PWMTA-WMTUH-FARM Field Document No. 4
Case Studies of People's Participation in Watershed Management in Asia
Part I: Nepal, China and India
Edited by
Prem N. Sharma and Mohan P. Wagley
Kathmandu, Nepal, January, 1996
UNDP/FAO/Netherlands, RAS/93/063 - GCP/RAS/161/NET
Watershed Management in Tropics and Upper Himalayas (WMTUH)/Farmer centred Agriculture Resource Management (FARM) Program Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA)
PWMTA The Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) Program (GCP/RAS/161/NET, FAO/Netherlands) is designed for human resource development in participatory watershed management. It will contribute to sustainable use and management of forest, soil, water and other natural resources by enhancing skills and national capabilities to plan, implement, evaluate and monitor participatory watershed rehabilitation programs. This will be achieved by regional training. workshops, seminars and national and regional watershed management networking. The PWMTA is closely linked and complimentary to the FARM program. Many of the Asian countries are seriously investing in WM today. However, few are providing training in holistic approach to participatory watershed management. PWMTA is to assist the member countries in filling this gap. |
ASIAN WATMANET (ASIAN WATershed MAnagement NETwork) This is a regional network for people's participation in watershed management founded in Nov. 1994 by the national coordinators of the RAS/93/063, WMTUH/FARM program. It is now sponsored by the PWMTA, GCP/RAS/161/NET program of the FAO/Netherlands along with the RAS/93/062, FARM program of the UNDP/FAO into which the RAS/93/063 has merged. Its member countries are the participating countries in the FARM program and the PWMTA program. The network is to facilitate: farmers' organizations for watershed management at small watershed, village, district and national level, exchange of experiences at farmers, extensionists, as well as technical, professional. educator and policy maker level, exchange of information among the member countries, and strengthen a movement of GO/NGO/PO/FOs for sustainable natural resources management of the fragile watersheds in the Asian region: It also publishes a quarterly ASIAN WATMANET newsletter. |
The designations employed and the presentation of the materials in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the FAO (UN), UNDP or the Netherlands concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors alone and do not imply any opinion what so ever in the part of the FAO (UN), UNDP or the Netherlands. |
First Edition: January, 1996
Second Edition: July, 1996
Third Edition: July, 1997
Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) Program, GCP/RAS/161/NET - RAS/93/062, FAO (UN), P.O. Box 25, Kathmandu, Nepal
Office address:
Dept. of Soil Conservation, Babarmahal, MFSC/HMG, Kathmandu, Nepal
For copies write to:
Dr. Prem N. Sharma, FAO (UN), P.O. Box 25, Kathmandu, Nepal
Front cover photo: Community forestry in the BTRT watershed area, Nepal case study by Mr. Rabin Bogati, Department of Soil Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal.
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A case study of people's participation in Begnastal and Rupatal (BTRT) watershed management in Nepal
Land use
Socio-economic conditionsThe concepts and mechanisms of people's participation
No participation model
Information sharing model
Political participation model
Users' participation model
Individual participation modelReview of people's participation in watershed management in the western development region
First stage (1974-80)
Second stage (1981-85)
Third stage (1986-90)
Fourth stage (1991-94)Activities of the Begnastal Rupatal watershed management project
Consequences of the BTRT project
Involvement of women, occupational castes and other minority groups
Management of forests
Management of private and community landsInfluences of the BTRT project on people's participation
Community development and organization
Community development board
Local clubResult of people's participation in the BTRT area
Changes and improvements in land use
Economic benefits
Changes in land productivity
Users' involvement in watershed management
Access to credit
Innovations by neighbouring farmersConclusions and recommendations
Policy recommendations
Unit of watershed management
Users and their organizations
Gender equality
Indigenous technology
Watershed resource assessment
Development of local capabilities
Sharing information and coordinating activities
A case study of successful watershed management in Wuhua County, Guangdong Province, China
Description of Wuhua County
Environmental and socio-economic conditions
Types of soil erosion
Some important features of soil erosionVegetation
Relations between vegetation and soil erosionMechanisms of people's participation
Family contract system
Collective or group contract system
Sub-Lease contract system
Professional contract system
Specialized contract systemSoil and water conservation strategy
Strategic decisions of the provincial government
Strategies for implementing comprehensive management of small watersheds
Watershed management planningAdministration for people's participation and research support
Comprehensive erosion control measures at Wupi watershed
A brief history
Soil erosion control measures
Reduction in fuel-wood shortageContractual arrangements for people's participation
Results of improved land use management in Wuhua county
An overview of people's participation in natural resource management in India
Breakdown of traditional sustainable systems
Participation of resource poor farmers
Prejudice against womenRecent prominent initiatives of people's participation in resource management
Naxalite movement
Chipko movement
Save Narmada movement (Andolan)
Bodh Gaya Andolan
Ganga liberation (Mukti) Andolan
AVARD'S irrigation schemes
Water council (Pani Panchayat)
Rope makers of saharanpur
Chakriya Vikas pranali (the cyclic system of development)
MYRADA's self-help groups
Rural labor association of Halpati Sava Sangh
Ralegan Siddhi
Self-Help groups by Taj Mahal gram Bikas Kendra
Mahila Vikas Sangh (women development federation)
Self employed women's associationThe case of people's participation in watershed management in Ralegan Siddhi
The physical setting
Demographic features
Socio-economic structure
Base-line situationApproaches/methods used for people's participation
Gandhian approach
Creation of a common platform
Moral cleansing
Selfless leadership
Identification of the most pressing common problem
Initiating the process of change at individual level
Socialization of costs and surpluses
Democratic decision making process
Social reform with strict discipline
Need-based planned socio-economic development
Cooperative management system
Special focus on women
Facilitating village organizationsReflections on the experience and insights gained
Lessons, achievements, weaknesses and constraints
Achievements at Ralegan Siddhi