Contents -

C. List of documents


C 95/1

Provisional Agenda

C 95/2

The State of Food and Agriculture 1995: Summary

C 95/2-Sup.1

Update to the State of Food and Agriculture

C 95/3

Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97

C 95/3-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 95/3

C 95/3-Sup.1

List of 1996-97 Scheduled Sessions and Selected Publications

C 95/4

Programme Evaluation Report 1994-95

C 95/4-Corr.1
(Arabic only)

Corrigendum to C 95/4

C 95/5

Financial Report and Statements Volume I: Regular Programme 1992-93

C 95/6

Financial Report and Statements Volume II: United Nations Development Programme 1992-93

C 95/7

Financial Report and Statements Volume III: World Food Programme1992-93

C 95/8

Programme Implementation Report 1994-95

C 95/9

Medium-term Plan 1996-2001

C 95/9-Corr.1
(French only)

Corrigendum to C 95/9

C 95/10

Applications for Membership in the Organization

C 95/10-Sup.1

Supplement to C 95/10

C 95/11

Election of Council Members

C 95/12

Arrangements for the Twenty-eighth Session of the Conference

C 95/13

Admission to the Session of Representatives and Observers of International Organizations

C 95/14-Rev.1

Fourth Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Agricultural Development

C 95/14-Sup.1-

Plan of Action for Women in Development

C 95/15

Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council

C 95/16

Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the FAO Staff Pension Committee

C 95/17

World Food Summit

C 95/17-Corr.1
(French only)

Corrigendum to C 95/17

C 95/18

International Agricultural Adjustment

C 95/18-Sup.1

Supplement to C 95/18

C 95/19

Broadening the Mandate of the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources to Cover all Genetic Resources Relevant to Food and Agriculture

C 95/20-Rev.1

Draft Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

C 95/21-Rev-1

FAO 50th Anniversary Declaration on Food and Agriculture"
The Quebec Declaration"

C 95/21-Sup.1

Draft Resolution on the FAO Fiftieth Anniversary Declaration on Food and Agriculture

C 95/22-Rev.1

Phytosanitary Standards

C 95/22-Rev.1-

Corrigendum to C 95/22-Rev.1

C 95/22-Sup.1

Proposed Standard on Pest Free Areas

C 95/22-Sup.2

Updating the International Plant Protection Convention

C 95/22-Sup.3

Updating the International Plant Protection Convention

C 95/23

Implementation of UN General Assembly Resolutions 48/162 and 47/199: The Transformation of the CFA into an Executive Board and Revision of the General Regulations of WFP

C 95/23-Corr.1
(Arabic only)

Corrigendum to C 95/23

C 95/24

Draft Revised Agreement Between the Organization of African Unity(OAU) and FAO

Desert Locust Situation and Actions Required

C 95INF/Series

C 95/INF/1

Report of Informal Meeting of International Non-Governmental Organizations (21 October 1995)

C 95/INF/2

Guide on Conduct of Plenary Meetings

C 95/INF/3-Rev.2

Provisional List of Delegates and Observers

C 95/INF/4

Provisional List of Documents

C 95/INF/5

Director-General's Statement

C 95/INF/6

Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards (1994 and 1995)

C 95/INF/7

Presentation of A.H Boerma Award 1994-95

C 95/INF/8

Presentation of the Edouard Saouma Award 1994-95

C 95/INF/9

Nineteenth McDougall Memorial Lecture 1995 (delivered by Prof. Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza)

C 95/INF/10

FAO Member Nations, Council Members, Members of the Council Committees and of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAD World Food Programme

C 95/INF/11

Implementation of 1994 Regional Conference Recommendations

C 95/INF/12

Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission I

C 95/INF/13-Rev. 1

Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission II

C 95/INF/14

Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission III

C 95/INF/15

Notification of Membership in the Open Committees of the Council, 1996-97

C 95/INF/16

Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States

C 95/INF/17

Comparison of Receipt of Assessed Contributions

C 95/INF/18

Progress Report on the Implementation of the ICN World Plan of Action for Nutrition

C 95/INF/19

Progress Report on the Global System for the Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

C 95/INF/l9-Sup-1

Progress Report on the Revision of the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources

C 95/INF/19-Sup.2

The Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, Report on the Preparatory Process and the Expected Outputs

C 95/INF/20

Collaboration within the UN System and with Other Organizations

C 95/INF/21

Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director-General

C 95/INF/21-Sup.1

Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director-General(Status as at 13 October 1995)

C 95/INF/22

Fourth Progress Report on WCARRD Programme of Action

C 95/INF/23

Extracts from Council Reports

C 95/INF/24

Statement of Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) on the Report of ICSC

C 95/LIM/Series

C 95/LIM/1

Preparations for the 28th Session of the FAO Conference(Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/2

Report of the Nominations Committee

C 95/LIM/3

Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97, Programme Implementation Report 1994-95, Medium-term Plan 1996-2001(Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/4

Scale of Contributions 1996-97 (Extract from CL 108/REP)

C 95/LIM/4-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 95/LIM/4

C 95/LIM/5

Draft Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries(Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/6

First Report of the General Committee

C 95/LIM/7

First Report of the Credentials Committee

C 95/LIM/8

No document

C 95/LIM/9

Programme Evaluation Report 1994-95 (Extract from CL 108/REP)

C 95/LIM/10

World Food Summit (Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/11

Fourth Progress Report on Implementation of the Plan of Action for the Integration of Women in Development (Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/12

Audited Accounts 1992-93 and Report of Action Taken on Recommendations of the External Auditor (Extract from CL 107/REP)

C 95/LIM/13

WFP Audited Accounts 1992-93 (Extract from CL 108/REP)

C 95/LIM/14

Proposed Standard on Requirements for Establishment of Pest Free Areas

C 95/LIM/15

United Nations/ FAO World Food Programme Pledging Target 1997-98(Extract from CL 108/REP)

C 95/LIM/16

Financial Position of the Organization including Status of Contributions


and the Discount Scheme (Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/16-Sup.1

Financial Position of the Organization at 25 October 1995

C 95/LIM/17

Updating of the International Plant Protection Convention(Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/18

Second Report of the General Committee (Election of Council Members)

C 95/LIM/l9

The State of Food and Agriculture 1995: Summary(Extract from CL 109/REP)

C 95/LIM/20

First Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I)

C 95/LIM/21

Second Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission III)

C 95/LIM/22

Second Report of the Credentials Committee

C 95/LIM/23

Third Report of the Resolutions Committee (Plenary)

C 95/LIM/24

Fourth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I)

C 95/LIM/25

Third Report of the General Committee

C 95/LIM/26

Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions

C 95/LIM/27

Fifth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I)

C 95/LIM/28

Fourth Report of the General Committee (Voting Rights)

C 95/LIM/29

Sixth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission III)

C 95/LIM/30

Third Report of the Credentials Committee

C 95/LIM/31

Seventh Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I)

C 95/LIM/32

Fifth Report of the General Committee

C 95/REP/Series

C 95/REP/1 to
C 95/REP/13

Draft Report of Plenary

C 95/I/REP/1 to
C 95/I/REP/5
C 95/I/REP/6-Rev.1

Draft Report of Commission I

C 95/II/REP/1 to
C 95/II/REP/5
C 95/II/REP/5-

Draft Report of Commission II

C 95/III/REP/1
C 95/III/REP/2

Draft Report of Commission III

C 95/PV/Series

C 95/PV/1 Rev.1
C 95/PV/2 to
C 95/PV/5
C 95/PV/5-Sup.1
C 95/PV/6 to
C 95/PV/15

First to Fifteenth Verbatim Records

C 95/I/PV/1 to
C 95/I/PV/9

First to Ninth Verbatim Records Commission I

C 95/II/PV/1
C 95/II/PV/l-Sup.1
C 95/II/PV/2 to
C 95/II/PV/10

First to Tenth Verbatim Records Commission II

C 95/III/PV/1
C 95/III/PV/2

First to Second Verbatim Records Commission III

C 95/DJ/ Series

C 95/DJ/1 to
C 95/DJ/9

Daily Journals of the Conference


D. The fiftieth anniversary declaration on food and agriculture


We, the Ministers and Plenipotentiaries of the Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, on the occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary

RECALLING the goals shared by FAO's Members enshrined in the Constitution of FAO:

· to ensure humanity's freedom from hunger;
· to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living of their peoples;
· to secure improvements in the efficiency of the production and distribution of all food and agricultural, forestry and fisheries products;
· to better the condition of rural populations; and
· to contribute towards an expanding world economy;

NOTING with satisfaction the progress made globally with respect to these objectives, over the past 50 years;

RECOGNIZING, nevertheless, that despite these advances very many people still suffer from chronic undernutrition and lack the food needed for productive and active lives, that rural conditions continue to be difficult and contribute to rural exodus, and that population growth will bring even greater demand for food;

BEING CONSCIOUS of the multiple and indispensable functions of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the need to achieve food security for all;

REAFFIRMING our dedication to the principles on which the Food and Agriculture Organization was founded and our political support to the Organization as it carries out its mission to help build a world where all people can live with dignity, confident of food security;

RENEWING our commitment to promote the common welfare by furthering separate and collective action towards the achievement of the above goals;

HEREBY DECLARE that, in setting objectives for food, sustainable agriculture and rural development and the conservation of natural resources, we commit ourselves and the Food and Agriculture Organization to give due emphasis to:

I. Promoting agriculture, forestry and fisheries as key sectors in the quest for sustainable economic development

· recognizing the responsibility of governments to establish appropriate institutional and legal frameworks;

· promoting sustainable production and rural development and employment, bettering the conditions of rural populations, and combating poverty;

· promoting appropriate investment in agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors;

· integrating the management of land, forest, pastoral and aquatic resources within national economic plans and development programmes;

· promoting efficient and sustainable use of water resources;

· promoting international trade in agricultural, forestry and fisheries products;

· promoting efficient marketing and distribution;

· reducing pre- and post-harvest losses;

· realizing the economic and nutritional potential of traditional foods.

II. Empowering food producers and consumers

· recognizing the importance of farmers, foresters and fishers, and their representative groups, in society and the economy;

· promoting the development of human resources;

· recognizing and enhancing the role of women and facilitating their equal participation;

· enabling people, including disadvantaged and marginalized groups, to participate in sustainable agricultural and rural development;

· creating an environment supportive of individual and joint efforts to achieve and enhance sustainable activities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries;

· promoting food security and an improved nutritional status for every household and individual, including through nutrition education, and ensuring that foods are of good quality and safe;

· securing the supply of and acces to food for populations living under various unstable food supply conditions, especially those in low-income, food-deficit countries.

III. Making sustainable use of natural resources for development

· encouraging sustainable development;

· promoting cooperation in the use and conservation of the natural resources through national, regional and global strategies;

· assisting efforts in the identification, evaluation, development and monitoring of the use of natural resources;

· combating desertification and degradation of agricultural lands;

· supporting the research and development capacities and activities of developing countries, and promoting dissemination of the results of research.

IV. Building a global partnership for sustainable development

· promoting growth with equity;

· promoting international cooperation for development involving all stake holders;

· assisting countries in the development and implementation of policies and programmes, and enhancing their national capacities in these areas.

This declaration was approved by the Ministers and Plenipotentiaries of the Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations who met on 16 October 1995 in Quebec City, Canada, to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of FAO, and formally adopted by the FAO Conference at its Twenty-eighth Session on 25 October 1995 in Rome.

Contents -