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Item No.Food and DescriptionFrench NameComposition in Terms of 100 Grams Edible Portion
Food EnergyMoistureProteinFatCarbohydrate, total (incl. fiber)FiberAshCalciumPhosphorusIronRetionalB-carotene EquivalentThiamineRiboflavinNiacinTryptophanAscorbic acidRefuse in as purchased
1459.Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus; Psetta maxima), rawTurbot13474.318.66.1001.0           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1460.Tylochromis (Tylochromis spp.), rawGatien (Congo)10973.224.5.5001.8           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1461.Weakfish; drum (Larimus peli), rawLarimus8978.819.5.6001.150196.7        
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)        
1462.Weever (Trachinus spp.), rawVive; araignée11474.919.23.6002.3           
    (3)(3)(3)  (2)           
    71.1–76.517.1–22.42.3–5.6  2.1–2.5           
1463.Whelk (Buccinum spp.), cooked, sun-driedBuccin31913.550.22.220.6 13.51,800250   .05.274.7   
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)   (1)(1)(1)   
 Whitebait; ndagalaPoisson                  
 (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Limnothrissa miodon):blanc du lac Tanganika;                  
    (9)(9)(9)  (9)           
    71.77–82.413.7–18.11.6–7.6  2.1–3.2           
1465.Dried 36612.166.49.20012.3     .30.6011.8   
    (4)(4)(4)  (4)     (1)(1)(1)   
    7.9–17.062.6–70.44.9–17.6  11.2–13.8           
1466.Whiting, Couch'sMerlan;                  
 (Micromesistius poutassou; Gadus poutassou)poutassou                  
1467.Wrasses (Labrus spp. and Crenilabrus spp.), raw.Labre; crénilabre;9777.718.52.0001.8           
  vieille (3)(3)(3)  (1)           
1468.Xenomystus; pele pele (Xenomystus spp.), rawXenomystus8878.619.7.4001.3           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
 (Diplodus spp.):sar;                  
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1470.Dried, salted 26711.555.63.30029.6     .04.087.8695  
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)     (1)(1)(1)(1)  
 Butter. See Oils and Fats. Cheese:Fromage:          195170      
1471.HardA pâte          (11)(11)      
  ferme          ----      
1472.Semi-softA pâte                  
1473.SoftA pâte          110       
  molle          (1)       
1474.Cream cheeseFromage          855       
  à la crême          (2)       
1475.BryndzaBryndza         13030       
1476.PickledFromage          (?)       
  égyptien         390-        
1477.Churdled milk, Senegal.Lait caillé6988.           
    (1)(1)(1)(1)  (1)          
1478.Skimmed, curdled milk, SenegalLait caillé, écrémé4490.           
    (1)(1)(1) (1)            
1479.Sour milk (aybe),Fromage12273.616.   
 Ethiopianéthiopien (3)(3)(3) (1)(3)(2)(1)(1)(2)(2)(2)(2)    
    68.0–76.615.8–17.02.9–4.2 .8–.998–127 .7–2.0  .01–.05.16–.38.2–.7    
 Cheese, domiati (United Arab Republic), made from:Fromage égyptien                  
1480.Cow milk        588144         
1481.Buffalo milk        (10)(10)         
 Cheese, kariesh (United Arab Republic):Fromage égyptien                  
 Made from skimmed milk of:                   
1482.Cow  77.120.0tr.   208          
    (10)(10)(10)   (10)          
    75.9–79.119.9–20.10–.1   121–216          
1483.Buffalo  75.519.6.1   253          
    (10)(10)(10)   (10)          
    74.1–76.619.2–19.80–.1   244–265          
1484.Cow and buffalo  75.919.9tr.   228          
    (10)(10)(10)   (10)          
    74.9–77.419.8-19.90–.1   218–230          
 Made from partially skimmed milk of:                   
1485.Cow  74.419.34.6   201          
    (10)(10)(10)   (10)          
    72.3–75.819.0–19.63.1–6.1   180–213          
1486.Buffalo  70.818.65.6   238          
    (10)(10)(10)   (10)          
    68.7–73.318.5–19.43.7–6.5   230–246          
1487.Cow and buffalo  73.319.14.7   214          
    (10)(10)(10)   (10)          
    71.2–74.518.7–19.43.5–6.0   198–229          
 Ghee. See Oils and Fats.                   
 Milk, buffalo:Lait de                  
    (11)(11)(11)  (1)(10)          
    82.2–84.14.0–4.25.4–7.5  --160–183          
1491.Skim 4189.           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1492.Milk, camel, whole fluidLait de chamelle6388.       1 
    (6)(7)(7)  (7)(6)(6)       (1) 
    87.1–90.01.6–2.33.0–5.4  .6–1.083–11873–96         
 Milk, cow:Lait de                  
1493.Whole 7985.23.84.8 ?5.40.814395 9580    1 
    (55)(68)(121)  (57)(64)(57) (1)(1)    (2) 
    81.4–88.12.2–7.03.1–8.9  .6–.9119–18464–120       .6–.9 
1494.Skim 3990.           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
1495.Sour Dried:Lait en                  
1496.Wholepoudre:          400345      
  entier          (4)(4)      
1497.Skim (nonfat milk solids)Écrémé3534.728.9.458.507.51,265  0 .40 .8   
    (3)(1)(1)  (3)(2)  (5) (2) (2)   
    4.2–5.6    7.2–8.0--  -- -- --   
1498.Evaporated, unsweetenedLait concentré non sucré                  
1499.Condensed, sweetened Milk products:Lait condensé sucré Produits égy-                  
1500.Kishk, Egyptian product made from dried buttermilk and wheat grainptiens á base de babeurre: avec du blé eu grain3768.013.46.965.3 6.4      .263.7   
    (8)(8)(8)  (8)      (8)(8)   
    6.4–9.48.3–17.93.0–12.6  3.6–10.0      .15–.542.7–5.7   
 Milk, products:                   
1501.Dried buttermilk and whey with sorghumAvec du sorgho3587.818.9.368.2.24.8570    .46.711.1   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)    (1)(1)(1)   
1502.Buttermilk dried with groundnut flourfarineAvec de la 35310.839.26.538.61.24.9520    .302.3016.1    
  d'arachide (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)    (2)(2)(2)   
    ------ ------    ------   
1503.Buttermilk dried with wheat flourAvec de la farine de3816.125.33.461.2.14.0590    .252.001.4   
  froment (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)    (2)(2)(2)   
    ------ ------    ------   
1504.Milk, goat, whole, fluidLait de chèvre8583.         1 
    (1)(2)(3)  (1)         (1) 
1505.Milk, humanLait de6786.       1 
  femme (7)(25)(25)  (14)(99)(99)       (50) 
    86.0–87.0.9–1.72.2–4.4  .1–.228–3418–19       tr.-4 
1506.Milk, sheep, whole, fluidLait de brebis10082.           
    (1)(2)(2)  (1)           
 Milk, zebu, whole, fluid.                   
 See Milk, cow.                   
 Whey:Petit lait                  
1508.Dried Yoghurt, made from:Yoghourt                  
1509.Partially skimmed milk.                   
1510.Whole milk8584. .2         
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1) (1)        
1511.Butter, importedBeurre                  
 Butter, local, made from:Beurre, local:                  
1512.Buffalo milkde bufflesse          630545      
1513.Buffalo butter, “Samn”                   
 (United Arab Republic) 875.2099.4.40    895765      
    (2) (2)      (2)(2)      
    .2–.3 99.3–99.4      ----      
1514.Cow milkde vache68521.0077.31.50.2   640545      
    (5) (5)  (5)   (1)(1)      
    17.9–23.6 72.9–81.0  .1–.5           
1515.Goat milkde chèvre                  
1516.Sheep milkde brebis                  
1517.Djave butter; adjabe butter; orere butterBeurre de njabi                  
 (Baillonella toxisperma; Mimusops djave)                   
1518.Dika-butter (Irvingia gabonesis)Beurre de dika                  
1519.Dumori butter; Baku butter (Tieghemella heckelii; Mimusops heckelii)Beurre de Makoré                  
 Fats, from various animals:Graisse:                  
1520.Beefde boeuf                  
1521.Camel humpde bosse                  
  de chameau                  
1523.Goatde chèvre                  
1524.Hogde porc                  
1525.Muttonde mouton                  
1527.Fish oil (Alestes leuciscus)Huile de tínéni                  
1528.Fish liver oilHuile de foie de poisson                  
1529.GheeBeurre8621.4097.8.60.2  .4        
  fondu (5) (5)  (5)  (1)        
    .4–2.9 96.5–98.8  .1–.4           
1530.Kagné-butter (Allan-blackia oleifera)… blackiaBeurre d'Allan-                  
1531.Lard… Margarine, made of vegetable oil or animal oil or both:Saindoux Margarine                  
1532.With vitamin A added                   
1533.Without vitamin A added.                   
 Oils, made from various oil seeds or nuts:                   
1534.Bitterwood, sp.; mafura oil (Trichilia spp.).Huile de mafouaire                  
1535.Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera)Huile de coco                  
1536.Cottonseed oil (Cossypium spp.)Huile de coton                  
1537.Desert-date; heglik oil; soump oil (Balanites aegyptiacaHuile de datte du désert;
 Oils, made from various oils seeds or nuts --                   
1538.Flaxseed; linseed oilHuile de                  
 (Linum usitatissimum)lin                  
1539.Horsera dishtree oil; oil of Ben (Morings oleifera)Huile de Ben                  
1540.Meni-oil (Lophira lanceolata)Huile de Méné                  
1541.Muskmelon seed oil (Cucumis melo)Huile de graines de melon                  
1542.Nigreseed oil, nug oil (Guizotia abyssinica).Huile de niger                  
1543.Owalaoiltree (pentaclethra macrophylla)Beurre d'Owala                  
1544.Peanut oil (Arachis hypogaea)Huile d'arachide                  
1545.Pumpkin or winter squash seed oil (Cucurbita spp.)Huile de graines de courge                  
1546.Safflower oil (Carthamus tinctorius)Huile de carthame                  
 Oils, made from various                   
1547.Sesame; simsim oilBeurre de                  
 (Sesamum indicum).sésame                  
1548.Shea-butterseed butterBeurre de                  
 (Butyrospermum paradoxum; B. parkii)karité                  
1549.Soybean oil (Clycine max)Huile de soja                  
1550.Sunflower seed oil (Helianthus annuus)..Huile de tournesol                  
1551.Watermelon seed oilHuile de                  
 (Citrullus lanatus)graines de                  
 Olive oil (Olea europaea) made from:                   
1552.Fruit pulpHuile                  
1553.KernelHuile de                  
 Palm, African oil (Elaeis guineensis), made from:Huile de palme                  
1554.Fruit pulp 875.7098.9.30.167   .01.020 0 
    (10)(2)(10) (2)(2)(2)(2)   (3)(3)(2) (2) 
    ------ --------  37,3007------ -- 
1555.KernelHuile de palmiste                  
1556.Sorleh; Sierra LeoneBeurre                  
 butter; lamy butter;de Sierra                  
 Kanga butter (Pentadesma butyracea)Leone                  
1557.Termite oilHuile de                  
1558.Turtle, green,Huile de                  
 Beer, made from:Bière locale                  
1560.Cassavade manioc                  
1561.Gingerde gingembre                  
1562.Maize (2.2% alcohol by weight)de mais3393.  .01.03    
    (2)(2)(2) (1)(1)(2)(2)(1)  (1)(1)    
    92.8–93.2--.1–.2   2–74–7         
1563.Maize and sorghum (2. 0% alcohol by weight)de mil et sorgho   5134.5   .05    
    (1)(1)(1)   (1)(1)(1)   (1)    
1564.Millet, Coracan (2.3% alcohol by weight)de mil   8162.7        
    (1)(1)(1)   (1)(1)(1)        
 Sorghum; Kaffir beer:de sorgho                  
1565.Strained(2.1% alcohol by weight). 3193.6.5 3.6 .217.6  .04.05.4   
    (37)(21)   (4)(2)(1)(1)  (9)(9)(8)   
    91.2–96.4.3–.6   .1–.3     tr.-.09.03–.07.2–.5   
1566.Unclarified (2.8% alcohol by weight. 11772.72.6 21.2 .7           
    (1)(1)   (1)           
1567.Sorghum and honeyde sorgho                  
 (4.8% alcohol by weight)et miel8282.2.3 12.0 .7           
    (1)(1)   (1)           
1568.Beer, European typeBière, type européen                  
1569.Carbonated beverages, cola typeBoissons gazeuses, typecola                 
1570.Cassava, spirit (15.6% alcohol by weight)                   
1571.Coconut milkLait de coco                  
1572.Coconut water Coffee, instant, powder.Eau de coco                  
 See Miscellaneous.                   
1573.Coffee (Coffea spp.), infusionCafé (infusion)497.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
1574.Egyptian vegetable milk. Fruit juices. See Fruits.                   
 Mahewu; magou (non-alcoholic sour maize beverage):Mahewu                  
1575.Beverage  91.0          .02.02.2   
    (1)         (1)(1)(1)    
1576.Powdered form of beverage 3843.59.63.781.11.02.14164187.7  .38.09.1   
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)   
1577.Rice drink, sweet (United Arab Republic product)Boisson égyptienne, àu riz7282.7.7tr.16.6.2tr.212tr.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
1578.Rooibos tea; red teaThé rouge                  
 (Aspalathus contaminatus; Borbania pinifolia) dried 31310.15.61.580.3 2.513322046.3      11 
    (7)(7)(7)  (7)(7)(7)(7)      (7) 
    8.1–15.15.1–6.41.0–2.4  1.9–2.7132–134200–26032.0–72.0      3–16 
1579.Sap, from various palm trees, fresh (0.3% alcohol by weight)Sève de palmier4288.4.3010.80.226.4  .01.01  14 
    (4)(7)(1)  (7)(4)(4)(4)  (3)(1)  (6) 
    84.9–89.7.2–.6   .1–.61–23–8tr-1.0  0–.02   2–26 
 Sap, fermented, toddy.                   
 See Wine.                   
 Tea, common (Camellia sinensis; Thea sinensis), dried:Thé                  
1582.Tiger-nut (Cyperus esculentus), milk… Wine, made from:Lait d'orgeat vin                  
1583.Bananas (1.4% alcohol by weight)de banane4489.0.1 9.4 .1tr.11.0        
    (2)(2)   (2)(1)(1)(1)        
    87.9–90.8--   --           
1584.Banana and sorghum (7.2% alcohol by weight)de banane et sorgho6288.6.4 2.9 .9           
    (2)(2)   (2)           
    87.8–89.3.3–.5   .8–1.0           
1585.Banana and sorghum and honey (8.8% alcohol by weight)de banane sorgho et miel7886.2.4 4.1 .5           
    (1)(1)   (1)           
1586.Date, Senegalde datte  .4 1.2 .2     .01   8 
  naine  (2)   (2)     (2)   (2) 
     .3–.4   --     --   7–8 
1587.Honey (4.0% alcohol by weight)de miel5588. .624.5  .04     
    (2)(2)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)   (1)    
1588.Lannea, spde Lannea  .4 3.9 .2     .01     
     (2)   (2)     (1)     
     .4–.5   .1–.2           
1589.Marvolanut, Sclero-  .4 5.2 .2           
 (Sclerocarya birrea).carya  (1)   (1)           
1590.Palm, unspecified, toddy (3.8% alcohol by weight)de palme3494.  .03.01  4 
    (3)(6)(2) (1)(6)(2)(3)(3)  (4)(1)  (4) 
    91.2–97.4.1–.90–.2  .1–.4--3–8.1–1.0  tr.-.04   0–11 

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