thanks to Italian government
B. Sympathy to Italy in flood disaster
C. Portraits
D. Date and place of next conference session
A. Agenda for the sixth session of the conference
B. Certificates of quality and origin and consignment form
C. Draft agreement between the organization of American States and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
D. Budget for the seventh financial year (ending 31 December 1952) Budget for the eighth financial year (ending 31 December 1953)
E. Scale of contributions for 1952 and 1953
F. Special request of the government of San Marino for permanent consultative status
G. International plant protection convention
H. Agreement for the establishment of a Latin-American fisheries council
I. List of conference documents
J. Delegates, representatives and observers attending the sixth session of the conference