FAO Technical Paper
Cathy Roheim Wessells
Professor, Department of Environmental and Natural
Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island
Kingston, USA
Kevern Cochrane
Senior Fishery Resources Officer
FAO Fisheries Department
Rome, Italy
Carolyn Deere
Assistant Director, Global Inclusion
The Rockefeller Foundation
New York, USA
Paul Wallis
Senior International Advisor
New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries
Wellington, New Zealand
Rolf Willmann
Senior Fishery Planning Officer
FAO Fisheries Department
Rome, Italy
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© FAO 2001
2. Why Label for Sustainability?
3.1 What are Ecolabels?
3.2 The Theoretical Foundation of Ecolabelling: Economics of Information
3.3 Economic Analysis of Ecolabels
3.4 Institutional Aspects of Ecolabelling
3.5 Criteria for Ecolabelling
3.6 Experience with Ecolabels
4.1 Origin and Need
4.2 Economics of Product Certification
4.3 Characteristics of Product Certification Schemes
5. Opportunities and Concerns with Ecolabels
6. Ecolabelling and International Trade Law Implications
6.1 Ecolabelling and General International Law
6.2 Ecolabelling and WTO Agreements
6.3 Trade Implications of Seafood Ecolabelling