Rome, 3-6 June 1975
(FAO/ISSS Sub-Commission on Salt Affected Soils)
Tuesday |
Opening of the Consultation |
A. Extent, Evolution and Economic Classification of Salt
Affected Soils |
1. Evolution of soil salinity, alkalinity and waterlogging:
Prof. V.A. Kovda |
2. Present and potential salt affected soils (An
introduction): Dr. I. Szabolcs |
3. Economic land classification for the prevention and
reclamation of salt affected soils: Mr. W. Peters |
B. Factors to be considered for Prognosis |
1. Natural factors: Dr. W. van der Molen |
2. Man-made factors: |
a. Water management and salinity: Dr. J. Van
Schilfgaarde |
Wednesday |
b. Assessing the suitability of water for irrigation:
theoretical and empirical approaches: Dr. J.D. Rhoades and Dr. S.D.
Merrill |
c. Soil management and agronomic practices: Dr. F.I.
Massoud |
C. Methods of Prognosis and Monitoring |
1. Soil and hydrologic surveys for the prognosis and
monitoring of salinity and alkalinity: Dr. I. Szabolcs, Dr. G. Varallyay and Dr.
K. Darab |
2. Soil and hydrologic surveys: Dr. K. W. Flach |
3. Use of satellite imagery for salinity appraisal in the
Indus Plain: Dr. M. Rafiq |
4. Laboratory and field characterization: |
a. Laboratory analyses of soil related to the prognosis and
monitoring of salinity and alkalinity: Dr. K. Darab |
Thursday |
b. Measuring, mapping and monitoring field salinity and water
table depths with soil resistance measurements: Dr. J.D. Rhoades |
c. Soil morphology: Prof. G. Aubert |
d. Natural vegetation and performance of economic crops: Dr.
I.S. Zonneveld |
5. Modelling of salt movement through the soil profile: Dr. H.
Laudelout |
D. Tentative Guidelines |
1. Interpretation of quality of water for irrigation: Mr. R.S.
Ayers |
2. Predicting soil salinization, alkalization and
waterlogging: Dr. A.M. Balba |
Friday |
Special Session on Desertification: Mr. P.J. Mahler |
Recommendations on Prognosis of Salinity and
Alkalinity |
Closing of the Consultation |