The Contracting Parties,
Considering that NACA was formerly a joint FAO/UNDP project,
Considering that the NACA project was established as an independent economic organization by an agreement concluded on 8 January 1988, which entered into force on 11 January 1990,
Considering that Article 15.1 of the NACA Agreement provides that there should be a close working relationship between the Organization and FAO and that, to this end, the Organization should conclude an agreement pursuant to Article XIII of the FAO Constitution,
Recognizing the interest which FAO has in the development of aquaculture, fisheries and fishery resources and the vital role which aquaculture plays in the promotion and better use of fishery resources,
Have agreed as follows:
I. A close working relationship shall be established and maintained between NACA and FAO.
II. FAO shall participate in meetings of the Governing Council of NACA as an observer.
III. FAO shall participate in meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee of NACA as a member.
IV. The Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA) will serve as a focal point for liaison between NACA and FAO.
V. The Contracting Parties may decide by mutual agreement to extend the scope of their cooperation as appropriate.