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UNFCCC COP. 2002a. Report of the Conference of the Parties on its seventh session, held at Marrakesh from 29 October to 10 November 2001, addendum, part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties, volume I. FCCC/CP/2001/13/Add.1 (21 January).
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UNFCCC SBSTA. 2003. Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry: definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice. FCCC/SBSTA/2003/L.27 (9 December).
UNFCCC Secretariat. 2002a. Methodological issues: Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry: definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol in the First Commitment Period: options paper on modalities for addressing baselines, additionality and leakage. FCCC/SBSTA/2003/6 (24 December).
UNFCCC Secretariat. 2002b. Methodological issues: Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry: definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol in the First Commitment Period: options paper on modalities for addressing non-permanence. FCCC/SBSTA/2003/5 (24 December).
UNFCCC Secretariat. 2003. Estimation, reporting and accounting of harvested wood products. FCCC/2003/2003/7 (27 October).
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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) .
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1997) .
Carbon Rights Legislation Amendment Act 1998. No. 124. State of New South Wales, Australia (26 November 1998).
Climate Change and Emissions Management Act, Statutes of Alberta 2003, ch. C-16.7
Forestry Law of the People’s Republic of China (24 April 1998, 9th National People’s Congress, 2nd meeting, amending the original text adopted 20 September 1984).
Ley Forestal 1996 (Law No. 7575), published in La Gaceta No. 72 (16 April 1996).
Reglamento a la Ley Forestal, 17 October 1996 (Decreto No. 25,721), published in La Gaceta No. 16 (23 January 1997).
Law on the Use, Management and Conservation of Land 1998 (Law No. 7779) 30 April 1998, published in La Gaceta No. 97 (21 May 1998).
Act on CO2 quotas for electricity production, Act No. 376 of 2 June 1999 (English translation available at: ).
Código Forestal (Law 118-99) published in Gaceta Oficial No. 10,032 (30 December 1999).
Council Decision of 25 April 2002 concerning the approval, on behalf of the European Community, of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the joint fulfilment of commitments thereunder (2002/358/CE), published in English in the Official Journal of the European Communities,
L 130/1 (15 May 2002) (available online at:
Loi No. 2001-602, d’orientation sur la forêt (9 July 2001).
Ley Forestal 1996, Decreto No. 101/96 (30 October 1996) (Diario de Centro América, 4 December 1996).
Ley General de Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable (21 February 2003) (Diario Oficial de la Federación, 25 February 2003).
Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (Ley No. 27.308, 15 July 2000) (El Peruano No. 7328, 16 July 2000, pp. 190,283–190,289).
Ley de Montes (Ley 43/2003, 21 November 2003) (Boletín Oficial del Estado, 22 November 2003, pp. 41,422–41,442).
Clean Air Act (as amended), 42 USC §§7401 et seq.
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Public Law No. 101-549 (15 November 1990), 104 Stat. 2399.
Clean Water Act §404, 33 USC §1344.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (as amended), 42 USC §§9601 et seq.
Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law No. 102-486 (24 October 1992), 106 Stat. 2776, codified at 42 USC §§13201 et seq.
Federal Agriculture Improvement Act of 1996, Public Law No. 104-127 (4 April 1996), 110 Stat. 896, codified in scattered sections of titles 7 and 15 USC.
Global Climate Change Prevention Act of 1990, Public Law No. 101-624, title XXIV (28 November 1990), 104 Stat. 4058, codified at 7 USC §§6701 et seq.
Global Climate Change Research Act of 1990, Public Law No. 101-606 (16 November 1990), 104 Stat. 3098, codified at 15 USC §2921 et seq.
Healthy Forest Restoration Act, Public Law No. 108-148 (3 December 2003), 117 Stat. 1887, codified at 16 USC §§6501–6591 and 7 USC §8101 note.
Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Public Law No. 96-501 (5 December 1980), 94 Stat. 2697, codified at 16 USC §§839 et seq.
2002 California Statutes ch. 423 (an act to amend Sections 42801.1, 42823, 42840, and 42841 of, and to add Section 42823.1 to, the Health and Safety Code, relating to air pollution) (relating to registry of emissions offset by conservation or management of native forests).
Connecticut General Statutes, title 22a (Environmental Protection), ch. 446c (Air Pollution Control), §22a-174d (planting of trees or turf grass as condition of permit).
Idaho Code, title 22 (Agriculture and Horticulture), ch. 52 (Carbon Sequestration Advisory Committee), §§22-5201 to -5206.
The Kyoto Protocol Act of 1998, 415 Illinois Compiled Statutes 140/1–99.
An Act to Provide Leadership in Addressing the Threat of Climate Change, Public Laws of Maine, 1st Regular Session, 121st Legislature, ch. 237, codified at 38 Maine Revised Statutes annotated ch. 3-A, §§574–578.
Minnesota Statutes, ch. 88, §88.82 (Minnesota “releaf” programme).
New Mexico Forest Re-leaf Act, 1990 New Mexico Laws ch. 96, §1, codified at New Mexico Statutes annotated §§68-2-29 to -33 (available at: ).
Forestry Administration, Oregon Revised Statutes, ch. 526, §§526.700–.775 (Forest Resource Trust) and §§526.780–.789 (forestry carbon offsets) ( ).
Acquisition and Development of State Forests, Oregon Revised Statutes, ch. 530, §§530.050 and .500 (allowing management of forests to produce offsets) ( ).
Utility Regulation Generally, Oregon Revised Statutes, ch. 757, §757.266 (rates may encourage tree planting programmes as offsets to carbon dioxide emissions) ( ).
Carbon Offsets, Oregon Administrative Rules, §629-022-0700(2) (1999 revision) ( ).
Standards for Energy Facilities that Emit Carbon Dioxide, Oregon Administrative Rules, §§345-024-0500 et seq. (revised, 1999) ( ).
1 Forest utilization contracts on public land, 1977 (E F S)
2 Planning forest roads and harvesting systems, 1977 (E F S)
3 World list of forestry schools, 1977 (E/F/S)
3 Rev.1 World list of forestry schools, 1981 (E/F/S)
3 Rev.2 World list of forestry schools, 1986 (E/F/S)
4/1 World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade 1– Vol. 1, 1977 (E F S)
4/2 World pulp and paper demand, supply and trade – Vol. 2, 1977 (E F S)
5 The marketing of tropical wood in South America, 1976 (E S)
6 National parks planning, 1976 (E F)
7 Forestry for local community development, 1978 (Ar E F S)
8 Establishment techniques for forest plantations, 1978 (Ar C E* F S)
9 Wood chips – production, handling, transport, 1976 (C E S)
10/1 Assessment of logging costs from forest inventories in the tropics – 1. Principles and methodology, 1978 (E F S)
10/2 Assessment of logging costs from forest inventories in the tropics – 2. Data collection and calculations, 1978 (E F S)
11 Savanna afforestation in Africa, 1977 (E F)
12 China: forestry support for agriculture, 1978 (E)
13 Forest products prices 19601977, 1979 (E/F/S)
14 Mountain forest roads and harvesting, 1979 (E)
14 Rev.1 Logging and transport in steep terrain, 1985 (E)
15 AGRIS forestry – world catalogue of information and documentation services, 1979 (E/F/S)
16 China: integrated wood processing industries, 1979 (E F S)
17 Economic analysis of forestry projects, 1979 (E F S)
17 Sup.1 Economic analysis of forestry projects: case studies, 1979 (E S)
17 Sup.2 Economic analysis of forestry projects: readings, 1980 (C E)
18 Forest products prices 19601978, 1980 (E/F/S)
19/1 Pulping and papermaking properties of fastgrowing plantation wood species – Vol. 1, 1980 (E)
19/2 Pulping and papermaking properties of fastgrowing plantation wood species – Vol. 2, 1980 (E)
20 Forest tree improvement, 1985 (C E F S)
20/2 A guide to forest seed handling, 1985 (E S )
21 Impact on soils of fastgrowing species in lowland humid tropics, 1980 (E F S)
22/1 Forest volume estimation and yield prediction – Vol. 1. Volume estimation, 1980 (C E F S)
22/2 Forest volume estimation and yield prediction
– Vol. 2. Yield prediction, 1980 (C E F S)
23 Forest products prices 19611980, 1981 (E/F/S)
24 Cable logging systems, 1981 (C E)
25 Public forestry administrations in Latin America, 1981 (E)
26 Forestry and rural development, 1981 (E F S)
27 Manual of forest inventory, 1981 (E F)
28 Small and medium sawmills in developing countries, 1981 (E S)
29 World forest products, demand and supply 1990 and 2000, 1982 (E F S)
30 Tropical forest resources, 1982 (E F S)
31 Appropriate technology in forestry, 1982 (E)
32 Classification and definitions of forest products, 1982 (Ar/E/F/S)
33 Logging of mountain forests, 1982 (E F S)
34 Fruitbearing forest trees, 1982 (E F S)
35 Forestry in China, 1982 (C E)
36 Basic technology in forest operations, 1982 (E F S)
37 Conservation and development of tropical forest resources, 1982 (E F S)
38 Forest products prices 19621981, 1982 (E/F/S)
39 Frame saw manual, 1982 (E)
40 Circular saw manual, 1983 (E)
41 Simple technologies for charcoal making, 1983 (E F S)
42 Fuelwood supplies in the developing countries, 1983 (Ar E F S)
43 Forest revenue systems in developing countries, 1983 (E F S)
44/1 Food and fruitbearing forest species –
1. Examples from eastern Africa, 1983 (E F S)
44/2 Food and fruitbearing forest species –
2. Examples from southeastern Asia, 1984
(E F S)
44/3 Food and fruitbearing forest species –
3. Examples from Latin America, 1986 (E S)
45 Establishing pulp and paper mills, 1983 (E)
46 Forest products prices 19631982, 1983 (E/F/S)
47 Technical forestry education – design and implementation, 1984 (E F S)
48 Land evaluation for forestry, 1984 (C E F S)
49 Wood extraction with oxen and agricultural tractors, 1986 (E F S)
50 Changes in shifting cultivation in Africa, 1984 (E F)
50/1 Changes in shifting cultivation in Africa – seven casestudies, 1985 (E)
51/1 Studies on the volume and yield of tropicaI forest stands – 1. Dry forest formations, 1989 (E F)
52/1 Cost estimating in sawmilling industries: guidelines, 1984 (E)
52/2 Field manual on cost estimation in sawmilling industries, 1985 (E)
53 Intensive multipleuse forest management in Kerala, 1984 (E F S)
54 Planificación del desarrollo forestal, 1984 (S)
55 Intensive multipleuse forest management in the tropics, 1985 (E F S)
56 Breeding poplars for disease resistance, 1985 (E)
57 Coconut wood – Processing and use, 1985 (E S)
58 Sawdoctoring manual, 1985 (E S)
59 The ecological effects of eucalyptus, 1985 (C E F S)
60 Monitoring and evaluation of participatory forestry projects, 1985 (E F S)
61 Forest products prices 19651984, 1985 (E/F/S)
62 World list of institutions engaged in forestry and forest products research, 1985 (E/F/S)
63 Industrial charcoal making, 1985 (E)
64 Tree growing by rural people, 1985 (Ar E F S)
65 Forest legislation in selected African countries, 1986 (E F)
66 Forestry extension organization, 1986 (C E S)
67 Some medicinal forest plants of Africa and Latin America, 1986 (E)
68 Appropriate forest industries, 1986 (E)
69 Management of forest industries, 1986 (E)
70 Wildland fire management terminology, 1986 (E/F/S)
71 World compendium of forestry and forest products research institutions, 1986 (E/F/S)
72 Wood gas as engine fuel, 1986 (E S)
73 Forest products: world outlook projections 19852000, 1986 (E/F/S)
74 Guidelines for forestry information processing, 1986 (E)
75 Monitoring and evaluation of social forestry in India – an operational guide, 1986 (E)
76 Wood preservation manual, 1986 (E)
77 Databook on endangered tree and shrub species and provenances, 1986 (E)
78 Appropriate wood harvesting in plantation forests, 1987 (E)
79 Smallscale forestbased processing enterprises, 1987 (E F S)
80 Forestry extension methods, 1987 (E)
81 Guidelines for forest policy formulation, 1987 (C E)
82 Forest products prices 19671986, 1988 (E/F/S)
83 Trade in forest products: a study of the barriers faced by the developing countries, 1988 (E)
84 Forest products: World outlook projections – Product and country tables 1987-2000, 1988 (E/F/S)
85 Forestry extension curricula, 1988 (E/F/S)
86 Forestry poIicies in Europe, 1988 (E)
87 Smallscale harvesting operations of wood and nonwood forest products involving rural people, 1988 (E F S)
88 Management of tropical moist forests in Africa, 1989 (E F P)
89 Review of forest management systems of tropical Asia, 1989 (E)
90 Forestry and food security, 1989 (Ar E S)
91 Design manual on basic wood harvesting technology, 1989 (E F S)
(Published only as FAO Training Series, No. 18)
92 Forestry policies in Europe – An analysis, 1989 (E)
93 Energy conservation in the mechanical forest industries, 1990 (E S)
94 Manual on sawmill operational maintenance,1990 (E)
95 Forest products prices 19691988, 1990 (E/F/S)
96 Planning and managing forestry research: guidelines for managers, 1990 (E)
97 Nonwood forest products: the way ahead, 1991 (E S)
98 Timber plantations in the humid tropics of Africa, 1993 (E F)
99 Cost control in forest harvesting and road construction, 1992 (E)
100 Introduction to ergonomics in forestry in developing countries, 1992 (E F I)
101 Management and conservation of closed forests in tropical America, 1993 (E F P S)
102 Research management in forestry, 1992 (E F S)
103 Mixed and pure forest plantations in the tropics and subtropics, 1992 (E F S)
104 Forest products prices 1971-1990, 1992 (E/F/S)
105 Compendium of pulp and paper training and research institutions, 1992 (E)
106 Economic assessment of forestry project impacts, 1992 (E/F)
107 Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management – Principles and concepts, 1993 (E/F/S)
108 A decade of wood energy activities within the Nairobi Programme of Action, 1993 (E)
109 Directory of forestry research organizations, 1993 (E)
110 Proceedings of the Meeting of Experts on Forestry Research, 1993 (E/F/S)
111 Forestry policies in the Near East region – Analysis and synthesis, 1993 (E)
112 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Tropical countries, 1993 (E)
113 Ex situ storage of seeds, pollen and in vitro cultures of perennial woody plant species, 1993 (E)
114 Assessing forestry project impacts: issues and strategies, 1993 (E F S)
115 Forestry policies of selected countries in Asia and the Pacific, 1993 (E)
116 Les panneaux à base de bois, 1993 (F)
117 Mangrove forest management guidelines, 1994 (E)
118 Biotechnology in forest tree improvement, 1994 (E)
119 Number not assigned
120 Decline and dieback of trees and forests – A global overview, 1994 (E)
121 Ecology and rural education – Manual for rural teachers, 1995 (E S)
122 Readings in sustainable forest management, 1994 (E F S)
123 Forestry education – New trends and prospects, 1994 (E F S)
124 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Global synthesis, 1995 (E F S)
125 Forest products prices 1973-1992, 1995 (E F S)
126 Climate change, forests and forest management – An overview, 1995 (E F S)
127 Valuing forests: context, issues and guidelines, 1995 (E F S)
128 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Tropical forest plantation resources, 1995 (E)
129 Environmental impact assessment and environmental auditing in the pulp and paper industry, 1996 (E)
130 Forest resources assessment 1990 – Survey of tropical forest cover and study of change processes, 1996 (E)
131 Ecología y enseñanza rural – Nociones ambientales básicas para profesores rurales y extensionistas, 1996 (S)
132 Forestry policies of selected countries in Africa, 1996 (E/F)
133 Forest codes of practice – Contributing to environmentally sound forest operations, 1996 (E)
134 Estimating biomass and biomass change of tropical forests – A primer, 1997 (E)
135 Guidelines for the management of tropical forests – 1. The production of wood, 1998 (E S)
136 Managing forests as common property, 1998 (E)
137/1 Forestry policies in the Caribbean –
Volume 1: Proceedings of the Expert Consultation, 1998 (E)
137/2 Forestry policies in the Caribbean –
Volume 2: Reports of 28 selected countries and territories, 1998 (E)
138 FAO Meeting on Public Policies Affecting Forest Fires, 2001 (E F S)
139 Principes de bonne gestion des concessions et contrats relatifs aux forêts publiques, 2003 (E F S)
140 Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 – Main report, 2002 (E F S)
141 Forestry Outlook Study for Africa – Regional report: opportunities and challenges towards 2020, 2003 (E F)
142 Cross-sectoral policy impacts between forestry and other sectors, 2003 (E)
143 Sustainable management of tropical forests in Central Africa – In search of excellence, 2003 (E F)
Availability: November 2004
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