The following recommendations were formulated, by the Consultation on the basis of the presentation and discussion of the papers, with special reference to those dealing with methodology.
1. The Consultation, aware of the seriousness of the potential hazards of salinization and alkalization of existing and newly irrigated lands and on their environment, realizing the necessity of the early prediction of the unfavourable changes in the salt balance, recognizes the importance and need of guidelines for prognosis and monitoring of salinity and alkalinity and recommends that FAO, in cooperation with the ISSS Sub-Commission on Salt Affected Soils, continue the work in this field.
2. The Consultation recognizing that prognosis and monitoring of salinity and alkalinity needs to be based on an analysis of the processes involved and on carefully selected and quantified parameters, recommends that FAO make full use of research data available in institutions dealing with problems of salt affected soils, furthermore, it is recommended that FAO promotes scientific and applied research, exchange of ideas, training and demonstration especially in developing countries in order to ensure experience on effective soil, crop and water management at the planning, engineering and operational levels and also on diagnosis and monitoring of salinity and alkalinity.
3. The Consultation was informed of the FAO/UNEP Project on A World Assessment of Soil Degradation. This assessment would include salinity and alkalinity hazards besides other forms of soil degradation. The Consultation recommends that the work to be carried out on prognosis of salinity and alkalinity be closely linked and coordinated with the FAO/UNEP project on soil degradation and serves as a basis for promoting the development of monitoring activities in irrigated areas.
4. The Consultation being informed that the ISSS Sub-Commission on Salt Affected Soils would hold an in-between Congress meetings International Congress on Managing Saline Water for Irrigation: Planning for the Future, in Texas USA in August 1976, recommends that a draft of the guideline, to be prepared by the FAO Secretariat, on prognosis and monitoring of salinity and alkalinity be ready prior to that date and be presented for comments to the meeting of the Sub-Commission.