

Havana, Cuba, 22 to 26 April 2002



Technical Committee

22 to 23 April 2002


1. Opening of the Technical Committee

2. Election of the Technical Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Appointment of Rapporteur

3. Adoption of the Technical Committee Agenda and Timetable


4. Balance between Food Security and the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean

The document refers to those cases in which the pressure to achieve food security leads to the fatigue or degradation of natural resources which are the basis for the agricultural food production systems. It also refers to those successful FAO field programme projects, in which not only has it been possible to preserve but also improve natural resources within the agricultural production system, by diversifying and increasing productivity and making contributions towards food security in the respective communities. As a result of these successful experiences, the document will include recommendations and policy guidelines needed to achieve food security, in balance with natural resources, as part of the agricultural production system.

5. Partnerships for food security and rural development

The document points out how the traditional rural development focus has been transformed, in order to keep in step with the changes of the macro economic framework and the trends of the global food and agriculture systems. It also outlines those elements conducive to institutional reforms with this new vision in mind.

The document also discusses FAO's field programme and other national experiences of how, through the promotion of strategic alliances, it has been possible to reinforce governmental, private and social institutions responsible for rural development. Based on these positive experiences, policy guidelines and recommendations are proposed to achieve a new institutional framework leading to sustainable rural development.

6. Effects of subsidies and market restrictions on agriculture and fisheries production and market access

This document will focus on the following issues:

7. Other matters

8. Consultation meetings and group discussions among Delegations

In view of the request made by the Delegations during the 25th Regional Conference, those participants who wish so, may plan multilateral, regional or subregional meetings, in order to discuss current issues of mutual interest.


9. Adoption of the Report of the Technical Committee

10. Closure of the Technical Committee Meeting

Plenary Session

24 to 26 April 2002


1. Opening Ceremony

2. Election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Appointment of Rapporteur

3. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable


4. Statement of the Director General

5. FAO Activities (2000 - 2001) trends and challenges in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security in the Region and actions taken on the main recommendations of the 26th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean

This item of the Agenda will review FAO's work in the Region, analyse the evolution of priority issues for agricultural and rural development and discuss the orientation for FAO activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. An analysis will be made of the trends and main challenges, which the sector in our Region has, to face regarding the changes in the structure of production per sector, changes in the use of resources and in the structure of agricultural trade. There will also be a revision of the main policies affecting the sector, considering policy tools and sector policies, enhancing some successful solutions. Discussions will be held on the main issues prevailing in the Region, among which are; in-depth multilateral agricultural reforms (the new Round); the much needed agricultural reconversion deriving from globalisation; the options of employment for the rural population; the new technologies for agricultural competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean; and analysing the effect these issues have on food and agriculture and rural development, their evolution over the past years and future trends. In each case, reference will be made of their impact on FAO programme. Likewise, the main measures adopted to comply with the recommendations of the 26th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean will be explained.

6. Preparation for the World Food Summit: five years later - Regional Dimensions

This document contains the progress and constraints of the World Food Summit Plan of Action: five years later, together with the implications it may have on the Region.

7. Reports of the Regional Commissions: Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission (WECAFC), Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACF) and the Commission on Livestock Development for Latin America and the Caribbean

Regarding this issue, an analysis will be made of the Reports of the Regional Commissions. The 29th FAO Conference (Rome, November 1997) urged the regional agencies, created under Article VI of the FAO Constitution, to search for additional extra budgetary resources and recommended a series of measures to speed it up and increase their efficiency. To facilitate the analysis of this item, documents LARC/02/INF/6, LARC/02/INF/7 and LARC/02/INF/8 include a synthesis of background information, the main achievements and recommendations of the last meetings of the respective regional commissions. The Conference is invited to examine the measures proposed together with other measures, which can be proposed by the Member Countries, to strengthen the role of the FAO in Latin America and the Caribbean.

8. General discussions on trends and challenges in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food security in the Region

Based on information given to the delegations and information stemming from the presentations made during the Plenary Session, the countries should indulge in debates on main issues, present experiences and make recommendations not only to FAO but also to the governments on follow-up activities regarding the trends and challenges analysed.


9. Date and place for the 28th Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Memorandum of Responsibilities will be presented to those Member Countries interested in hosting the Conference.

10. Other Matters

11. Consultation meetings and group discussions among delegations

In view of the request made by the delegations during the 25th Regional Conference, those participants who wish so, may plan multilateral, regional or subregional meetings, in order to analyse current issues of mutual interest.

12. Adoption of the Report (including the Report of the Technical Committee)

13. Closure of the Regional Conference