The Asia Diagnostic Guide to Aquatic Animal Diseases or 'Asia Diagnostic Guide' is an up- datable diagnostic guide for the pathogens and diseases listed in the NACA/FAO/ OIE Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Reporting System. It was developed from a large amount of technical contribution from aquatic animal health scientists in the Asia- Pacific region who supported the regional programme. The Asia Diagnostic Guide, which could be effectively used for both farm and laboratory level diagnosis in the region, not only complements the Manual of Procedures for the implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on health management for the responsible movement of live aquatic animals, but also assists in expanding national and regional aquatic animal health diagnostic capabilities that will assist countries in upgrading technical capacities to meet the requirements in the OIE International Aquatic Animal Code and the OIE Diagnostic Manual for Aquatic Animal Diseases.
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ISBN 92-5-104620-4
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© FAO and NACA 2001