Acronym/symbol |
Description |
Dimension |
r |
bulk density (kg m-3, g cm-3) |
M L-3 |
m |
drainable pore space (m3 m-3) |
- |
a |
empirical shape parameter (cm-1) |
L-1 |
l |
empirical shape parameter depending on dK/dh |
- |
q |
volumetric water content (m3 m-3) |
- |
qfc |
volumetric water content at field capacity (m3 m-3) |
- |
Dh |
drop in groundwater table (m) |
L |
DMss |
changes in storage of soluble soil salts (kg, t) |
M |
DMxc |
changes in storage of exchangeable cations (kg, t) |
M |
DS |
change in salt storage in the rootzone (ECmm) |
T3I2M-1L-2 |
DW |
change in moisture content in the rootzone (mm) |
L |
DWrz |
change in water storage in the rootzone (mm) |
L |
DWsz |
change in water storage in the saturated zone (mm) |
L |
DWvsz |
change in water storage in the vadose and saturated zone (mm) |
L |
DWvz |
change in water storage in the vadose zone (mm) |
L |
A |
salinity threshold (bars) |
ML-1T-2 |
a |
salinity threshold (dS/m) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
AW |
applied water (mm) |
L |
B |
slope expressed in percent per bar |
- |
b |
slope expressed in percent per dS/m |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
BI |
boron concentration in irrigation water (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
biochemical oxygen demand (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Bss |
boron concentration in the soil solution (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Bss0 |
initial boron concentration in the soil solution (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Bsst |
desired boron concentration in the soil solution (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Cdw |
salt concentration of drainage water (kg m-3 or mg litre-1, g litre-1) |
M L-3 |
cation exchange capacity (meq 100g-1 or mMol © 100g-1) |
N M-1 |
Cgw |
salt concentration of groundwater (mg litre-1 or kg m-3) |
M L-3 |
CI |
salt concentration of irrigation water (kg m-3 or mg litre-1, g litre-1) |
M L-3 |
California Irrigation Management Information System |
- |
salt concentration of the infiltrated water (mg/litre) |
M L-3 |
Ck |
solute species (mMol litre-1) |
N L-3 |
chemical oxygen demand (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
CR* |
salt concentration of the net percolation water (mg/litre) |
M L-3 |
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board |
- |
exchangeable form of solute species(mMol © 100g-1) |
N M-1 |
mineral form of solute species (mMol © 100g-1) |
N M-1 |
D |
dispersion coefficient (m2 d-1) |
L2 T-1 |
Drz |
depth of the rootzone (m) |
L |
DL |
depth of leaching water (mm) |
L |
Dr |
drainage water reuse (mm) |
L |
Dra |
artificial subsurface drainage (mm) |
L |
Drn |
natural drainage (mm) |
L |
Ds |
depth of soil to be reclaimed (mm) |
L |
E |
evaporation (mm) |
L |
ea |
irrigation application efficiency |
- |
EC |
electrical conductivity (dS m-1, mS cm-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ec |
water conveyance efficiency |
- |
EC0 |
ECe at which the crop yield is reduced to zero (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
EC50 |
ECe at which the crop yield is reduced to 50 percent (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECDra |
EC of subsurface drainage water (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECe |
EC of soil water of the saturated paste (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECe0 |
initial ECe (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECet |
desired ECe (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECfc |
EC of soil water at field capacity (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECfrR |
EC of percolation water mixed with soil solution (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECgw |
EC of groundwater (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
EC of the irrigation water (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
EC of the infiltrated water (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
EC of the infiltrated water mixing with soil solution (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
EC of the percolation water (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECSi |
EC of Si intercepted by subsurface drains (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
EC of the soil water (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ECts |
threshold EC of the extract from saturated soil paste (dS m-1) |
T3I2M-1L-3 |
ed |
distribution efficiency |
- |
exchangeable sodium percentage |
- |
ET |
evapotranspiration (mm) |
L |
ETcrop |
crop evapotranspiration (mm) |
L |
ETo |
reference crop evapotranspiration (mm) |
L |
f |
leaching efficiency coefficient |
- |
fi |
leaching efficiency coefficient of water mixing with soil solution |
- |
fr |
leaching efficiency coefficient of the percolation water |
- |
G |
capillary rise (mm) |
L |
H |
hydraulic head (m) |
L |
h |
soil pressure head (m) |
L |
I |
total applied irrigation water (mm) |
L |
irrigation consumptive use coefficient |
- |
IE |
irrigation efficiency |
- |
integrated farm drainage management |
- |
Ig |
groundwater irrigation (mm) |
L |
Ii |
infiltrated irrigation water (mm) |
L |
IS |
irrigation sagacity |
- |
Is |
surface irrigation (mm) |
L |
IW |
infiltrated water (mm) |
L |
K |
hydraulic conductivity (m d-1) |
L T-1 |
Kc |
crop coefficient |
- |
K(q) |
unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (m d-1) |
L T-1 |
Ks |
saturated hydraulic conductivity (m d-1) |
L T-1 |
LF |
leaching fraction |
- |
LFi |
leaching fraction of water mixing with the soil solution |
- |
LR |
leaching requirement |
- |
LRi |
leaching requirement of water mixing with soil solution |
- |
Mc |
mass of salts removed by harvested crops (kg) |
M |
Md |
mass of salts dissolved from mineral weathering (kg) |
M |
Mf |
mass of salts from fertilisers and amendments (kg) |
M |
Mp |
mass of salts precipitated in soils (kg) |
M |
most probable number of faecal coliform |
- |
MSe |
mass of selenium (kg) |
M |
n |
dimensionless empirical shape parameter |
- |
OPfc |
osmotic potential at field capacity (bar) |
ML-1T-2 |
O&M |
operation and maintenance |
- |
P |
precipitation (mm) |
L |
Pe |
effective precipitation (mm) |
L |
q |
soil water flux or specific discharge (m d-1) |
L T-1 |
R |
deep percolation (mm) |
L |
R* |
net deep percolation (mm) |
L |
RO |
surface runoff (mm) |
L |
S |
salts in rootzone (ECmm) |
T3I2M-1L-2 |
sodium adsorption ratio (meq½ litre-½) |
N½L-1½ |
Sc |
seepage from canal (mm) |
L |
Salinity Control and Reclamation Project |
- |
Se |
water extraction sink (m3 m-3 d-1) |
T-1 |
Sehp |
maximum selenium concentration in harvested product (mg kg-1) |
- |
SeI |
selenium concentration in irrigation water (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Send |
salts in the rootzone at the end of the period (ECmm) |
T3I2M-1L-2 |
Sp |
lateral seepage (mm) |
L |
Sess |
selenium concentration in soil solution (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Sessm |
maximum selenium concentration in soil solution (mg litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Si |
seepage inflow (mm) |
L |
salts in infiltrated water (ECmm) |
T3I2M-1L-2 |
SR |
salts in percolation water from the rootzone (ECmm) |
T3I2M-1L-2 |
Sstart |
salts in the rootzone at the start of the period (ECmm) |
T3I2M-1L-2 |
Sv |
vertical seepage (mm) |
L |
t |
time (d) |
T |
total dissolved solids (mg litre-1, g litre-1) |
M L-3 |
total suspended solids (mg litre-1, g litre-1) |
M L-3 |
Vdw |
volume of drainage water (m3) |
L3 |
Vgw |
volume of groundwater (m3) |
L3 |
Vi |
volume of irrigation water (m3) |
L3 |
Y |
empirical correction factor |
- |
Yr |
relative yield |
- |
Wfc |
moisture content at field capacity (mm) |
L |
WT |
water table depth (m) |
L |
z |
vertical coordinate (m) |
L |