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The economics of conservation agriculture |
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ISBN 92-5-104687-5
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© FAO 2001
Conservation agriculture is an innovative approach for improving resource use in sustainable production. Its benefits include reduced inputs, more stable yields, improved soil nutrient exchange and enhanced long-run profitability. This study examines the financial and non-financial factors that affect the adoption and success of conservation agriculture at farm, national and global levels. Conscious of the possible divergence between private and social interests, it highlights the importance of farmers' objectives and motives, the collective dimension and the role of policy. In calling for improved policy analysis and information for decision-making, it recommends the development of sustainability indicators and a whole-farm approach to analysis.
Defining conservation agriculture
An economic rationale for promoting conservation agriculture
A conceptual framework for studying the adoption of conservation agriculture
Chapter 2. Factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture
Financial analyses of conservation agriculture versus conventional practices
The temperate agro-ecological zone in developed countries
Fertilizer and other input costs
The tropical/temperate agro-ecological zone in developing countries
Financial analyses of conservation agriculture versus other conservation technologies
Other factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture
Biophysical and technical factors
Chapter 3. Conservation agriculture and the role of policy
The influence of policy on the adoption of conservation agriculture
How policy can enhance the adoption of conservation agriculture
Implications for economic and policy analysis
Non-market valuation techniques
Depletion of soil as natural capital
Alternative project evaluation techniques
Appendix 1
A summary of financial analyses of conservation agriculture
A primer on innovation adoption and diffusion
Latin American experience with conservation agriculture
Collective action and social capital in soil and water conservation
Two cases of contrasting policy roles in promoting sustainable agriculture
Policies for encouraging soil conservation: cash crops in Ontario, Canada
Ontario's Environmental Farm Plan Programme
representing rate of adoption of an innovation over time
A conceptual
framework for studying conservation agriculture adoption
Table 1
Potential economic
benefits and costs associated with conservation agriculture and their
functions of lands under conservation agriculture and the global consequences of
Table 3
Comparison of
conventional and conservation tillage costs for maize and soybeans in the United
States, 1979 and 1992
Table 4
Comparison of
conventional and conservation agriculture cropping costs for smallholders at two
locations in Paraguay
Table 6
influencing the attractiveness of conservation agriculture practices at the farm
level in West Africa
Table 7
significant factors affecting the farmer's decision to adopt a conservation
Table 8
The effect of
agricultural tenure and perceived tenure security on conservation technology
investment in Africa
Table 9
A summary of policy
approaches to promote conservation agriculture
Table 10
Tillage and soil
surface management effects on indices of agricultural sustainability