PC 86/6 |
Eighty-sixth Session |
Rome, 17 - 21 September 2001 |
Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations |
1. As is now standing practice, this Progress Report is submitted in tabular format. The table provides a status report on Programme Committee items for which specific follow-up action was requested by the Committee, or jointly with the Finance Committee.
2. The Committee is invited to note this Progress Report.
Schedule of the Programme
Committee and Joint Meeting Recommendations and Status |
Reference |
Recommendation |
Status |
CL 119/11 paras. 7, 8 and 12 |
Medium Term Plan 2002-2007 The Committee
These comments will be taken into account in the preparation of the next Medium Term Plan. |
CL 120/14 paras. 21 and 28 |
Programme of Work and Budget 2002-2003 The Committee
The comment on forestry has been taken into account in the
Programme of Work and Budget 2002-2003 . The FAOSTAT issue requires substantial in-house consultations among all concerned (not only the ESS division) to determine the appropriate technical solutions and long-term commitments, dialogue which is underway. |
CL 117/3 para. 62 |
The Evaluation of FAO's Training Activities The Committee requested that this report be submitted at its Eighty-fifth Session. |
This evaluation will be presented to the Eighty-sixth Session of the Programme Committee in September 2001. |
CL 120/14 para. 70 |
The Evaluation of the Special Programme for Food Security
The Committee requested that this evaluation be submitted at its May 2002 meeting. |
This evaluation will be presented to the Eighty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee in May 2002. |
CL 120/14 para. 50 |
Synthesis of Recent Field Project Evaluations The Committee agreed the need to return to the question of progress made in updating guidelines regarding project formulation and design, further training of FAO staff and the strengthening of existing project proposal review, once the appropriate mechanisms were in place and the reorganisation of the TC Department was completed. |
A progress report on these matters will be included in the item on the Evolution of FAO's Field Programme, to be presented to the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees at the September 2001 session. |
CL 120/14 para. 45 |
Evaluation of FAO's Policy Assistance Regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the evaluation, the Committee requested a follow-up report be prepared for its attention in about two years time. |
A progress report on the implementation will be submitted to the Programme Committee in 2003. |
CL 120/14 Paras. 57 and 58 |
The Level of FAO's Field Programme In connection with this progress report, the Committee
An update on these matters will be included in the item on the Evolution of FAO's Field Programme, to be presented to the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees at the September 2001 session. |
CL 120/14 paras. 59 and 70 |
Decentralisation of Operational Activities to the Country Level The Committee requested that it be kept informed of future developments in the field programme and the restructuring of the Technical Cooperation Department including an update on the decentralisation of operational activities to country level, to be presented to the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees at the September 2001 session. |
A progress report on the decentralisation of operational activities to country level will be included in the item on the Evolution of FAO's Field Programme, to be presented to the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees at the September 2001 session. |
CL 120/14 para. 67 |
Report on Important Programme Developments The Committee requested that a document be prepared for its next session describing the existing mechanisms designed to enable FAO to deal in a flexible manner with urgent additional demands while protecting the implementation of the approved Programme of Work. |
This paper will be presented to the Eighty-sixth Session of the Programme Committee. |
CL 119/9 para. 27 |
FAO's presence at Country Level It was requested that the Secretariat provide the Committees with a progress report based on an evaluation of the new arrangements for enhancing FAO's presence at country level. |
A paper reviewing the implementation of the new arrangements will be presented to the Joint Meeting at its May 2002 session. |
CL 120/14 paras. 69 and 74 |
Human Resources Management Policy and Practices The Committee decided to defer consideration of the JIU Report on "Young Professionals in Selected Organizations of the UN System: Recruitment, Management and Retention" to its September 2001 session, when it could possibly be examined jointly with the Finance Committee in a broader context. |
This JIU Report appears on the agenda of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees at the September 2001 session, for discussion. |
CL 120/4 para. 13 |
Savings and Efficiencies in Governance The Committees decided to defer further discussion on the Reform of the General Debate at Conference until their May 2002 Joint Meeting, by which time Members would be in a position to draw lessons from experience gained at the Thirty-first Session of the Conference. |
A paper discussing possible new arrangements will be presented to the Joint Meeting in May 2002. |