XII. Appendix C - List of documents
C 93/1 |
Provisional Agenda |
C 93/2 |
The State of Food and Agriculture 1993 |
C 93/2-Sup.1 |
Supplement to C 93/2 |
C 93/3 |
Programme of Work and Budget 1994-95 |
C 93/3-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/3 |
(English only) |
C 93/3-Sup.1 |
Supplement to C 93/3 |
C 93/4 |
Programme Evaluation Report 1992-93 |
C 93/5 |
Financial Report and Statements Volume I: Regular Programme 1990-91 |
C 93/6 |
Financial Report and Statements Volume II: United Nations Development Programme 1990-91 |
C 93/7 |
Financial Report and Statements Volume III: World Food Programme 1990-91 |
C 93/8 |
Programme Implementation Report 1992-93 |
C 93/8-Sup.1 |
Operational Activities for Development |
C 93/9 |
Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO |
C 93/9-Sup.1 |
Supplement to Document C 93/9 |
C 93/10 |
Activities Related to Sustainable Development and Environment |
C 93/11 |
Election of Council Members |
C 93/12 |
Arrangements for the Twenty-seventh Session of the Conference |
C 93/13 |
Admission to the Session of Representatives and Observers of International Organizations |
C 93/13-Sup. 1 |
Supplement to C 93/13 |
C 93/14 |
Third Progress Report on the Implementation of the Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Development |
C 93/15 |
Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council |
C 93/15-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/15 |
C 93/16 |
Appointment of Representatives of the Conference to the FAO Staff Pension Committee |
C 93/17 |
Trust Funds - Support Costs Reimbursement |
C 93/18 |
Appointment of Director-General |
C 93/18-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/18 |
C 93/19 |
Applications for Membership in the Organization |
C 93/20 |
Recent Developments in Relations with Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations |
C 93/20-Sup.1 |
International Organizations with which Formal Relations have been Established since 1989 |
C 93/21 |
Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director-General (Status as at 30 June 1993) |
C 93/21-Sup.1 |
Supplement to C 93/21 |
C 93/22 |
Food Security and Nutrition Status Report |
C 93/23 |
Medium-term Plan 1994-99 |
C 93/24 |
Agriculture: Towards 2010 |
C 93/25-Rev.1 |
Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine |
C 93/26 |
Draft Agreement on the Flagging of Vessels Fishing on the High Seas to Promote Compliance with Internationally Agreed Conservation and Management Measures |
C 93/27 |
Report on Implementation of External Audit Recommendations |
C 93/28 |
Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Matters Arising from the 5th Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources |
C 93/28-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/28 |
C 93/INF/1 |
Report of Informal Meeting of International Non-Governmental Organizations |
C 93/INF/2 |
Guide on Conduct of Plenary Meetings |
C 93/INF/3-Rev.2 |
Provisional List of Delegates and Observers |
C 93/INF/4 |
Provisional List of Documents |
C 93/INF/5 |
FAO Member Nations, Council Members, Members of the Council Committees and of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAD World Food Programme |
C 93/INF/5-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/INF/5 |
(French only) |
C 93/INF/6 |
Presentation of B.R. Sen Awards (1992 and 1993) |
C 93/INF/7 |
Presentation of A.H. Boerma Award (1992-93) |
C 93/INF/8 |
Notification of Membership of the Open Committees of the Council 1994-95 |
C 93/INF/9 |
Eighteenth McDougall Memorial Lecture 1993 (delivered by Elias Hraoui, President of the Lebanese Republic) |
C 93/INF/10 |
Implementation of 1992 Regional Conference Recommendations |
C 93/INF/11 |
Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission I |
C 93/INF/12 |
Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission II |
C 93/INF/13 |
Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission III |
C 93/INF/14 |
Statement by the Director-General Edouard Saouma to the 27th Conference Session |
C 93/INF/15 |
Extracts from Council Reports |
C 93/INF/16 |
Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Economic Community (EEC) |
C 93/INF/17 |
International Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Collection and Transfer |
C 93/INF/18 |
The Desert Locust Situation in West and North-West Africa |
C 93/INF/19 |
Statement of Mr. Antoine Saintrant, Independent Chairman of the Council |
C 93/INF/20 |
Statement by His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the Participants at the 27th Session of FAO Conference |
C 93/LIM/1 |
Preparations for the 27th Session of the FAO Conference (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/2 |
Report of the Nominations Committee |
C 93/LIM/3 |
Programme Implementation Report 1992-93 (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/4 |
Scale of Contributions 1994-95 (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/4-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/LIM/4 |
C 93/LIM/5 |
United Nations/FAO World Food Programme Pledging Target 1995-96 (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/6 |
First Report of the General Committee |
C 93/LIM/7 |
First Report of the Credentials Committee |
C 93/LIM/8 |
Council Elections |
C 93/LIM/9 |
Programme Evaluation Report 1992-93 (Extract from 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/10 |
Medium-term Plan 1994-99 (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/11 |
Programme of Work and Budget 1994-95 (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/12 |
Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/13 |
Amendment to Rule XXXIV (GRO) Regarding Terms of Reference of the CCLM (Extract from CL 102/REP) |
C 93/LIM/14 |
Amendments to Paragraph 10 of Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/15 |
Audited Accounts 1990-91 (Extracts from CL 102/REP/and CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/16 |
Second Report of the General Committee (Re-admission of South Africa) |
C 93/LIM/17 |
Status of Contributions (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/18 |
Measures to Improve the Collection of Assessed Contributions (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/19 |
Personnel Matters (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/20 |
Abolition of the Panel of Experts on Emergency Action Against the Desert Locust and Other Crop Pests and Abolition of the Advisory Panel on Epizootiology (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/21 |
Cooperation Agreement Between the Organization for the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific (NACA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (Extract from CL 103/REP) |
C 93/LIM/22 |
Commissary Accounts (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/23 |
International Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing |
C 93/LIM/24 |
Payment by the EEC to cover Administrative and Other Expenses Arising out of its Membership in the Organization (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/25 |
Assessed Contribution of Czechoslovakia (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/26 |
Draft Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas (Extract from CL 104/REP) |
C 93/LIM/27 |
Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission |
C 93/LIM/28 |
Third Report of the General Committee |
C 93/LIM/29 |
Fourth Report of the General Committee (Tribute to Edouard Saouma) |
C 93/LIM/30 |
First Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I) |
C 93/LIM/31 |
Second Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission II) |
C 93/LIM/32 |
Third Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission III) |
C 93/LIM/33 |
Fifth Report of the General Committee |
C 93/LIM/34 |
Financial Position of the Organization at 16 November 1993 |
C 93/LIM/35 |
Fourth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I) |
C 93/LIM/36 |
Fifth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission II) |
C 93/LIM/37 |
Sixth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission I) |
C 93/LIM/38 |
Seventh Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission II) |
C 93/LIM/39 |
Eighth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission II) |
C 93/LIM/40 |
Sixth Report of the General Committee (Election of Council Members) |
C 93/LIM/40-Corr.1 |
Corrigendum to C 93/LIM/40 |
C 93/LIM/40-Sup.1 |
Supplement to C 93/LIM/40 |
C 93/LIM/41 |
Seventh Report of the General Committee |
C 93/LIM/42 |
Ninth Report of the Resolutions Committee (Commission III) |
C 93/LIM/43 |
Eighth Report of the General Committee |
C 93/LIM/44 |
Ninth Report of the General Committee |
C 93/REP/1 |
C 93/REP/1-Sup.1 |
Draft Report of Plenary |
C 93/REP/2 to |
C 93/I/REP/1 |
C 93/I/REP/1-Sup.1 |
C 93/I/REP/1-Sup.2 |
Draft Report of Commission I |
C 93/I/REP/2 to |
C 93/II/REP/1 to |
Draft Report of Commission II |
C 93/III/REP/1 to |
Draft Report of Commission III |
C 93/PV/1 to |
C 93/PV/5-Rev.1 |
First to Twentieth Verbatim Records of Plenary |
C 93/PV/6 to |
C 93/I/PV/1 to |
First to Thirteenth Records of Commission I |
C 93/II/PV/1 to |
First to Fifteenth Verbatim Records of Commission II |
C 93/III/PV/1 to |
First to Sixth Verbatim Records of Commission III |
C 93/DJ/1 to |
Daily Journals of the Conference |