The statistical information in this study has been prepared from figures and information available to:
- FAO Statistical Database (FAOSTAT) and Web pages
- Federal Office of Statistics, Nigeria
- Agricultural development programmes (ADPs)
- IITAs Rural Sector Enhancement Programme (RUSEP)
- Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
- State Agro-Processing and Market Expansion Groups (SAMEG)
- Projects Coordinating Unit (PCU)
- Ministry of Health and Nutrition of Nigeria - National Consumption Survey
- Root and Tuber Expansion Program (RTEP) baseline survey
- Nigerias cassava industry: statistical handbook
- World Bank web site
- United States Trade Representative Office web page
- Supply-Chain Council Web page
- International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Nigeria (FMANRN)
- Corporate Affairs Commission (CAMA) Web page
The following symbols are used in this publication:
$ = US dollars
N = Naira
N per Ha = Naira per hectare
mt = metric tonnes
mmt = million metric tonnes
Yld = Yield
km = kilometre
N per km = Naira per kilometre
Unless otherwise indicated, the metric system is used in this publication.
Exchange rates
During the study period the local currency Naira was 138.75 to US$ 1.00.