Report of the Conference of FAO |
Third Session |
Geneva, Switzerland, 25 August - 11 September 1947 |
I. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
III. Officers of the third session of the conference
A. General actions by the conferenceAdmission of observers
Admission of new members
Proposed agreement between FAO and WHO
Approval of commission reports
Election of the council
Election of the chairman of the council
Appointment of the director-generalB. Resolutions adopted by the conference
1. General recommendation
2. World food and agriculture situationa) Shortage of exchange
b) Optimum utilization of food
c) International allocations
d) World food proposals
e) Fertilizers
f) Agricultural machinery
g) Periodic reportsa) Agriculture
b) Nutrition
c) Fisheries
d) Forestry and forest products
e) Economics, marketing, and statistics
f) World Census 1950
g) Rural welfarea) Diplomatic privileges and immunities
b) Relations with ICEF
c) Relations with United Nations
d) Relations with specialized agencies
e) Relations with international nongovernmental organizations
f) Regional offices
g) Accounts of the organization
h) Payment of contributions
i) Scale of contributions
j) Currency of contributions
k) Supplementary budget estimates
l) Staff salaries
m) Contingencies
n) Adoption of the budget
o) Report of the committee on financial control
p) Permanent site
A. Report to the conference by commission I (world food and agriculture situation)
Item 1 of agenda - The world food crisis
Item 2 of agenda - Shortage of exchange
Item 3 of agenda - Optimum utilization of food
Item 4 of agenda - International allocations
Item 5 of agenda - World food proposals
Item 6 of agenda - Fertilizers and agricultural machinery
Item 7 of agenda - Action on particular products
Item 8 of agenda - Periodic reportsB. Report to the conference by commission II (Technical Activities)
Item 1 of agenda - Agriculture
Item 2 of agenda - Nutrition
Item 3 of agenda - Fisheries
Item 4 of agenda - Forestry and forest products
Item 5 of agenda - Economics, marketing, and statistics
Item 6 of agenda - World census 1950
Item 7 of agenda - Rural welfareItem 1 of agenda - Organization of the commission
Item 2 of agenda - Diplomatic privileges and immunities
Item 3 of agenda - Relations with other organizations
Item 4 of agenda - Regional offices
Item 5 of agenda - Finance
Item 6 of agenda - Site of the permanent headquarters of FAO
Item 7 of agenda - Report of preparatory commission (chapter VII) and amendments to the constitution and rules of procedure
A. Delegates and observers attending the third session of the conference
B. Amendments to rules and regulationsAmendments to the rules of procedure
Amendments to the financial regulationsC. Budget for the third financial year (1948)
D. Audited accounts of FAO
E. Agreement between the International Labour Organisation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations