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The second meeting of the ad hoc Working party on coastal demersal resources from southern Mauritania to Liberia held two years after the first meeting was mainly to appraise improvements in fishery statistics covering performances and specific or regional potential stocks.

The group met at the Centre de recherches océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT), Senegal, under the chairmanship of F. Lhomme. The CECAF1 project again wishes to thank Messrs Sauger, Director-General of the Institut sénégalais de recherches agricoles (ISRA) and Fontana, Director of CRODT, for their kind cooperation.

Participants at the meeting were:

F. Lhomme, CRODT (ORSTOM), Senegal (Chairman)
A. Fontana, CRODT (ORSTOM), Senegal
F. Domain, ORSTOM, France
A. Caverivière, CRO (ORSTOM) Ivory Coast
C. Franqueville, CRODT (Aid and Cooperation Mission), Senegal
P. Dixon, Bureau of Fisheries, Liberia
T.R. Brainerd, Fisheries Division, Sierra Leone
M. Cissé, General Division of Fisheries, Revolutionary People's Republic of Guinea
M. Thiam, CRODT (ISRA), Senegal
M. Ansa-Emmim, CECAF Project (Secretary), Dakar, Senegal
S. Garcia, Fisheries Department, FAO (Rapporteur)
P.J. Monoyer, CECAF Project, Dakar, Senegal
J.A. Gueredrat, ORSTOM, Observer
L. Domanevsky, AtlantNIRO, USSR

1 The CECAF project coded INT/72/074 and entitled in full Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic, became from 1 January 1980 one component of the larger Interegional Fisheires Development and Management Programme, coded INT/79/019

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