ISSN 0429-9345
Food and Agriculture
of the United Nations
Rome, 2001
A.F. Medina Pizzali
Fish Utilization and Marketing Service
Fishery Industries Division
FAO Fisheries Department
Reprinted 2002
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ISBN 92-5-104653-0
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© FAO 2001
1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Paper
1.2 Products Covered
1.3 Methodology
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Fish Distribution Channels
2.3 Metro Manilas Retail Fish Market
2.4 Street Food Hawkers in Metro Manila2.5 Improved Equipment and Technologies for Street Seafood Vending
2.5.1 Improved Pushcart for Retailing Fish/Squid Balls and Native Fish Sausage
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Fish Distribution Channels
3.3 Kuala Lumpurs Retail Fish Market Sector
3.4 Street Food Hawkers in Kuala Lumpur3.5 Improved Equipment for Street Seafood Vending
3.5.1 Fish on Wheels Marketing Scheme
3.5.2 Pasar Tani (Farmers Market) Scheme
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Fish Distribution Channels
4.3 Singapores Retail Fish Market
4.4 Street Food Hawkers in Singapore
4.5 Live Fish Marketing and Basic Equipment4.5.1 Vivier Boats
4.5.2 Vivier Trucks
4.5.3 Retail Outlets for Live Fish and Shellfish4.6 Consumer Promotion Tools for Retailing Surimi-based Products
4.7 Training Activities for Seafood Retailers
4.8 Food Retail Inspection Services
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Fish Distribution Channels
5.3 Bangkoks Retail Fish Market
5.4 Live Fish Marketing and Basic Equipment5.4.1 Vivier Trucks
5.4.2 Retail Outlets for Live Fish and Shellfish5.5 Street Food Hawkers in Bangkok
5.5.1 Examples of Street Food Market Outlets in Bangkok Phrannok Street Seafood Market Street Wholesale Market for Live Freshwater Fish