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FAO FISHERIES TECHNICAL PAPER 453 Tilapias as Alien Aquatics in Asia and
the Pacific: by Rohana P. Subasinghe Devin M. Bartley Alan Lowther |
Cover photograph:
Morning catch of tilapias from a reservoir in Sri Lanka. Courtesy of Nalaka
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ISBN 92-5-105227-1
ISSN 0429-9345
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De Silva, S.S; Subasinghe, R.P.; Bartley, D.M.; Lowther, A. ABSTRACT Tilapias are not native to Asia but have been a significant component of inland fisheries and aquaculture in the region for over half a century. They have been introduced into over 90 countries worldwide, with a global distribution second only to common carp. The contribution of tilapias to global aquaculture production has increased over the past three decades with production in 2002 exceeding 1.5 million tonnes with an estimated value of US$1.8 billion. The average annual growth rate in aquaculture and capture fisheries production of tilapias from 1970 to 2002 has been 13.2 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively. In the present context of development, success of a species is determined not only by its contribution to production per se, but also by its social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts. Although tilapia has been associated with adverse environmental impacts, detailed analysis of the literature suggested that other factors, such as overfishing, environmental degradation from land-based activities, and changes in hydrological regime have probably been more responsible for adverse impacts. It is clear that numerous factors working together can impact biodiversity. It is also clear that tilapias, as a group of alien species, have made a significant contribution to food production, poverty alleviation and livelihoods support in Asia and the Pacific. In spite of the wide-scale introduction into Asian waters, there is scant explicit evidence to indicate that tilapias have been overly destructive environmentally. |
© FAO 2004
The introduction and distribution of tilapias in Asia and the Pacific
Sri Lanka
Papua New Guinea
Other countries
Employment and other social impacts
General considerations
Culture practices
Notable phases in the development of tilapia culture
Genetically improved tilapias: the case of Nile tilapia
Possible implications of genetically improved strains
Culture-based fisheries
Potential constraints