The Food and Nutrition Division of FAO would like to express its appreciation to the many people who gave their advice and guidance during the preparation of this resource guide. In particular, we would like to thank the following people for their substantial contributions: Ellen Muehlhoff of the Food and Nutrition Division, the technical editor of this book, was responsible for initiating and managing this project; Margaret McEwan, the primary author of the final manuscript, drew on her wealth of experience in both emergency and development work in Africa to make a vital contribution to the conceptualization of the book and the preparation of resource materials. Veronica Tuffrey contributed to the development of an early draft and compiled a wealth of resource materials.
FAO gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals from other United Nations organizations, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations who reviewed earlier drafts: Kate Godden, Patrick Webb, Helen Young, Joanne Csete, Bruce Cogill, Marion Kelly, Karlyn Eckman, Fiona Watson, Christine Cambrezy, Marion Herens, Philip White, Lalita Battarcharjee, Lola Gostelow, Saskia van der Kam, Rita Bhatia, Jane MacAskill, Deepti Chirmulay, Véronique Priem and Ian Christoplos.
Valuable technical comments and contributions were provided by FAO staff including Noreen Prendiville, Coordinator Nutrition Surveillance Project, Food Security Analysis Unit (FSAU) for Somalia; Laurent Thomas and Agnès Dhur, formerly of the Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division; Angela Hinrichs, Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division; and Florence Egal, Brian Thompson, William D. Clay, Guy Nantel and Karel Callens from FAO's Food and Nutrition Division
Jane Shaw edited the final manuscript. Noreen Prendiville was responsible for layout and design in collaboration with Jacaranda Designs Ltd, Nairobi, which undertook the desk-top publishing.
The publication of this document was made possible through the generous financial assistance of the Food Security Analysis Unit (FSAU), Somalia, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (Project OSRO/SOM/304/USA).