A. Perlis
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Editorial (Download- 27 KB)
J. Heino and J. Karvonen
Forests – an integrated part of Finnish life (Download- 298 KB)
L. Barraza and J. Pineda
How young people see forests in Mexico: a comparison of two rural communities (Download- 213 KB)
K. Urgessa
Perceptions of forest cover and tree planting and ownership in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia
(Download- 150 KB)
C. Young and M. Wesner
Aesthetic values of forests: measuring the visual impact of forestry operations
(Download- 173 KB)
Children’s perceptions of forests (Download- 1.440 KB)
J. Crews
Forest and tree symbolism in folklore (Download- 213 KB)
Mbuti arts and traditions – a culture derived from the forest
E.H. Sène
Trees, forests, beliefs and religions in Sahelian West Africa
(Download- 44 KB)
L.J. Musselman
Trees in the Koran and the Bible (Download- 180 KB)
A. Daoud
Tree formations around places of worship in the Near EastSaving the cedar of Lebanon, Cedrus libani – a cultural emblem
P.S. Swamy, M. Kumar and S.M. Sundarapandian
Spirituality and ecology of sacred groves in Tamil Nadu, India (Download- 222 KB)
M.K. Gachanja
Public perception of forests as a motor for change: the case of Kenya
(Download- 135 KB)
FAO FORESTRY (Download- 70 KB)
BOOKS (Download- 122 KB)