Case study strategy/discussion notes
The case strategy/discussion notes presented in this annex were made available to all the participants of the SLA Forum to help facilitate their case study discussions. The notes were intended to give direction to the discussions, however, the discussion groups were given the freedom to choose their own strategies, provided they agreed to abide by the outcomes and schedules offered in the notes to ensure synchronization of discussion among the groups and sharing of learning.
DAY 1 |
8 MARCH 2000 |
Diagnostic & design |
Guiding questions |
Expected outcomes |
Facilitation methods |
Backup documents |
Session 1: Introduction to the project | ||||
08.30-10.00 Case groups | ||||
1.Get to know each other |
Session 2: Understanding the diagnostic/design process of the project | ||||
10.30-13.00 Case groups | ||||
3.The diagnostic/design process of the project |
Session 3: Comparing the project's diagnostic/design process with that of SLA | ||||
14.30-16.30 Case groups | ||||
4.Similarities and differences of the project's approach and SL approaches to diagnostic/design process |
Session 4: Understanding the process of diagnosis/design in an SLA project | ||||
17.00-18.00 Plenary | ||||
6.Diagnostic/design process of an SLA project an example |
Session 5: Consolidation and sharing of the day's learning | ||||
18.00-19.00 Plenary | ||||
7.Consolidation of the learning of the day |
Session 6: Gender issues, natural resources management & microcredit in the context of SLA | ||||
21.30-22.00 Parallel session 1 in plenary | ||||
8.Institutionalization in the context of natural resources management and gender issues |
| ||
21.30-22.00 Parallel session 2 in plenary | ||||
9.Institutionalization in the context of microcredit for the poor |
DAY 2 |
9 MARCH 2000 |
Diagnostic & design |
Guiding questions |
Expected outcomes |
Facilitation methods |
Backup documents |
Session 1: Introduction to the project | ||||
08.15 Plenary session | ||||
Reporting team present summary of learning/issues from previous day | ||||
Session 1: Understanding the implementation process of the project | ||||
08.45-10.30 Case groups | ||||
1.Broad overview of how the project was implemented and the critical issues and moments along the way |
Session 2: The importance of "transforming structures and processes" to a project's success | ||||
11.00-13.00 Plenary | ||||
4.The importance and potential usefulness of SLA's transforming structures and processes (TSP) to a project |
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Session 3: Operationalizing SLA in the implementation process | ||||
14.30-17.30 Case groups | ||||
6.Ways and means of making SLA work in the field |
Session 4: Consolidation and sharing of the day's learning | ||||
18.00-19.00 Plenary or post-dinner session 21.30-22.30 | ||||
9 Consolidation of learning from the day |
DAY 3 |
10 MARCH 2000 |
Sustainability |
Guiding questions |
Expected outcomes |
Facilitation methods |
Backup documents |
08.15 Plenary session | ||||
Reporting team present summary of learning/issues from previous day | ||||
Session 1: Institutionalization and sustainability | ||||
08.45-10.30 Case groups | ||||
1.Steps taken by the project to ensure the sustainability of its efforts beyond the project period |
Session 2: Sharing of the learning on institutionalization and sustainability | ||||
10.30-11.30 Plenary | ||||
3.Consolidation of learning on institutionalization and sustainability |
Session 3: Pulling it all together | ||||
11.30-13.00 Case groups | ||||
4.Consolidation and summary of main learnings of the case groups during 8-10 March |
| |
Session 4: Changing the way development is practised: thoughts on internalisation | ||||
14.30-15.30 Plenary | ||||
5. How organizations change their ways of working in development |
Session 5: Thinking through change - discussion in new group formations (by agency) | ||||
16.30-18.00 Agency groups | ||||
6.The opportunities each of us has to promote SLAs in our work |
Session 6: Sharing of lessons learned on internalization | ||||
18.30-19.30 Plenary | ||||
8. Lessons learned by agency groups on internalization shared among all participants |