The SLA Forum was organized by members of the FAO Informal Working Group on Participatory Approaches and Methods to Support Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security (IWG-PA), with the generous support of DFID. The IWG-PA is an informal group that brings together, on a voluntary basis, in their personal capacity, professional staff of FAO, WFP and IFAD who share a strong interest in participatory development.
People who had a major role in organizing the SL Forum include Jennie Dey-Abbas, SLA Forum Project Manager; the Design Team members (Stephan Baas, Robin Marsh, Barbara Huddleston, Eve Crowley, Deborah Hines, Jan Johnson, Norman Messer, Berndt Seiffert, Katherine Warner, Patrizio Warren and Sonali Wickrema), the Substance Management Team (Vanda Altarelli, Alice Carloni and Alberta Mascaretti), the Web/E-Conference Facilitation Team (Marilee Kane, Norman Messer, Jan Johnson, Mariagrazia Quieti and Berndt Seiffert) and the Case Study and Theme Paper Review Team (Substance Managers plus Robin Marsh, Stephan Baas, Peter Matlon, Rathin Roy and Katherine Warner).
Case study authors included Karel Callens, Ian Cherrett, Martina Hanke, Peter Kulemeka, Alberta Mascaretti, Dil Peeling, Patrizio Warren and Sonali Wickrema. Mini-case study authors were Jock Campbell, Marilee Kane, Dil Peeling and Mattia Prayer-Galletti. Background theme papers were written by Jim Bingen, Diana Carney, Tim Frankenberger, Mary Hobley and Anne Thomson.
Rathin Roy was the overall Forum facilitator and prepared the Forum Proceedings in collaboration with FAO colleagues. Case study group facilitators included Doyle Baker, Jock Campbell, Tim Frankenberger, Cathy Gibbons, Dil Peeling, Sally Sontheimer, Philip Townsley and Katherine Warner. The Forum Administrator was Liliana Pustina. The DFID liaison team included Jane Clark, Tom Kelly and Sarah Holden.
Vanda Altarelli and Alice Carloni prepared the report on the Forum that appears as Annex 11, with contributions from Robin Marsh, Katherine Warner, Stephan Baas, Jane Clark, Rathin Roy, David Kingsbury, Ian Cherrett and Tim Robertson. The report was edited by Omar Sattaur. Philip Townsley provided special assistance with graphics and the layout was designed by Paul Hollingworth.