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Recommended actions for rattan
development: conclusions
of the FAO Expert Consultation
on Rattan Development

The 23 experts from 16 countries convened at the Expert Consultation on Rattan Development, held in Rome from 5 to 7 December 2000, concluded that there are a wide variety of potential interventions that could assist the different stakeholder groups in the rattan sector. Raw material producers and smallholders could be assisted with incentives to manage local resources on a more sustainable and productive basis, through the establishment of community forest management practices, long-term concessions, local land-use planning and the provision of resource and/or land tenure rights, in conjunction with approved management plans.

For the rattan industry, needs are particularly great at the artisanal level. Potential interventions that might assist industry include improving entrepreneurship and competitiveness via the establishment of design centres, the training of advisers, improving post-harvest treatment and quality control, market deregulation, improved market information and trade fairs. In addition, given the nature of the resource users and the fact that the industry is generally on a cottage or small scale and frequently employs women, the handicapped and indigenous people, rattan products could become ideal commodities for promotion as rain-forest conservation products.

The meeting identified the following key actions, which should be initiated immediately for greater sustainability of the rattan supply.



Policies and institutional support

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