This publication is based on Water for people - Water for life, the United Nations World Water Development Report ©UNESCO-WWAP 2003, where it appears as Chapter 8 “Securing food for a growing population”. The World Water Development Report was published jointly in 2003 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Berghahn Books. A slightly modified version of Chapter 8 of the report is reproduced here by permission of UNESCO.
The World Water Development Report, prepared under the overall coordination of Gordon Young, is a joint report by the United Nations Agencies concerned with freshwater. This chapter was prepared by Wulf Klohn, with inputs and support from Jean-Marc Faurès, Domitille Vallée, Åse Eliasson, Jippe Hoogeveen and Jacob Burke, FAO, Land and Water Development Division, and with contributions from Uwe Barg, Jelle Bruinsma, Gerold Boedeker, Robert Bos, Andy Bullock, Karen Frenken, David Molden and David Smith. Annex 1 on the right to adequate food and the right to water was prepared by Kerstin Mechlem.
Special thanks are due to Simone Morini for the design and layout of this publication.
Credits for cover images are:
FAO/16242/P. Johnson