This FAO Fisheries Technical Paper has been prepared to
publish information that was compiled as a working paper for the World
Commission on Dams (WCD). The material presented herein was previously submitted
to WCD as FAO's contribution to the Thematic Reviews on Environmental Issues,
initiated by WCD in their process of reviewing the various impacts and benefits
of dams while preparing a global review on "Dams and Development". The World
Commission on Dams had entrusted FAO to review, and to report upon, major
fishery issues in relation to world dams. As agreed, the report delivered to WCD
contained four individual reviews that had been prepared to address the
following complexes of questions:
Have reservoir fisheries been successful in
replacing river fisheries?
Which migration mitigation measures exist and how
effective are they?
What is the information base and capacity required for
effective management of fisheries through a dam project cycle (appraisal,
design, construction, operation)?
What are the existing criteria and
guidelines concerning dams and fisheries?
We acknowledge with thanks the useful comments and suggestions by Dr. T. Petr, Australia. Furthermore, the financial support by WCD is herewith duly acknowledged.
FAO Regional Fisheries Officers
FAO Fisheries
Inland Fisheries