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Diversification booklet 1 |
Agricultural Support Systems Division |
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Beekeeping helps to create sustainable livelihoods
Beekeeping assets
Natural capital assets
Human assets
Physical assets
Social assets
Financial assets
Beekeeping outcomes
Bees are diligent pollinators of fruit and seed crops
What is pollination?
Bees are good pollinators
Pollination affects crop quality and quantity
Protecting pollinators
More pollinating insects needed
As a food
As a medicine or tonic
As a cash crop
As an export crop
As cultural food
Beeswax - useful and valuable product
Apitherapy: healing with bee products
Obtaining bees
Choice of hives
Traditional hives
Top-bar hives
Movable-frame hives
Protective clothing
Hive tool
Harvesting and processing
Promoting beekeeping projects as a source of livelihoods
Natural resources: indigenous species
Human resources: beekeeping skills, training and extension
Physical resources: equipment and transport
Financial resources: credit
Social resources: sector support and marketing
Project evaluation
Case studies